Step 1: Draw the three shapes that you see. The bottom resembles a bowl, the middle is trapezoidal the top is triangular. Together, these shapes resemble a christmas tree.

Step 2: Add the double shape for the thumbs. Notice that the closer thumb is the exact height of the trapezoid.

Step 3: Add the palm of the right hand.

Step 4: Add the fingers of the right hand.

Step 5: Add the shapes at the bottom.

Step 6: This is a tricky and important step. We are carving out fingers. Use the lines left from previous steps as comparison points. Notice that the fingertips go above and outside of the triangle shape. Also notice where the lines that separate the fingers, end in the trapezoid shape. Here is a close up.


Step 7: Add the details on the right hand. Here is a close up.


Step 8: Now, we are going to put in the shapes for shading. DO NOT feel the pressure to be exact. If its slightly different than mine, IT IS OK!!!!.....Lets start with the thumb. Add the shadow shapes that you see. DO NOT press too hard on the pencil.

Step 9: Add the shading to the lower part of the left hand.

Step 10: Shade the middle of the right hand.

Step 11: Shade lightly between the fingers.

Step 12: Add the fingernails and the oval shapes at mid finger. Notice that the oval shapes are not parallel with each other.

Step 13 Add the shading to the palm and wrist of the left hand.

Step 14: Add the shading to the top of the left hand.

Step 15 Shade the fingers of the left hand.

Step 16: Use the blending stump (tortillion) to smudge the edges of the shapes (see the process in the video above)

Step 17: Fingers are rounded shapes. Use the blending stump to smudge the lines between the fingers. Leave some space for a highlight towards the left (your left); where the light is coming from.

Step 18: The shading should get darker as you move from left to right. Press a little harder and use the higher number B pencils. I used a 2B and 6B pencil as I progressed.

Step 19: By now, your drawing should look similar to this. The bony structure of the back of the hand is starting to get "defined". Use your eraser and HB pencil to draw what you see here. Do your best, this is a DIFFICULT task; but it gets easier if you look back at your reference image often.

Step 20: Now, Start pressing a little bit harder with your B pencils (2B.3B,4B,5B,6B,7B,8B). Focus on the edges.

Step 21: NOTICE the DIFFERENCE of EDGES. They are NOT all the same!!!!!! Some are hard, some are soft, some are dark, some are light.

Step 22: USE THE ERASER! It is a fantastic drawing tool. In the video you will see me use a kneaded eraser as well as the one on the back of a pencil.

Step 23 is optional. I decided to shade the background to bring the highlights out on the hand. WHITE highlights on WHITE background does not work!!!!!!

Step 24: Its OK to use your fingers..........Sometimes......but especially at the end of a drawing rather than the beginning (the oils in your hand will affect the paper at the beginning of a drawing).
I also dedided (very late) to add the shirt sleeve. MY BAD!!! See the video (above) for tips on this.
