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Merrill Kazanjian
Collection: Mixed Media Art

Psycho Cheerleader. <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* Across top */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <table style=`width: 641px; height: 70px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><span style=`font-size: small;`>Crazy Cheerleader- The `inspiration` behind this artwork was a SCARY, ESPN fitness competition. A REALLY SCARY muscle bound woman dressed up as a cheerleader and danced around the stage, did backflips and finger push ups............All with a DISTURBING smile on her face!!!!....I coundn`t get the imagery out of my head, so I did some art! I use Paint Shop Pro 9 and Photoshop to distort and cut out images and juxtapose them over each other. I finished my `work` by printing it and finish it with a color pencil. </span></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Paintshop Pro Photo X3` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Paintshop Pro Photo X3</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion: I have used an older version of this software for years. It has EVERYTHING that I need to make Photomanipulations (as I did in the video above). The software is currently on sale at a great price right now. Check it out! Tell them that Merrill sent you! :)</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`trkid` type=`hidden` value=`CJ` /> <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10707330` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`PK_TS13ESD` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=` ?` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` />   <table style=`width: 624px; height: 46px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  </tbody>  </table>  </p> Scooby Doo Makeover 2011. <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p> </p>  <p>  <table style=`width: 641px; height: 46px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>Ahh Scooby Doo.....I remember vegging out as a kid watching four hippies and one stoned dog solve mysteries. They drove everywhere in the world....Pacific Ocean? no problem! I never questioned how they financed their trips..... because back then, gas was cheap and it wasnt leaking in to the Gulf of Mexico. Since my son was born, I have rediscovered cartoons....But they are different....They ask too many questions....No Dora, I dont want to choose the map from your mutant talking bookbag and then take a multiple choice test.....Thats even trippier than a Scooby Snack! Anyway, this video is going to slove one last mystery.....What would the characters of Scooby Doo look like at the present if they aged like regular people. </span></p>  <p> </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>BELOW- The Art Supplies I used to make this art work.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* Across top */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Paintshop Pro Photo X3` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Paintshop Pro Photo X3</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Back to School and Save $40 on PaintShop Photo Pro X3. PaintShop Photo Pro X3. Available by instant download or box - Paint Shop Pro Photo X3. Powerful photo software that?s loaded with extras like: Media recovery software, Creative content pack, Corel Painter Photo Essentials 4 and a 2 GB USB flash drive?over $200 in value. View and edit photos quickly using the Express Lab. Retouch like a pro with unique Makeover Tools. Over 600 artistic special effects give photos a unique look. Professional tools like HDR Photo Merge Curves & Levels. Rely on the integrated Learning Center for step-by-step instruction.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`trkid` type=`hidden` value=`CJ` /> <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10707330` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`PK_TS13ESD` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=` ?` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Set of 96` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Set of 96</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Includes one marker in each color and a Colorless Blender.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22148-1096` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Special Offer!` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Special Offer!</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Get a FREE 12-color set of NuPastels with the purchase of a Prismacolor Premier Pencil 120-Color Tin Box Set! For a limited time only. No limit on purchases.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20508-1219` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>    <table style=`width: 610px; height: 118px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>Music is from Kevin MacLeod of a great site for royalty free music. scooby doo where are you scooby doo online free games free online scooby doo games `` [scooby doo movie] scooby doo videos thelma scooby doo scooby doo episode guide scooby doo cartoonnetwork scooby doo tv show youtube scooby doo scooby doo pics cartoon network scooby doo scooby doo dvds<br />scooby doo episode scooby doo youtube velma from scooby doo picture of scooby doo<br />scooby doo colouring pages scooby doo colouring scooby doo unleashed scooby doo velma scooby doo games online free scooby doo online games free scooby doo free games online scooby doo thelma scooby doo songs scooby doo games for free `scooby doo characters` scooby doo pictures `scooby doo cartoon` scooby doo dvd watch scooby doo scooby doo monsters scooby doo outfit scooby doo coloring book scooby doo coloring pictures scooby doo coloring scooby doo song scooby doo theme song scooby doo dvd collection all scooby doo movies scooby doo video [scooby doo the mystery begins] dvd scooby doo scooby doo first frights pictures of scooby doo scooby doo mystery van cartoon net work shaggy scooby doo scooby doo phone scooby doo tour scooby doo official scooby doo scooby doo velma scooby doo scooby doo the beginning<br />scooby doo come all scooby doo buy scooby doo scooby doos scooby doo theme scooby doo doo scooby doo and the scooby doo scooby doo series scooby doo tickets scooby doo new scooby doo the scooby doo scooby scooby doo part cartoon network games `cartoon network games` [cartoon network games] scooby doo online games scooby doo games for kids shaggy scooby doo games all scooby doo games play scooby doo games scooby doo gameplay scooby doo games online scooby doo games to play scooby doo puzzle games games of scooby doo scooby doo games online online scooby doo games online games scooby doo scooby doo games scooby doo fun games scooby doo online games for kids scooby doo adventure games `scooby doo games` [scooby doo games] scooby doo monsters unleashed scooby doo two scooby doo mystery</td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> Funny Artwork: Grandma doing the Myspace Self Pic Pose (Self Shot). <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;        /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */        google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;        google_ad_width = 728;        google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p>If you own a computer, and you have a myspace account, chances are, you have seen what is known as the myspace self photo....also known as the TOO MUCH INFORMATION profile pic! These photos are usually a combination of blatant misspelling and nudity. Sexxii Grannii (Sexy Granny) ON DECK (Whatever the HELL that means)! As an artist, it is my job document what exists in the world around me. Right now (early 2010), the social networking sites are I created this mixed media artwork, based upon a scary picture that I saw on Myspace.   <object width=`560` height=`340` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  I took a mixed media approach in creating this work. 1.) Pencil- I used the pencil to sketch the initial pose. I do not do any shading while working with the pencil (in step one) 2.) Illustration Marker- Prismacolor and Chartpak Ad markers allow me to put down layers of color quickly. These markers leave transparent marks of color, similar to watercolor paint and often, their vibrancy can be seen through layers of translucent color (added later). 3.) Color Pencils- The fine tip of color pencils allow me to make marks with extreme precision. I use prismacolor color pencils because they blend extremely well and are compatible with oil paint. 4.) Oil Paint- The most versatile medium. Oil paint can be applied in thick `impasto` style or in thin transparent glazes. In this case, I tried to finish my work......but I decided that I needed to make a few changes. 5.) In order to make those changes, I let my work dry, then scanned it, then opened it up in.... 6.) Photoshop (And Paint Shop Pro 9)- THese two computer programs allow me to do digital collage and edit/refine my work. In this case, I changed the posture of the character. 7.) Print- On SPECIAL paper (hit the link) 8.) Color pencil- to bring out the tones (again) and prep the paper for oil paint (yes, it is a good primer). Also the color from the color pencils mix with the oil paint, which creates a cool effect. 9.) Oil Paint- Finishing touches 10.) Scan 11.) Save as a PNG that I can use this character multiple times. -Merrill Kazanjian</p>  <!-- @import url(; -->  <div class=`cse-branding-right` style=`background-color:#000000;color:#FFFFFF`>  <div class=`cse-branding-form`><form id=`cse-search-box` action=``>  <div><input name=`cx` type=`hidden` value=`partner-pub-6730899040960500:xnfspl1lg7u` /> <input name=`ie` type=`hidden` value=`ISO-8859-1` /> <input name=`q` size=`31` type=`text` /> <input name=`sa` type=`submit` value=`Search` /></div>  </form></div>  <div class=`cse-branding-logo`><img src=`` alt=`Google` /></div>  <div class=`cse-branding-text`>Custom Search</div>  </div>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */    google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;    google_ad_width = 336;    google_ad_height = 280;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p> Illustration Markers: Prismacolor vs. AD Chartpak- A Comparison by Merrill Kazanjian. <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;                        /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */                        google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;                        google_ad_width = 728;                        google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><span style=`font-size: large;`><span style=`color: #c0c0c0;`>In this article, I will compare the two most popular brands of illustration markers; Prismacolor and Ad Chartpak. I am an artist, a teacher and a professional illustrator and I have been using both Prismacolor and Ad Chartpak markers for many years. The subscribers of my <a href=``>youtube channel</a> have seen me depend upon illustration markers in my work, and I have recieved many questions about the artistic capabilities of illustration markers. I have noticed that there is not a lot of information on the internet regarding this topic, so I decided to contribute my perspective. As you continue to read this article, you will become aware of each brand`s strengths and weaknesses, so that you could make an educated decision, if you should choose to purchase some. </span></span></p>  <p> </p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><strong><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>ABOUT THE ARTISTIC MEDIUM OF ILLUSTRATION MARKERS</span></strong></p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`><span style=`font-size: large;`>I choose to use Illustration Markers in my work, because they are fast, portable and mixable with other media. I was trained as an oil painter but my busy lifestyle forced me to reconsider my approach to art making. I stumbled upon illustration markers when I visited a friends studio. I quickly learned to think about illustration markers as a descendant (or a relative) of watercolor paint. Both are means to apply transparent color. Once an artist practices with illustration markers, and learns the nuances of the medium, he/she can get sophisticated in a fraction of the time that it would take to create a work in watercolor. </span></span></p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`><span style=`font-size: large;`><br /></span></span></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`><span style=`font-size: large;`><strong><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>VIDEO</span></strong></span></span></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`> </p>  <p>  <object width=`425` height=`344` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`><span style=`font-size: large;`><strong><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>TIPS FROM VIDEO<br /></span></strong></span></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: large;`>1.) Markers- When you use illustration markers, think of yourself as a watercolor artist. I say this because illustration markers enable you with the means to apply transparent color and layer it multiple times. But there is a trade off in using illustration markers (AND ONE THAT I AM DEFINITELY WILLING TO MAKE) The colors are pre mixed and you are limited in creating tones (light and dark values) and chromas (range of the intensity of color) in your work. You will see in the video demonstration that the markers do not blend together like wet paint. There are simple ways to compensate for the lack of mixability.<br /></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: large;`>2.) Special Markers- There are two different types of special illustration markers; Blender markers and grays. I know....I just said that there is no blending. The blender marker is a little deceptive. It is simply a marker without color in it. It is comprised of the fluid that the marker is mixed in. When it is applied on paper, the colors will bleed together. You will see during my demonstration that there is a big difference between bleeding and blending.  The warm and cool gray markers are used to build tones. Usually, there are ten warm grays and ten cool grays in a complete marker set. Ten is the darkest tone and one is the lightest.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: large;`>3.) Paper- In order to use Illustration Markers to their full capacity, you will need Bleedproof paper. It is specifically made for markers, and it prevents markers from running.</span></p>  <p> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`><span style=`font-size: large;`><br /></span></span></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: large;`><span style=`color: #000000;`><strong><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>ABOUT PRISMACOLOR AND AD CHARTPAK</span></strong><br /></span></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: large;`><span style=`color: #000000;`><br /></span></span></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: large;`><span style=`color: #000000;`><strong>AN OVERALL COMPARISON OF THE TWO TOP BRANDS</strong><br /></span></span></p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`Prismacolor vs. Ad Chartpak Illustration Markers` src=`` alt=`Comparison of Prismacolor vs Chartpak Ad Illustration Markers` width=`574` height=`443` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Both brands offer a wide range of colors and both are quality products. I use both brands when I work (as evidenced in my <a href=``>videos</a>). I currently have a slight preferance toward AD Chartpak, but when I first started using illustration markers, I preferred the superior control of Prismacolor.  It is a matter of preferance.....Power (AD Chartpak) versus Accuracy (Prismacolor). The best solution is to use them together. <br /></span></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: large;`><strong><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>MY RECOMMENDATIONS</span></strong><br /></span></p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><span style=`font-size: large;`>If you choose to experiment with illustration markers in your work. I would recommend that you purchase Bleedproof paper (shown below). I stress this point if you wish to purchase AD Chartpak markers (You could get away with using regular paper with the Prismacolor markers). I would also recommend for you to purchase a set based upon your interests (I will provide you with lots of possibilities below). For instance, most of my work deals with the human figure, so a set with a lot of flesh tones makes the most sense for a person like me. I do use all of the markers that I have (OVER 500!!!!) but I use 100 flesh tones out of the 500 eighty percent of the time! Below I will list all of the possibilities. If you have a question, leave me a comment (at the bottom) and I will be sure to respond.  </span></p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><span style=`font-size: large;`><br /></span></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: large;`><strong><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>PAPER</span></strong><br /></span></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Borden & Riley Paris Bleedproof Paper For Pens` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Borden & Riley Paris Bleedproof Paper For Pens</span></strong></p>  <p>If you are purchasing Ad Markers, this is a must. It comes in three sizes.- Merrill</p>  <p> </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>The smooth, hard surface of Paris paper is a convenient and economical alternative to bristol board. Brilliant white, crisp, and bleedproof, it is the ideal surface for detailed pen-and-ink illustrations rendered for reproduction with crowquill pens, broad drawing pens, calligraphy, or fountain pens. Each pad contains 40 sheets.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10601-1153` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><strong><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>COMPLETE SETS</span></strong></p>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 883px; height: 259px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Chartpak Ad Marker Sets` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Chartpak Ad Marker Set of 100<br /></span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>These are an investment! They are durable and portable and have lasted me several years. I purchased my set in 2007 and I have only had to replace a few colors. When you buy a set, you recieve a really cool and useful marker stand. Personally, Chartpak AD Markers are my favorite. If you compare the price to other brands this is the best value. -Merrill<br /></span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21303-1009` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 1157px; height: 289px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Set of 156` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Prismacolor Set of 156</span></strong></p>  <p>Prismacolor markers are superior for accuracy. They take less time to get used to because they do not bleed as much. It is less necessary to purchase bleedproof paper with these markers. - Merrill</p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This set of 156 contains Process Red, Blush Pink, Warm Gray 20%, Warm Gray 30%, Warm Gray 40%, Warm Gray 50%, Warm Gray 60%, Warm Gray 70%, Warm Gray 80%, Warm Gray 90%, Cool Gray 10%, Cool Gray 20%, Deco Peach, Cool Gray 30%, Cool Gray 40%, Cool Gray 50%, Cool Gray 60%, Cool Gray 70%, Cool Gray 80%, Cool Gray 90%, Broad Metallic Silver, Fine Metallic Silver, Broad Metallic Gold, Light Peach, Fine Metallic Gold, Clear Blender, Salmon Pink, Spanish Orange, Limepeel, Peacock Blue, Cerulean Blue, Imperial Violet, Parma Violet, Poppy Red, Deco Orange, Deco Yellow, Jasmine, Deco Pink, Deco Blue, Clay Rose, Pale Vermillion, Celadon Green, Jade Green, Brittany Blue, Mediterranean Blue, Cloud Blue, Blue Slate, Periwinkle, Greyed Lavender, Bronze, Yellow Orange, Mahogany Red, Raspberry, Henna, Pumpkin Orange, Mineral Orange, French Gray 10%, French Gray 20%, French Gray 30%, French Gray 40%, French Gray 50%, Orange, French Gray 60%, French Gray 70%, French Gray 80%, French Gray 90%, Grass Green, True Green, Apple Green, Dark Purple, Tuscan Red, Sunburst Yellow, Peach, Lilac, Light Umber, Yellow Ochre, Forest Green, Spruce Green, Emerald, Leaf Green, Canary Yellow, Tulip Yellow, Cream, Spring Green, Light Olive Green, Chartreuse, Dark Olive Green, Dark Green, Parrot Green, Lime Green, Aquamarine, Teal Blue, True Blue, Crimson Red, Copenhagen Blue, Violet Blue, Indigo Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Navy Blue, Light Aqua, Light Blue, Light Cerulean Blue, Scarlet Lake, Violet, Mulberry, Rhodamine, Carmine Red, Violet Mist, Dark Umber, Sepia, Sienna Brown, Goldenrod, Magenta, Sand, Buff, Eggshell, Flagstone Red, Brick Beige, Brick White, Pink, Putty, Terra Cotta, Cherry, Dark Brown, Light Walnut, Walnut, Burnt Ochre, Light Tan, Blondwood, Warm Black, Black, Warm Gray 10%, Pale Jade, Avocado, Mint Cream, Cold Stone, Spearmint, Wheat, Green Tea, Muted Turquoise, Mocha Light, Mocha Dark, Cinnamon Toast, Sky Blue Light, Driftwood, Taupe, Parchment, Ash Gray, Pale Peach, Ballet Pink, Khaki, Cocoa Bean, Eggplant, Jet Black, Oatmeal, and Pewter.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21342-1569` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><strong><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>Specialty Sets- Prismacolor<br /></span></strong></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`> </p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 552px; height: 225px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Landscape Colors, Set of 24` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Landscape Colors, Set of 24</span></strong></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>This is a set of markers with a palette especially made for landscape artists. -Merrill</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This specially developed 24-count set of assorted double-sided professional artist-quality markers contains a spectrum of colors perfect for landscape artwork. Enjoy rich color saturation with smooth, silky ink flow and coverage.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21342-2009` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 542px; height: 300px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Primary/Secondary Colors, Set of 12` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Primary/Secondary Colors, Set of 12</span></strong></p>  <p>This is a starter set of Prismacolor markers with the most common colors used in illustration.- Merrill</p>  <p> </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This set of 12 includes Violet, Canary Yellow, Yellowed Orange, Hot Pink, Carmine Red, Crimson Red, Parrot Green, Ultramarine, Mulberry, Dark Green, Dark Umber, and Black.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21342-1209` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p> </p>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Set of 48` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Set of 48</span></strong></p>  <p>A good entry level set. It is light on the flesh tones though. -Merrill</p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This set of 48 contains Process Red, Crimson Red, Carmine Red, Magenta, Pink, Blush Pink, Light Peach, Poppy Red, Pale Vermillion, Yellow Orange, Orange, Yellow Ochre, Canary Yellow, Cream, Spring Green, Chartreuse, Dark Olive Green, Dark Green, Aquamarine, True Blue, Violet Blue, Indigo Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Light Aqua, Light Blue, Light Cerulean Blue, Violet, Mulberry, Rhodamine, Dark Umber, Sienna Brown, Goldenrod, Dark Brown, Black, Spanish Orange, Limepeel, Deco Yellow, Deco Pink, Blue Slate, Grass Green, True Green, Apple Green, Tuscan Red, Peach, Lilac, Light Umber, Broad Metallic Silver, Fine Metallic Silver, and Light Tan.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21342-4809` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p> </p>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`  Manga, Set of 12` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>  Manga, Set of 12</span></strong></p>  <p>Personally, I do not do manga style work, but I wanted to include all possibilities.- Merrill</p>  <p> </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This 12-count set provides the essential tools for creating sequential art, including French Grey 20%, Sienna Brown, Eggshell, Brick Beige, Ballet Pink, True Blue, Cloud Blue, Pale Vermillion, Sunburst Yellow, Lilac, Process Red, and Apple Green.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22175-1012` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p> </p>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Set of 72` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Set of 72</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This set of 72 contains Process Red, Crimson Red, Carmine Red, Magenta, Pink, Blush Pink, Light Peach, Poppy Red, Pale Vermillion, Yellow Orange, Orange, Sunburst Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Canary, Cream, Spring Green, Chartreuse, Dark Olive Green, Dark Green, Parrot Green, Aquamarine, True Blue, Copenhagen Blue, Violet Blue, Indigo Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Light Aqua, Light Cerulean Blue, Violet, Mulberry, Rhodamine, Violet Mist, Dark Umber, Sepia, Sienna Brown, Goldenrod, Terra Cotta, Dark Brown, Burnt Ochre, Light Tan, Black, Warm Gray 20%, Warm Gray 50%, Warm Gray 70%, Cool Gray 20%, Cool Gray 50%, Cool Gray 70%, Spanish Orange, Limepeel, Peacock Blue, Imperial Violet, Deco Yellow, Deco Pink, Jade Green, Cloud Blue, Blue Slate, French Gray 20%, French Gray 50%, French Gray 70%, Grass Green, True Green, Apple Green, Dark Purple, Tuscan Red, Peach, Lilac, Light Umber, Mint Cream, Broad Metallic Silver, Fine Metallic Silver, Broad Metallic Gold, and Fine Metallic Gold.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21342-7209` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p> </p>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Set of 24` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Set of 24</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This set of 24 contains Crimson Red, Pink, Poppy Red, Orange, Canary Yellow, Dark Green, True Blue, Violet Blue, Indigo Blue, Light Cerulean Blue, Violet, Mulberry, Rhodamine, Sienna Brown, Goldenrod, Dark Brown, Black, Spanish Orange, Blue Slate, Grass Green, True Green, Apple Green, Tuscan Red, and Peach.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21342-2409` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p> </p>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 1186px; height: 330px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Set of 120` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Set of 120</span></strong></p>  <p>This set is a great value. It has all of the Prismacolor Markers that I depend on. I originally purchased a complete set (in 2007) but ALL of the markers that I use are included here. -Merrill</p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This set of 120 contains Process Red, Blush Pink, Warm Gray 20%, Warm Gray 30%, Warm Gray 50%, Warm Gray 70%, Warm Gray 80%, Warm Gray 90%, Cool Gray 10%, Cool Gray 20%, Deco Peach, Cool Gray 30%, Cool Gray 50%, Cool Gray 70%, Cool Gray 80%, Cool Gray 90%, Broad Metallic Silver, Fine Metallic Silver, Broad Metallic Gold, Light Peach, Fine Metallic Gold, Clear Blender, Salmon Pink, Spanish Orange, Limepeel, Peacock Blue, Imperial Violet, Poppy Red, Deco Orange, Deco Yellow, Jasmine, Deco Pink, Deco Blue, Clay Rose, Pale Vermillion, Celadon Green, Jade Green, Mediterranean Blue, Cloud Blue, Blue Slate, Periwinkle, Greyed Lavender, Bronze, Yellow Orange, Mahogany Red, Raspberry, Henna, Pumpkin Orange, Mineral Orange, French Gray 10%, French Gray 20%, French Gray 30%, French Gray 40%, French Gray 50%, Orange, French Gray 60%, French Gray 70%, French Gray 80%, Grass Green, True Green, Apple Green, Dark Purple, Tuscan Red, Sunburst Yellow, Peach, Lilac, Light Umber, Yellow Ochre, Forest Green, Spruce Green, Emerald, Leaf Green, Canary Yellow, Cream, Spring Green, Chartreuse, Dark Olive Green, Dark Green, Parrot Green, Lime Green, Aquamarine, True Blue, Crimson Red, Copenhagen Blue, Violet Blue, Indigo Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Navy Blue, Light Aqua, Light Blue, Light Cerulean Blue, Scarlet Lake, Violet, Mulberry, Rhodamine, Carmine Red, Violet Mist, Dark Umber, Sepia, Sienna Brown, Goldenrod, Magenta, Buff, Pink, Terra Cotta, Dark Brown, Burnt Ochre, Light Tan, Warm Black, Black, Warm Gray, Pale Jade, Mint Cream, Cold Stone, Spearmint, Wheat, Green Tea, Muted Turquoise, Mocha Light, and Cinnamon Toast.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21342-1208` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <p> </p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 1213px; height: 354px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Set of 144` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Set of 144</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This set of 144 contains Process Red, Blush Pink, Warm Gray 20%, Warm Gray 30%, Warm Gray 40%, Warm Gray 50%, Warm Gray 60%, Warm Gray 70%, Warm Gray 80%, Warm Gray 90%, Cool Gray 10%, Cool Gray 20%, Deco Peach, Cool Gray 30%, Cool Gray 40%, Cool Gray 50%, Cool Gray 60%, Cool Gray 70%, Cool Gray 80%, Cool Gray 90%, Broad Metallic Silver, Fine Metallic Silver, Broad Metallic Gold, Light Peach, Fine Metallic Gold, Clear Blender, Salmon Pink, Spanish Orange, Limepeel, Peacock Blue, Cerulean Blue, Imperial Violet, Parma Violet, Poppy, Deco Orange, Deco Yellow, Jasmine, Deco Pink, Deco Blue, Clay Rose, Pale Vermillion, Celadon Green, Jade Green, Brittany Blue, Mediterranean Blue, Cloud Blue, Blue Slate, Periwinkle, Greyed Lavender, Bronze, Yellow Orange, Mahogany Red, Raspberry, Henna, Pumpkin Orange, Mineral Orange, French Gray 10%, French Gray 20%, French Gray 30%, French Gray 40%, French Gray 50%, Orange, French Gray 60%, French Gray 70%, French Gray 80%, French Gray 90%, Grass Green, True Green, Apple Green, Dark Purple, Tuscan Red, Sunburst Yellow, Peach, Lilac, Light Umber, Yellow Ochre, Forest Green, Spruce Green, Emerald, Leaf Green, Canary Yellow, Tulip Yellow, Cream, Spring Green, Light Olive Green, Chartreuse, Dark Olive Green, Dark Green, Parrot Green, Lime Green, Aquamarine, Teal Blue, True Blue, Crimson Red, Copenhagen Blue, Violet Blue, Indigo Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Navy Blue, Light Aqua, Light Blue, Light Cerulean Blue, Scarlet Lake, Violet, Mulberry, Rhodamine, Carmine Red, Violet Mist, Dark Umber, Sepia, Sienna Brown, Goldenrod, Magenta, Sand, Buff, Eggshell, Flagstone Red, Brick Beige, Brick White, Pink, Putty, Terra Cotta, Cherry, Dark Brown, Light Walnut, Walnut, Burnt Ochre, Light Tan, Blondwood, Warm Black, black, Warm Gray 10%, Pale Jade, Avocado, Mint Cream, Cold Stone, Spearmint, Wheat, Green Tea, Muted Turquoise, Mocha Light, Mocha Dark, Cinnamon Toast, and Sky Blue Light.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21342-1449` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><strong><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>Specialty Sets Chartpak Ad</span></strong></p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><strong><span style=`font-size: x-large;`><br /></span></strong></p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Chartpak Ad Marker Sets` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Chartpak Ad Manga Set<br /></span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This set is filled with the most popular colors used by manga artists. - Merrill<br /></span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21303-0129` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Set of 12 with FREE Travel Case` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Set of 12 with FREE Travel Case</span></strong></p>  <p>One of the current specials available now. -Merrill</p>  <p> </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Get creative with this special set! It includes 12 Chartpak Ad Markers in a FREE, padded nylon travel case with a Velcro closure. The case will hold up to 24 markers. Colors in the set include one each of Ultramarine, Slate Green, Leaf Green, Lemon Yellow, Chrome Orange, Life Red, Lilac, Blueberry, Super Black, Basic Gray 5, Basic Gray 1, and a Colorless Blender.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21303-2009` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <p> </p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Chartpak Ad Marker Sets` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Chartpak Ad Flesh Tone Set<br /></span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This set gives figurative/portrait artists a full range of flesh tones. These colors are used by me very frequently! - Merrill<br /></span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21303-3859` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <p> </p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Chartpak Ad Marker Sets` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Art Director Set<br /></span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>A colorful set! I use these colors less frequently because I do figurative work, but I wanted to include all options- Merrill<br /></span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21303-2509` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <p> </p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Chartpak Ad Marker Sets` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Chartpak Ad Manga Set of 25<br /></span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>A single nib with three distinct line weights. These waterproof, permanent, solvent-based markers deliver brilliant, sparkling color in fine point, medium weight, or broad strokes, with just a shift of the wrist. From crisply articulated tight comps to broadly expressive illustrations, one marker gives you all the lines you need.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21303-0259` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p> </p>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Chartpak Ad Marker Sets` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Chartpak Ad Warm and Cool Grey Marker Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>A single nib with three distinct line weights. These waterproof, permanent, solvent-based markers deliver brilliant, sparkling color in fine point, medium weight, or broad strokes, with just a shift of the wrist. From crisply articulated tight comps to broadly expressive illustrations, one marker gives you all the lines you need.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21303-2519` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><strong><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>Regular Markers (A Substitute Idea)<br /></span></strong></p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><span style=`font-size: large;`>I have been an art teacher for nine years and I have experience dealing with a VERY LIMITED budget. I had to get creative to teach my method (from the video) to my students. I purchased a combination of the markers listed below (all five sets) to give my students a similar range of colors as a set of illustration markers. While these (below) are NOT illustration markers, (meaning that it will 1.) Take you longer to fill a space 2.) Have a more narrow selection of colors with a less sophisticated tip) </span><span style=`font-size: large;`>they can get the job done! (42 different colors from Crayola for an AMAZING price!) <br /></span></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><strong><span style=`font-size: x-large;`><br /></span></strong></p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Multicultural 8-Color Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Multicultural 8-Color Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>A great substitute for flesh tone illustration markers. Four dollars and change per pack! I have used them in my classroom for years as a substitute for illustration markers. - Merrill<br /></span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21206-1709` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Assorted 12-Color Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Assorted 12-Color Set</span></strong></p>  <p>Twelve Markers for four dollars and change!- Merrill</p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Set includes one each of Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Orange, Red, Violet, Yellow, Sandy Tan, Blue Lagoon, Dolphin Gray, and Flamingo Pink. Broad tip.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21218-1009` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Bold 8-Color Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Bold 8-Color Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This set includes the colors Golden Yellow, Azure, Primrose, Teal, Emerald, Plum, Magenta, and Copper. It is available in Broad and Thin Line tips.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21206-1109` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Bright 8-Color Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Bright 8-Color Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This set includes eight markers in bright, kid-pleasing colors: Battery Charged Blue, Electric Lime, Graphic Green, Hot Pink, Infra Red, Laser Lemon, Orange Circuit, and Ultra Violet. Colors wash easily from skin and most clothing.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21206-0089` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Fluorescent 6-Color Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Fluorescent 6-Color Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Set includes one each of six vivid neon, water-based colors, including Shocking Pink, Electric Blue, Hot Magenta, Fiery Orange, Neon Yellow, and Glowing Green. Broad tip.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21218-1409` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> Ping Pong Party. <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;        /* 468x60, created 1/26/10 */        google_ad_slot = `2338749477`;        google_ad_width = 468;        google_ad_height = 60;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p>Tradigital art incorporates traditional materials with digital media. This video illustrates the tradigital process step by step (demonstration by artist Merrill Kazanjian).</p>  <p>The process for this artwork:</p>  <p>1.) Pencil Drawing (regular HB pencil)</p>  <p>2.) Digital Scan</p>  <p>3.) Digital Collage with Paint Shop Pro / Photoshop</p>  <p>4.) Print</p>  <p>5.) Illustration Markers</p>  <p>6.) Opaque Paint Markers</p>  <p>7.) Scan (Again)</p>  <p>8.) Digital Touch Ups with Paint Shop Pro / Photoshop</p>  <p>9.) Save as PNG file</p>  <p>10.) Juxtapose PNG file</p> Celebrity Portraits- Rihanna. <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;        /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */        google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;        google_ad_width = 728;        google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  My process for the Rihanna Painting: 1.) Sketch 2.) Illustration Markers 3.) Color Pencils and 4.) Oil paint. Sometimes I add even more steps with Photoshop, but I didnt for this portrait. I wanted to see how far I could push oil paint as a medium. I prefer painterly realism to photorealism (photo realistic stuff gets boring.....whats the point of simply reproducing a picture?). I was satisfied with the results, despite my unorthodox approach to making this....(painting? work of art? mixed media?....I dont know what to call it.) The markers were Prismacolor and Chartpak Ad. The color pencils were Prisma and the oil paint was Old Holland, Maimeri, Vasari, Bloxx, Grumbacher and Holbein Colors. I used Liquin as a paint medium. I used Flat, Round and Filbert Brushes and occasionally a fan brush (for delicate blending). This time lapse speed portrait consolidated four hours in to less than four minutes.   <object width=`560` height=`340` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p> </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 468x60, created 1/26/10 */    google_ad_slot = `2338749477`;    google_ad_width = 468;    google_ad_height = 60;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p> The Balding Emo. <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */    google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;    google_ad_width = 728;    google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p>For those of you who dont know.....EMO`s are the dudes known for their melancholy dress code, morbid body language, sad facial expressions and their taste in music.....but most of all, EMO`s are famous for their super floppy, vision impairing hair! Oh look! Heres a fine specimen!....This leads us to a question that perplexes the universe.....Is an EMO still an EMO if he loses his hair? I want to hear your opinion......Post your answers to this question as a text comment or a video response, to enter yourself in this contest. All responses will be judged on humor and originality. Please don`t post anything offensive because we want to make EMO`s smile, not cry! The prize is an illustration of the winner be me, Merrill Kazanjian. As always I will document the process on video and give you a copy for your channel. The deadline for this contest is March 1st, 2010 and the winner will be chosen on March 2nd.......Anyway, heres how I drew the Balding Emo. Here are the steps that I took to create the `Balding Emo` artwork: Step 1.) Pencil Step 2.) Illustration Marker- Prismacolor and Chartpak Ad markers Step 3.) Color Pencil Step 4.) Scan with Epson Scanner Step 5.) Digital Collage using Paint Shop Pro 9 Step 6.) Print with Hewlett Packard Printer Step 7.) Color Pencil Step 8.) Scan with Epson Scanner Step 9.) Finishing Touches with Paint Shop Pro 9</p>  <p>  <object width=`560` height=`340` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;        /* 468x60, created 1/26/10 */        google_ad_slot = `2338749477`;        google_ad_width = 468;        google_ad_height = 60;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;        /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */        google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;        google_ad_width = 336;        google_ad_height = 280;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p> Santa Claus: Master Burglar, Caught in the Act. <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */    google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;    google_ad_width = 728;    google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  Lets face it. Santa was asking for it........ The man: 1.) `Breaks and enters` illegally over a billion times each year........ on Jesus` birth day. 2.) Depends on exploitative labor of people under three feet tall. 3.) Could be the cause of the Polar ice caps melting. 4.) Flies without a license and at his own leisure.....while the rest of us get frisked and go through metal detectors before flying. Could the north pole be harboring terrorists? Anyway.....Its the holiday I created an artwork of Mr. Santa Claus getting arrested for all of his transgressions. I started out with a pencil drawing (regular #2 pencil. Then I added a layer of marker. I followed the layer of marker with a layer of color pencil. After the color pencil, I added oil paint and liquin. Finally, I scanned the image and did touch ups in Paint Shop Pro 9. Happy Holidays from Merrill Kazanjian</p>  <p>  <object width=`560` height=`340` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 468x60, created 1/26/10 */    google_ad_slot = `2338749477`;    google_ad_width = 468;    google_ad_height = 60;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p> Yankee Fan- 2009 New York Yankees Art Work- Photo Manipulation, Collage, Color Pencil and Oil Paint. <p><object width=`425` height=`344` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` /><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` /><param name=`src` value=`` /><param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` /></object></p><p>What happens when you combine the faces of Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada, Alex Rodriguez Joe Girardi, Mark Texeira, Mariano Rivera and C.C. Sabathia? Hopefully some interesting art work. I started out with the computer program Paint Shop Pro 8 (a stone age version of Photoshop) to cut and arrange a photomontage. Next, I printed on thick paper. After that, I tied it together with a layer of color pencil. Finally, I put the finishing touches on with oil paint. The method that I use is called Tradigital Art. It combines traditional media (paint, pencil) with digital media (computer applications and digital photography). Thanks for checking out my work!- Merrill Kazanjian Youtube Link-</p><p>Photoshop is the Gold Standard for Photomanipulation Art</p><form action=`` method=`get`> <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`><tbody><tr><td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Photoshop CS4 - License` /></td><td valign=`top`><p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Photoshop CS4 - License</span></strong></p><p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Create powerful images with the professional standard.</span></p><hr /><input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10674112` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`Photoshop CS4 - License` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td></tr></tbody></table></form><p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> President Morph- Barack Obama + George W. Bush + Bill Clinton + George H.W. Bush + Iconic Nixon Pose. <p><object width=`425` height=`344` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` /><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` /><param name=`src` value=`` /><param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` /></object></p><p>A very bi-partisan artwork. Put your political differences aside and watch artist Merrill Kazanjian merge the faces of our last four Presidents (Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush. A presidential portrait this is not- it sets the precedent for merging presidents- not ideologically- but aesthetically. I started out by creating a collage / photomontage with digital cut outs and combining them with Photoshop CS3 and Paint Shop Pro 8. Next, I printed on a medium format printer (13 x 17 inches). Next I added a layer of color pencils (prismacolor) and markers (AD and prisma) to fill in the gaps and tie everything together. Finally, I added a layer of oil paint to make it look life like. I added the body of Richard Nixon in his iconic peace pose and ironically the face wound up looking a little bit like a young Nixon (I did not intend this). I call the method that I use, tradigital art. It merges traditional art (2D drawing and painting) with digital possibilities (computer art and digital photography).</p><p>Photoshop is the Gold Standard for Photomanipulation Art</p><form action=`` method=`get`> <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`><tbody><tr><td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Photoshop CS4 - License` /></td><td valign=`top`><p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Photoshop CS4 - License</span></strong></p><p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Create powerful images with the professional standard.</span></p><hr /><input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10674112` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`Photoshop CS4 - License` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td></tr></tbody></table></form><p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> Mahmoud Ahmedinejad + Kim Jong Il + Hogo Chavez = Hugmedinejong Ill. <p><object width=`425` height=`344` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` /><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` /><param name=`src` value=`` /><param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` /></object>What happens when the faces of three dictators are merged? Megazord and the Power Rangers have nothing on `Hugmadenijong ill`. Check out this video to see some tradigital artwork by artist Merrill Kazanjian. It is done in time lapse (2 hours in to 2 minutes). I started out with the computer program Paint Shop Pro 8 (a stone age version of Photoshop) to cut and arrange a photomontage. Next, I printed on thick paper. After that, I tied it together with a layer of color pencil. Finally, I put the finishing touches on with oil paint. The method that I use is called Tradigital Art. It combines traditional media (paint, pencil) with digital media (computer applications and digital photography). Youtube Link-</p><p> </p><p>Photoshop is the Gold Standard for Photomanipulation Art</p><form action=`` method=`get`> <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`><tbody><tr><td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Photoshop CS4 - License` /></td><td valign=`top`><p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Photoshop CS4 - License</span></strong></p><p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Create powerful images with the professional standard.</span></p><hr /><input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10674112` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`Photoshop CS4 - License` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td></tr></tbody></table></form><p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> Greenspan + Bernanke + Trump + Monopoly Guy + Mr. Krabs. <p><object width=`560` height=`340` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` /><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` /><param name=`src` value=`` /><param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` /></object></p><p>What would a `merger` of Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Donald Trump, Mr. Krabs, Jim Cramer and the Monopoly Guy look like? Watch the video to find out! Sell Sell Sell !!!! Artmorph by Merrill Kazanjian</p><p> </p><p>Photoshop is the Gold Standard for Photomanipulation Art</p><form action=`` method=`get`> <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`><tbody><tr><td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Photoshop CS4 - License` /></td><td valign=`top`><p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Photoshop CS4 - License</span></strong></p><p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Create powerful images with the professional standard.</span></p><hr /><input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10674112` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`Photoshop CS4 - License` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td></tr></tbody></table></form><p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> Boxing Trainer 2- Tradigital Art by Merrill Kazanjian. <p>  <object width=`560` height=`340` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  A boxing trainer that I created for a friend`s website. I used the tradigital approach: 1.) Regular Pencil 2.) Illustration Marker (Prismacolor and Chartpak Ad) 3.) Color Pencils 4.) Cutouts (Both digital and traditional media) 5.) Photoshop Cs4 and Paint Shop Pro 9 6.) Glue and Scissors 7.) Oil Paint  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 468x60, created 1/26/10 */    google_ad_slot = `2338749477`;    google_ad_width = 468;    google_ad_height = 60;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */    google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;    google_ad_width = 336;    google_ad_height = 280;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p> Caffeine Junkie Coffee People. <object width=`560` height=`340`><param name=`movie` value=``></param><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true`></param><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always`></param><embed src=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash` allowscriptaccess=`always` allowfullscreen=`true` width=`560` height=`340`></embed></object> Vandalism. <object width=`425` height=`344`><param name=`movie` value=``></param><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true`></param><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always`></param><embed src=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash` allowscriptaccess=`always` allowfullscreen=`true` width=`425` height=`344`></embed></object> Supermarket Stick Up. Please click the video below to see how I made this artwork. Thank you for checking out my gallery- Merrill Kazanjian    <object width=`425` height=`344`><param name=`movie` value=``></param><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true`></param><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always`></param><embed src=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash` allowscriptaccess=`always` allowfullscreen=`true` width=`425` height=`344`></embed></object> Outcast. I have been a teacher for eight years. This picture is about the social hierarchies that exist inside schools. Talk Nerdy to Me. Talk Nerdy to me by Merrill Kazanjian Artwork: Leprechauns. <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */    google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;    google_ad_width = 728;    google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p>  <object width=`425` height=`344` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>Top of the morning to ya! In March 2009, I created this artwork to celebrate St. Patricks Day. Yhere isn`t enough artwork out there about I decided to contribute some funny work! Click the video to see how I made it!</p>  <!-- @import url(; -->  <div class=`cse-branding-right` style=`background-color:#000000;color:#FFFFFF`>  <div class=`cse-branding-form`><form id=`cse-search-box` action=``>  <div><input name=`cx` type=`hidden` value=`partner-pub-6730899040960500:xnfspl1lg7u` /> <input name=`ie` type=`hidden` value=`ISO-8859-1` /> <input name=`q` size=`31` type=`text` /> <input name=`sa` type=`submit` value=`Search` /></div>  </form></div>  <div class=`cse-branding-logo`><img src=`` alt=`Google` /></div>  <div class=`cse-branding-text`>Custom Search</div>  </div>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */    google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;    google_ad_width = 336;    google_ad_height = 280;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p> Artmorph- Addiction: Winehouse, Trix Rabbit, Golum, Sonny (Cocoa Puffs), Lohan. <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* Across top */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p>Above: One of Merrill`s CRAZY artworks!</p>  <p>Below: The software that I used to make it.</p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Paintshop Pro Photo X3` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Paintshop Pro Photo X3</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion: I have used an older version of this software for years. It has EVERYTHING that I need to make Photomanipulations (as I did in the video above). The software is currently on sale at a great price right now. Check it out! Tell them that Merrill sent you! :)</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`trkid` type=`hidden` value=`CJ` /> <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10707330` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`PK_TS13ESD` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=` ?` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` />   <table style=`width: 624px; height: 46px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>The New Face of Addiction- If you are expecting to see a painted still life, or some flowers, or a drawing of a deer frolicking through a field, your watching the wrong video. I actually might do a tutorial on one of those someday, but today, im going to have some fun. I am going to merge the likenesses of, The Cookie Monster, The Trix Rabbit, Gollum, Lindsay Lohan and Amy Winehouse and that Cracked out Bird from Cocoa Puffs in to a painting......I don`t exactly expect anyone to throw this artwork over their couch, but thats OK because the creative process is my addiction. The printer that I used (sold a kidney to buy) was the HP Designjet 1500.</td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p> Yogi Bare- Naked Yoga Instructor. <p>  <object width=`560` height=`340` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  <a href=`` target=`_top`> <img src=`` border=`0` alt=` - Online Art Supplies` width=`468` height=`60` /></a></p>  <p>I was listening to the radio on my way to class one day and the DJ started talking about a naked yoga class. Visual images rushed to my mind! I started to sketch out my ideas. Couldn`t concentrate on the school stuff. I came home and did this video. Sometimes inspiration can be stupid! But it`s still inspiration so I went with it! True story. -Merrill Kazanjian These are the steps that I took to make this character. (How I made it) 1.) Pencil Drawing 2.) Layer of Prismacolor and AD Markers 3.) Scan with scanner and use Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro 9 to do a digital collage. 4.) Print on to new sheet of paper 5.) Layer of Color Pencil over the Printout (to tie things together and prime the paper for Oil Paint) 6.) Layer of Opaque (cant see through it) Oil Paint 7.) Scan again 8.) Use PSP and Photoshop CS3 again to touch up my `Nude Yoga Man Character` 9.) Save as a PNG file (Portable Network Graphic) PNG`s are like stickers- you could stick them over any digital file as many times as you want.</p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 468x60, created 1/26/10 */    google_ad_slot = `2338749477`;    google_ad_width = 468;    google_ad_height = 60;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */    google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;    google_ad_width = 336;    google_ad_height = 280;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p> Brad: Tradigital Portrait- Color Pencil, Illustration Markers, Oil Paint, Photoshop. <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */    google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;    google_ad_width = 728;    google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p>This is a mixed media portrait of youtube user BronyaCovooper. The music in the background is by his former band Jonny and the Shamen. I used a mixed media approach to create this portrait. Here were the steps..... 1.) pencil 2.) then I used prismacolor markers 3.) followed by color pencil (prismacolor) 4.) then I scanned what I did so far and opened it up in..... 5.) Photoshop- (digital adjustments) 6.) Printed on a wide format printer 7.) 1 more layer of color pencil 8.) Oil paint 9.) Photoshop</p>  <p> </p>  <p>  <object width=`560` height=`340` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p><p><a href=`` target=`_top`> <img src=`` border=`0` alt=` - Online Art Supplies` width=`200` height=`150` /></a> My Relationship with Dickblick Art Materials goes back to when I was a rookie teacher in 2001. Art teachers have limited budgets and we are forced to “shop around” to find the best deals. In almost every case, Blick has the best prices and their customer service is AMAZING! They made me a loyal customer over the course of my entire teaching career. Now that I am a full time artist, I have chosen to become an affiliate of Blick, I only endorse companies that I believe in, and products that I USE (See my videos). Right now Blick is offering:<a href=`` target=`_top`> FREE SHIPPING on orders totaling $200 or more</a><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` />and the best “ON SALE” deals for art supplies on the internet. <a href=`` target=`_top`> Hot Deals of the Week!</a><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> Sarah Palin Portrait. <object width=`425` height=`344`><param name=`movie` value=``></param><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true`></param><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always`></param><embed src=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash` allowscriptaccess=`always` allowfullscreen=`true` width=`425` height=`344`></embed></object>    A time lapse video demonstration of an illustration of Sarah Palin, Gouverner of Alaska, former Vice Presidential Candidate. Artist Merrill Kazanjian uses illustration markers (AD Markers) and color pencils (Prismacolor) to create the illustrated portrait. First, he made a contour pencil sketch without shading. Second, he set the base tones with the markers and then proceeded with several layers of color pencil work. New Art Techniques- Mineral Spirits and Color Pencil. <p>  <table style=`width: 720px; height: 8529px;` border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>  <object width=`569` height=`463` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>This video/article will demonstrate an illustration technique which essentially changes the color from colored pencils in to a workable form of `paint` that can be manipulated on the surface of a drawing. This technique can help illustrators create fast, sophisticated imagery.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`372` height=`287` /></td>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`366` height=`288` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong>Oil Paint Vs. Colored Pencil:</strong></span></p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>In this artwork, I did NOT use any oil paint, but lets compare the similarities and differences of the two media.</span></p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Oil paint is applied with a brush rather than with a fine tip. The viscocity of paint allows it to glide on to various surfaces. Colored pencils have a hard tip which pushes in to the surface it is drawing on and leaves its marks through friction. It is easier to make shapes than lines with oil paint. Often, a paint brush will run out of paint before a line is complete or an unsteady hand will accidentally alter the thickness of the line that you are trying to make. Colored pencil is superior in this one extremely important area. It creates lines accurately and almost never runs out of color (line duration). It is superior to oil paint for precise `detail work`, such as working around the eyes, shaping teeth or creating an accurate rendering of the corners of the mouth. Oil Paint`s greatest attribute is its mixability and its ability to be layered. The possibility of layering paint makes oil painting a more natural pick for portrait artists since our skin is comprised of thin transparent layers. It is a lot easier to mix precise colors with oil paint (very important in portraiture) than it is with colored pencil. Finally, there is a range of opacities (transparent to opaque) that are possible with oil painting while colored pencil is limited to one blended layer.</span></p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>My hope while I worked on this artwork was to essentially turn the color (pigment) in colored pencil in to paint. I knew that the pigment in oil paint was identical to the pigment used in color pencil but the binder is different. The Prismacolor colored pencils which I use are mixed with wax (other colored pencils are mixed with vegetable oil but they are not nearly as good). Wax has been an ingredient used in the production of oil paint for centuries, so in this video, I decided to mix 1,) oil paint, 2.) colored pencil and 3.) mineral spirits together. I have since tweaked my process even more, but this video/article will show the possibilities of re-working the wax based pigment in color pencil. Note: I started this drawing with a quick layer of illustration marker.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`711` height=`401` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left` colspan=`2`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>For this drawing, I used 110lb Bond paper. I have learned since that it is better to work on `bleedproof marker paper` if you are going to use markers. Notice how the markers `ran` on this drawing. I chose to do a layer of marker at the beginning to give this illustration more depth. Colored pencils (the next layer) are semi-opaque, so you will be able to see the layer of marker through the colored pencil.</span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`><form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 637px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Prismacolor Premier Double-Ended Art Markers` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Prismacolor Premier Double-Ended Art Markers</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: xx-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- Designed for detailed work, Prismacolor Premier Double-Ended Art Markers feature an advanced dye-based alcohol ink formulation that ensures rich color saturation and coverage, and smooth, silky ink flow. Each Prismacolor Art Marker features two distinct nibs capable of achieving multiple line widths. Both ends draw from a single ink reservoir for a perfect color match end to end, making them ideal for both technical and artistic applications. Intended for professional artists and advanced students, Prismacolor Art Markers will not fade or feather. The Prismacolor Art Marker line includes three full ranges of gradient gray color sets in Cool Gray, Warm, Gray, and French Gray. Boxed Sets — Sets of 6 and 12 are packaged in cardboard boxes. Studio Stacker Sets — Sets of 24, 48, 72, 120, and 156 include stackable plastic trays to keep your markers organized. Carrying Case Sets — Offered in sets of 24 or 48, these markers are packaged in durable plastic carrying cases. Carrying case sets do not include stackable trays.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21342-2612` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`709` height=`390` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left` colspan=`2`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>In this image, I am using the colored pencil to do the `detail work` such as the areas around the eyes. Just as I stated above, `details` are a colored pencils greatest strength. That is perfect logic, when you consider that you are working with a fine point, which never runs out of color.</span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`709` height=`414` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left` colspan=`2`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Can you see the difference that the colored pencils make? Look at the wrinkle lines around the eyes. These are a LOT easier to create with colored pencil than with paint.</span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`708` height=`509` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`711` height=`403` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left` colspan=`2`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>I am now using a paint brush and mineral spirits to `thin` and `dry` the layer of colored pencil. I wanted to see if the mineral spirits would make the surface like a dried layer of paint, so that I could re-work the `painting`. It worked, but I have since found that Liquin (A painting medium) works even better than the mineral spirits which you are seeing me use in this video. I have also (since) started to use oil paint directly over the colored pencil and I have found even better results.</span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`710` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left` colspan=`2`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Notice how the mineral spirits and the soft paint brush softened the features of the face by moving the pigment around.</span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`711` height=`411` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left` colspan=`2`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>After the mineral spirits dried, I added another layer of colored pencil. I was limited in my second application of colored pencil because if I put too much pressure on the colored pencil, the previous layer would be altered. Still, I was able to add another layer of colored pencil with this method, but with a deliate touch. As I stated above, I have since learned that it is better to use Liquin rather than mineral spirits if you wish to try this method.  </span> </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Supplies I Use/Recommend</span> </p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Prismacolor Colored Pencils` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Prismacolor Colored Pencils</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><span style=`font-size: xx-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- Perhaps, color pencils are the most underestimated artistic medium being used by artists today. Prismacolor, in my opinion, is the best brand of colored pencil. It is highly pigmented and its binder mixes perfectly with oil paint and liquin (painting medium). I also love to use prismacolor pencils over a layer of illustration marker It is the only brand of color pencil that you will see me using in my videos.</span> </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20508-1010` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`><form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Liquin Original` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Liquin Original</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: xx-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- This is my painting medium of choice. It is the common link to ALL of my mixed media art. It works with oil paint, colored pencil and oil pastel and is capable of making them ALL compatible with each other.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`00445-1004` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`653` height=`440` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left` colspan=`2`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Here is the finished portrait.</span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`711` height=`526` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left` colspan=`2`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>I finished the artwork by scanning it and incorporating it digitally in to a photographic composition. I then printed it on my HP Designjet 510 (large format printer which prints on canvas) and I finished it with oil paint.</span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`>  <p> </p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong>Here is some more of my artwork created in a similar manner:</strong></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`704` height=`522` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`706` height=`506` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td colspan=`2`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`705` height=`513` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p> </p>  <p><a href=`` target=`_top`></a></p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 468x60, created 1/26/10 */    google_ad_slot = `2338749477`;    google_ad_width = 468;    google_ad_height = 60;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */    google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;    google_ad_width = 336;    google_ad_height = 280;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p> </p> How to Recycle a Sketchbook Drawing- Tradigital Art by Merrill Kazanjian. <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */    google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;    google_ad_width = 728;    google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Step 1-</strong> Scan the image <strong>Step 2-</strong> Open the scanned image in Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop and cut out your favorite part. In this instance I chose the head of the closest character. I liked the face that I drew but I decided to change the hairstyle. I always liked NBA all star Ben Wallace`s hair so I will use the digital scissor to cut it out. <strong>Step 3</strong>- Print <strong>Step 4-</strong> I use illustration markers and color pencils to give my old drawing a new look. For this image, I have combined traditional and digital media over an old pencil sketch. The sketchbook that it was in was taking up space in my studio and I hadn`t looked at it for years. I wasnt in the mood to start a new drawing today so I decided to experiment and give new life to an old drawing. Jackson Pollock said over 50 years ago- New needs need new techniques. And the modern artists have found new ways and new means of making their statements... the modern painter cannot express this age, the airplane, the atom bomb, the radio, in the old forms of the Renaissance or of any other past culture. I feel that more artists should try tradigital art. (That is, art that uses both traditional and digital media). I have witnessed many artists who are threatened by technology but the truth is that computers have created more possibilities for artists.<strong> Step 5-</strong> Finish the figure digitally.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`> </span>   <object width=`425` height=`344` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 468x60, created 1/26/10 */    google_ad_slot = `2338749477`;    google_ad_width = 468;    google_ad_height = 60;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p> Bob Ross + Pablo Picasso + Chuck Close = ???. <p><object width=`425` height=`344` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` /><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` /><param name=`src` value=`` /><param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` /></object>What happens when the faces of art icons Bob Ross, Pablo Picasso and Chuck Close are morphed together. Watch the video to find out. Tradigital artwork by Merrill Kazanjian . I used Paint Shop Pro 8, Photoshop CS3, a printer, color pencils and oil paint to make this artwork.</p><p> </p><p>Photoshop is the Gold Standard for Photomanipulation Art</p><form action=`` method=`get`> <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`><tbody><tr><td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Photoshop CS4 - License` /></td><td valign=`top`><p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Photoshop CS4 - License</span></strong></p><p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Create powerful images with the professional standard.</span></p><hr /><input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10674112` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`Photoshop CS4 - License` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td></tr></tbody></table></form><p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> How To- Hipster- Tradigital Art. <p>  <object width=``425`` height=``344`` data=```` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=``movie`` value=```` />  <param name=``allowFullScreen`` value=``true`` />  <param name=``allowscriptaccess`` value=``always`` />  <param name=`src` value=```` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=``true`` />  </object>  Time Lapse educational video by Merrill Kazanjian Step 1- Sketch of the structure of the human face. Step 2- For step two, I am using a computer scissor to cut out the features of the face from various photographs that I have collected. After I cut them out, I digitally juxtapose them over my simple facial sketch. Artists have called this a digital collage or a photo-manipulation, but I like to say that I am Frankensteining the face together. This process has evolved from a need to work faster. My main area of expertise is oil painting but some of my paintings have taken me over a year to complete. In addition to being an artist, I am also a full time teacher and a new father. So free time is truly a luxury; I had to come up with a creative way to do my work and this is one of several techniques that I use. In my opinion, there is no artistic medium that can compete with the surface beauty of an oil painting. Hand made items will always be more beautiful than manufactured ones. I have seen a lot of Digital art that is mechanical and inorganic. But making digital art is a much faster process than making traditional art. I have a lot to say as an artist and not a lot of time to say it, so, for this piece, I am using this digital collage as an underpainting for what I will do later. Step 3- In Step Three, I am lightening the areas that I plan to rework. Step 4- For step four, print at maximum dpi and on the thickest paper that you can fit through your printer Step 5- For step five we will cover the traditional part of tradigital- I am using prismacolor (prisma) pencils and illustration markers and decocolor paint markers. Prismacolor sells great colored pencils. Their covering power is very impressive. Their marks lie somewhere between translucent and opaque. They can be used to mimic scumbling and glazing. In order to glaze mix the color pencil with the prisma marker blender. Decocolor markers have a type of paint inside which is very similar to acrylic paint and has a similar covering power to acrylic paint. Whenever I need to make opaque marks, I use the decocolor markers. Years ago, I would have considered a method such as this, cheating. I no longer feel that way because art is so much more than just drawing. Drawing is a way for an artist to communicate but it is not the only means that an artist could use to communicate. I feel that while this method is unconventional, it has allowed me to work faster and leave a human fingerprint on the artwork that I produce. The digital collage allows me to Frankenstein interesting facial features and come up with new imagery in a manner similar to the cutouts of Pablo Picasso and Romare Bearden. I have made bodies in a very similar manner. It can be even more fun to digitally collage a body together. After I finish making a character, I like to use the character multiple times. Since I took my break from oil painting, exactly a year ago, in December 2007, I have made over 500 different characters. My characters are saved as digital files and are used multiple times in my artistic compositions. A sample of my latest work is at the end of this video. Thank you so much for watching!</p> Tradigital Collage- Time Lapse Instructional Video. <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */    google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;    google_ad_width = 728;    google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p>This is one of my earliest video demonstrations. It was done in 2008 when I had less of a grasp for Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro. I used cut outs (with a scissor), rather than doing that step digitally. Wji;e i feel that I have found better techniques since making this, it is important to acknowledge the techniques that I used in the past.</p>  <p>Here is the video description-</p>  <p>Artist Merrill Kazanjian breaks down how he makes one of his artworks. Merrill had been a teacher for more than seven years and is sharing his artistic processes with the world thanks to youtube! The process is: Step 1: Look for interesting facial features (eyes, noses and mouths; even ears) from different photographs and juxtapose them on a piece of paper. Step 2: Make an oval for the head and paste down the facial features. The eyes should be in the middle of the oval. Step 3: Scan what you have so far and reprint it in color on a separate sheet of paper. In other words, scan it and reprint it so that you work on a flat surface. Step 4: Use Paint Markers and Illustration markers to tie everything together. I used Decocolor and Prismacolor markers for this picture, acrylic paint would work equally well. Whatever you choose, the point of the 4th step is to make everything look smooth.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>  <object width=`425` height=`344` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;        /* 468x60, created 1/26/10 */        google_ad_slot = `2338749477`;        google_ad_width = 468;        google_ad_height = 60;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;        /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */        google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;        google_ad_width = 336;        google_ad_height = 280;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>
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All work on this website is created by Merrill Kazanjian. Strict copyright rules apply.
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