Merrill Kazanjian Mahmoud Ahmedinejad + Kim Jong Il + Hogo Chavez = Hugmedinejong Ill
What happens when the faces of three dictators are merged? Megazord and the Power Rangers have nothing on `Hugmadenijong ill`. Check out this video to see some tradigital artwork by artist Merrill Kazanjian. It is done in time lapse (2 hours in to 2 minutes). I started out with the computer program Paint Shop Pro 8 (a stone age version of Photoshop) to cut and arrange a photomontage. Next, I printed on thick paper. After that, I tied it together with a layer of color pencil. Finally, I put the finishing touches on with oil paint. The method that I use is called Tradigital Art. It combines traditional media (paint, pencil) with digital media (computer applications and digital photography). Youtube Link-
Photoshop is the Gold Standard for Photomanipulation Art