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Merrill Kazanjian
Collection: Drawing Essentials (Tutorials)

This series of videos is made for artists who are searching for a formula to draw the human body from their memory.

Ultimate Guide to Human Proportion for Figure Drawing. <p style=`background-repeat: repeat; background-position: center center;`>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p style=`background-color: #ffffff; background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: repeat; font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif; background-position: center center;`>    <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  </tbody>  </table>  <table style=`width: 644px; height: 412px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong><span style=`color: #ff0000;`><span style=`background-image: url(; background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: center center; font-size: x-large;`><span style=`background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000;`>Head Lengths as Measurements: Average Joe versus Heroic Proportions</span></span></span></strong></span></p>  <p><img title=`merrill kazanjian in headlengths` src=`` alt=`merrill kazanjian in head lengths` width=`657` height=`348` /></p>  <p><img style=`FLOAT: left` title=`Michelangelo David` src=`` alt=`Michelangelo David` width=`292` height=`354` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: large;`>The most common unit of measurement in figure drawing is a <strong>head length</strong>. From antiquity through the Renaissance, artists painted and sculpted figures that were 8 or 9 head lengths tall. For instance, Michelangelo`s David, when measured, is 8 head lengths tall. The proportions of the David are idealized and heroic and different than the proportions of the average person, such as myself. I measured 7 1/4 head lengths tall. I guess that I am NOT a hero!</span></p>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p>I could never get a consistant answer on how many headlengths tall the average human body I decided to construct an experiment. have read in some places that the body is as short as 7 head lengths and as tall as 8. I measured 100 people. 50 males and 50 females....right now you are seeing only a small sample... I made sure to include various body types to make this study scientific. I was able to learn that a humans proportions in head lengths is directly related with a persons height. The shortest person measured only 5 and 1/3 head lengths...the tallest was 8 and a half head lengths. ...But the vast majority were very close to 7.5 head lengths....and When I averaged the 100 people together, the result was 7.47 head lengths. Merrill! What the Hell is that .....and how does this relate to figure drawing? ......Oh dont worry, this chart shows you a normal distribution of heights. All that you need to know is that you can use 7.5 head lengths as a fairly accurate measurement, 95 percent of the time. So there its settled. The average human is 7.5 head lengths tall. Spaces on our bodies equivalent to one head length are...on our arm, 1.) from the top of the armpit to the joint of the elbow 2.) From the bottom of our chin to our nipples 3.) From our nipples to our navel 4. ) The height of our rear end. While females have differences in their anatomy, these measurements will work on them as well. Where do two head lengths fit on the human body? 1.) Its two head lengths down the upper leg 2.) It is also two head lengths down the lower leg 3.) It is two head lengths between the clavicle and the anterior iliadic crest...also known as the bony area that protrudes slightly lower than and on either side of your navel. 4.) It is also two head lengths from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger 5.) It is also two head lengths down the back, not including the neck Across 1.) Two heads across the shoulders What about three head lengths? 1.) 3 head lengths from the top of the head to the belly button 2.) 3 head lengths from the top of the armpit to the tip of the middle finger and Four head lengths? 1.) The length of the leg is four head lengths I have an important suggestion for when we draw the entire body. We know that the average body is 7 1/2 head lengths. Split up these head lengths in to three from the top and four from the bottom, with the extra half head length in the middle of the body. Splitting up the body in this way allows us to identify the landmarks more easily. We know that the height of the leg is four heads and the nipples and navel are landmarks that can be used from the top down. If you dont like using headlengths, there are other useful measurements to know. For instance, did you know that our armspan is usually the same distance as our height? Notice that NBA star, Yao Ming has an equal arm span to his seven foot five inch height, in the picture on the right. Another suggestion that I have is to remember the belly button rule. This comes from Leonardo Davinci who states that if a persons legs are chopped off below the knee, the belly button becomes the center of the body. Also, it is the same distance from the top of the head to the tip of the middle finger, as it is from the ground to the belly button. Davinci also said that the width of a persons shoulders is 1/4 of their height. I have found this measurement to be less accurate than head lengths but it is still applicable most of the time. Knowing this information also gives us the ability to break the body in to four parts. 1.) Head to nipples 2.) nipples to groin 3.) Groin to kneecap 4.) Kneecap to ground Now lets talk about size relationships between similar body parts. On average, the arm is about 25 percent smaller than the leg. The hand is the same size as the face. It is also the same size as the foot without the toes. The head is very similar in size to the foot. Finally there is about one hand length between the rib cage and the pelvis. In my next video I will cover the skeletal differences between males and females. You can download the notes to this video by hitting the first link in the video description.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p> Shading Resource. <p>  <object width=`560` height=`340` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* Across top */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p> In this video, I will demonstrate how to build tones while drawing. I will teach you about drawing pencils and when and how to use them. And I will demonstrate the drawing technique of cross hatching. But, this time I am going to do something different....You have the option to follow along! I decided to go the extra mile and provide you with a worksheet for the final segment of this video. Take a second to go to and type in `shading resource`...print it out and do your best. We have a lot to cover, so lets start off with learning about pencils. Recap - Start out with a light to neutral pencil and go darker as you go on. - Each row of hatches should be done at a slightly different angle to the previous row. -When you cross hatch you should build your tones up slowly - You can differentiate your tones through adding pressure to the pencil but dont dent the paper or things will get more difficult. - To make neat hatches, use the tip that I gave you (put a piece of paper by the edge) -A slip sheet prevents smudges This piece took me two hours to make! Take your time</p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>- Buy the supplies that I use: (Below)</span></p>  <p> </p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`General`s Sketchmate Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>General`s Sketchmate Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This complete sketching set is ideal for beginning and experienced artists alike. It offers a set of high-quality products at a low price. General`s Sketchmate Drawing Set contains the following materials: 3 graphite drawing pencils in varying degrees of hardness 2 charcoal pencils in varying degrees of hardness 1 layout Pencil Sandpaddle sharpener White eraser Blending tortillon Sharpener for fine charcoal and graphite pencils Pencils are pre-sharpened.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22926-1009` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This convenient set has everything you need to draw anywhere. It includes the following materials: 12 Faber-Castell 9000 pencils (8B, 7B, 6B, 5B, 4B, 3B, 2B, B, HB, F, H, and 2H) Stainless steel sharpener Dust-free vinyl eraser Black nylon pencil bag</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`50-Sheet Pads` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>50-Sheet Pads</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Tape-bound on the short side.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10304-1013` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Paper Pads` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Paper Pads</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Strathmore 400 is one of the most versatile sheets Strathmore offers. This off-white drawing paper, with a uniform surface, is ideal for sketching and most finished work. It readily accepts pen and ink, pencil, crayon, charcoal, light washes, and markers. Acid-free. Pads contain 24 sheets of 80 lb (130 gsm) paper, spiral-bound on the short side.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10316-1017` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form> Male vs. Female Skull. <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */    google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;    google_ad_width = 728;    google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  Drawing Tips- The Differences Between Male and Female Faces, Heads, Skulls This video will illustrate the differences between male and female faces. In part 1 of this video, I will compare male and female facial features, bone structure and musculature. In the in the second part of this video, I will do a demonstration. During this demonstration, I will review what we learned in the first part and teach you how to draw the nuances of the male and female face for artistic (art) purposes. During my demonstration, I use a pencil an eraser and a blending stick (stub) also known as a tortillion. Lets look at the differences of the male and female skull first and then we will work our way up to the skin. Male and female children have similar skull shapes. But once children hit puberty, the differences start to appear. Testosterone provokes the growth of certain facial features in males, while female faces remain relatively childlike. The presence of higher levels of testosterone give men a thicker bone structure with more prominent bones. Male faces have a wider, more prominent jaw, chin and cheekbones (also known as the zygomatic arch). The physical size of the male skull is usually larger than the female skull. A very distinct characteristic of a male skull, is a protruding supraorbital ridge also known as a brow line. Female faces are more rounded and tend to have a narrow jaw line. They have a softness that the male face lacks. It carries more fat than the male face, especially in the cheeks. Female faces tend to have thicker lips and a higher arch on the top lip. Female eyebrows generally sit a little higher than male eyebrows and they usually have a thinner and more arched shape, mainly due to plucking. The female nose tends to be smaller, shorter and have a narrower bridge and nostrils than the male one. Also, female noses often have a straighter or more concave profile. Men tend to have thicker and lower eyebrows than women. The male jaw line is wider than the female chin. It is also more muscular and square in shape. The lips are thicker and more full on a female. Also there is less of a distance between the arch of the top lip and the bottom of the nose. Before we go on to part 2. I want to make this complex subject as simple as possible so I took notes for you! If you are watching this on youtube hit the link. If not, just go to my website and type skull in the search box and download this cheat sheet for when you draw. Merrill Kazanjian is a contemporary artist based in New York City. He is also a New York State Certified Art instructor with 8 years of experience. He specializes in drawing, painting and mixed media art.</p>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p>  <object width=`560` height=`340` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p> How to Learn Portrait Drawing in Five Minutes. <p>  <object width=`425` height=`344` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* Across top */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p>Artist Merrill Kazanjian breaks down the process of drawing from a photograph and simplifies it in to three steps. A time lapse demonstration is done at the end. Kazanjian`s videotaped himself drawing a pencil portrait over the course of an hour. Kazanjian narrates as the hour-long drawing is sped up in to three fact filled minutes. It is a great video to see if you want to impove your portrait drawing skills. This video covers, contour drawing, drawing from observation, crosshatching, tones, breaking drawings in to shapes to simplify the drawing process and drawing the features of the human face. It is an instructional, traditional drawing, video.</p>  <p> </p>
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