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Merrill Kazanjian
Collection: Step by Step Drawing Advanced

Step by Step

How to Draw Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) and Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) Step by Step: Pirates of the Caribbean. <table style=`width: 720px;` border=`1`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td> <object style=`margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; display: block;` width=`640` height=`390` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` /><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` /><param name=`src` value=`` /><param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` /></object></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>Please note that I am executing this drawing in the dry brush painting technique. The paper is 300lb watercolor paper. Please scroll down to see all of the supplies that I used.</p>  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`how to draw johnny depp jack sparrow step by step` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 1: Cut a large piece of paper in to the dimensions 20 by 16 inches. Then make the two shapes that you see. These will become Capt. Jack Sparrow`s hat.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 2: Use the corners of the page as a reference and draw the shapes that you see. The circles are a part of his earring and the long shape is something that is stuck in his hair. I guess he left his shampoo in Davy Jones` locker.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 3: Add the shapes for the eyes.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 4: Closely observe the shapes that I added, then sketch in the eyes. Notice the dark regions above and below the eyes.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 5: Do the same thing for the mid face region. Notice that the shading at both the bottom of the nose and directly under the nose. Also, notice that the tip of the nose goes to the edge of the eye shape above it.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 6: This is by far the most difficult step. But, I want you to only focus on the placement of the mouth. Because the head is turned, the corners of the mouth do not line up with the centers of the eye. Use the knowlegdge that you have gained from my previous videos and break this difficult region down in to shapes.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 7: Complete the bottom of Sparrow`s face.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 8: Add the heart shape and the finger shape. Notice that the finger connects with the earring.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 9: Complete the hand shape.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 10: Add the shapes around the hand.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 11: Add the shapes to the left of the hand. This will be Captain Jack`s gun.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 12: Draw in the shape for the body for Orlando Bloom`s character, Will Turner. Use the edges of the paper and the previous shapes to figure out the fit.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 13: Add the shapes for Turner`s neck and chin.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 14: Complete the shape for Turner`s head.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 15: Draw the shapes for Turners eyes and nose. Notice that there is one eye length between his two eyes. Also, notice how close his eyes are to his eyebrows. Another tip that I will give you is that the nose is the same length as the forehead.....And it is also the same distance from the bottom of the nose to the chin.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 16: Add the mouth and the moustache.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`>  <script type=`text/javascript`>// <![CDATA[  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 3/31/10 */  google_ad_slot = `0328825729`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // ]]></script>  <script type=`text/javascript` src=``></script>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`>  <p> <span style=`font-size: large;`>MERRILL`S SUPPLY LIST: Jack Sparrow and Will Turner</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>- Bristle Brushes</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>- Mineral Spirits</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>- Black Oil Paint</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>- Watercolor Paper</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>- Charcoal</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>- Black and White Colored Pencils</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>- Prismacolor Art Stix Colorless Blender</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Blick Studio Bristle Brushes` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick Studio Bristle Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s opinion</strong>- Blick has the BEST PRICES for brushes by far. These are high quality brushes that you will see in my videos. They last a long time if you take care of them.</span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`05915-1006` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Silicoil Brush Cleaning Tank` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Silicoil Brush Cleaning Tank</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- A very useful tool which separates the used particles of paint on your brush from your paint brush. The used particles are filtered through the coils and fall to the bottom.</span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`06909-1005` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Turpenoid` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Turpenoid</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- It is a LOT cheaper to go to the local hardware store and buy mineral spirits. I am only listing this for the LAZY! :)</span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`00442-1006` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Arches Watercolor Paper` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Arches Watercolor Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- This is the best value if you wish to purchase individual sheets of watercolor paper for dry brush painting. This paper has many uses outsude of watercolor or dry brush painting. Use them also for drawing, calligraphy, gouache, printmaking, acrylics, and even digital printing. Manufactured from pure cotton fiber, they are so durable that they will remain beautiful and vibrant for centuries without conservation, if stored and handled properly. </span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`10011-1008` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Bee Paper Aquabee Watercolor Paper Pads` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Bee Paper Aquabee Watercolor Paper Pads</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- This is a good value if you wish to buy pads of watercolor paper. Bee Paper Aquabee Watercolor Paper Pads contain multiple sheets of a professional-quality paper that is versatile and receptive to all watercolor techniques. The sheets feature a well-sized , cold press surface that is archival, pH-neutral , and maintains maximum strength when wet.</span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`10092-1011` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><img src=`` alt=`Gamblin Artist`s Oil Colors, Tubes` border=`0` /></span></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Gamblin Artist`s Oil Colors, Tubes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- I think that Gamblin is the best value in paint today. You will recieve high quality paint and you will not have to take out a loan from the bank, go on an all Ramen diet or sell a kidney to purchase it.</span></p>  <p> </p>  <hr />  <p> </p>  <input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`00401-2043` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <hr />  <p> </p>  <form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Prismacolor Colored Pencil Sets` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Prismacolor Colored Pencil Sets</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- Prismacolor Colored Pencils are unequaled, no other brand is CLOSE in quality. I am NOT picky about any other supply, but I am about these pencils. They are almost as blendable as paint and almost as opaque. You can do unparalelled detail work with these pencils. They mix with oil paint and many other art media.</span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`20508-7209` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Prismacolor Art Stix` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Prismacolor Art Stix</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- I ONLY use the Prismacolor Art Stix colorless blender. i dont really use the other sticks (Stix) too often. I prefer the thinner color pencils for my detail work. The blender is a wax stick made with the same binder as Prismacolor Colored Pencils. The blender blends the color flawlessly and creates gradual tonal and chromatic transitions. It is an invaluable tool! They measure 3¼` × ¼` (82 mm × 6 mm) and can be sharpened to a point for detailed work. </span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`20008-0000` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- Good charcoal.....`NUFF SAID!</span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`20072-2000` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <object style=`margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; display: block;` width=`640` height=`390` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` /><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` /><param name=`src` value=`` /><param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` /></object></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <object style=`margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; display: block;` width=`480` height=`390` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` /><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` /><param name=`src` value=`` /><param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` /></object></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table> How to Draw Bob Marley Step by Step. <table style=`width: 720px;` border=`1` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`>  <p>  <object width=`640` height=`510` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 3/31/10 */  google_ad_slot = `0328825729`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 1: Draw the shape that you see. Really it is two shapes, Bob Marley`s silhouette and the background. These shapes do not have to be perfect in order for this portrait to be successful.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 2: Draw the M shape that I just added, Notice where it intersects with the shape from step one.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 3: Add the shapes for the collar on his shirt.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 4: Add the shape for the neck. It kind of looks like a cat`s head.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 5: Add the shape for Bob Marleys face. Notice the tilt of his head and the placement within the hair shape and above the cat`s head shape from the previous step.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` />Step 6: Add in the shapes for the eyes. Here is a close up.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 7: Add in the shape for the nose. The other shapes surrounding the nose are shadow lines and facial hair. All together, this shape sort of resembles a crab.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 8: Add the four shapes for the mouth. Notice that the top two are slightly bigger than the bottom two.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 9: Draw in the shape for the eyes. Take some extra time to observe where each shape falls within the eye shape.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 10: Draw in the shape for the teeth. There are 8 teeth visible. Notice the dark values in the corner of the mouth.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 11: Add the shapes in to the hair and in to the clothing. Don`t stress, these shapes do not have to be super accurate.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`640` height=`360` /></p>  <p>Step 12: Partially erase the lines from step 11. We are going to use charcoal and the dry brush technique. Dark pencil lines will show through.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 3/31/10 */  google_ad_slot = `0328825729`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`>  <p> <span style=`font-size: large;`>MERRILL`S SUPPLY LIST: BOB MARLEY</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>- Bristle Brushes</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>- Mineral Spirits</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>- Black Oil Paint</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>- Watercolor Paper</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>- Charcoal</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>- Black and White Colored Pencils</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>- Prismacolor Art Stix Colorless Blender</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick Studio Bristle Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick Studio Bristle Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s opinion</strong>- Blick has the BEST PRICES for brushes by far. These are high quality brushes that you will see in my videos. They last a long time if you take care of them.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05915-1006` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Silicoil Brush Cleaning Tank` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Silicoil Brush Cleaning Tank</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- A very useful tool which separates the used particles of paint on your brush from your paint brush. The used particles are filtered through the coils and fall to the bottom.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`06909-1005` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Turpenoid` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Turpenoid</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- It is a LOT cheaper to go to the local hardware store and buy mineral spirits. I am only listing this for the LAZY! :)</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`00442-1006` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Arches Watercolor Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Arches Watercolor Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- This is the best value if you wish to purchase individual sheets of watercolor paper for dry brush painting. This paper has many uses outsude of watercolor or dry brush painting. Use them also for drawing, calligraphy, gouache, printmaking, acrylics, and even digital printing. Manufactured from pure cotton fiber, they are so durable that they will remain beautiful and vibrant for centuries without conservation, if stored and handled properly. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10011-1008` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Bee Paper Aquabee Watercolor Paper Pads` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Bee Paper Aquabee Watercolor Paper Pads</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- This is a good value if you wish to buy pads of watercolor paper. Bee Paper Aquabee Watercolor Paper Pads contain multiple sheets of a professional-quality paper that is versatile and receptive to all watercolor techniques. The sheets feature a well-sized , cold press surface that is archival, pH-neutral , and maintains maximum strength when wet.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10092-1011` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <p>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Gamblin Artist`s Oil Colors, Tubes` /></span></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Gamblin Artist`s Oil Colors, Tubes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- I think that Gamblin is the best value in paint today. You will recieve high quality paint and you will not have to take out a loan from the bank, go on an all Ramen diet or sell a kidney to purchase it.</span></p>  <p> </p>  <hr />  <p> </p>  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`00401-2043` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <hr />  <p> </p>  <p><form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Prismacolor Colored Pencil Sets` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Prismacolor Colored Pencil Sets</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- Prismacolor Colored Pencils are unequaled, no other brand is CLOSE in quality. I am NOT picky about any other supply, but I am about these pencils. They are almost as blendable as paint and almost as opaque. You can do unparalelled detail work with these pencils. They mix with oil paint and many other art media.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20508-7209` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Prismacolor Art Stix` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Prismacolor Art Stix</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- I ONLY use the Prismacolor Art Stix colorless blender. i dont really use the other sticks (Stix) too often. I prefer the thinner color pencils for my detail work. The blender is a wax stick made with the same binder as Prismacolor Colored Pencils. The blender blends the color flawlessly and creates gradual tonal and chromatic transitions. It is an invaluable tool! They measure 3¼` × ¼` (82 mm × 6 mm) and can be sharpened to a point for detailed work. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20008-0000` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- Good charcoal.....`NUFF SAID!</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20072-2000` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`> <span style=`font-size: large;`>Extended Shading Tutorial to be posted Friday</span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`drybrush dry brush painting bob marley step by step` src=`` alt=`drybrush dry brush painting bob marley step by step` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`portrait of bob marley kazanjianm merrill kazanjian` src=`` alt=`portrait of bob marley kazanjianm merrill kazanjian` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`charcoal artist step by step bob marley` src=`` alt=`charcoal artist portrait bob marley` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Drawing of bob marley dry brush` src=`` alt=`Drawing of bob marley dry brush` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`color pencil prismacolor artist merrill kazanjian highlights` src=`` alt=`color pencil prismacolor artist merrill kazanjian highlights` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`kazanjianm merrill kazanjian portrait tutorial video` src=`` alt=`kazanjianm merrill kazanjian portrait tutorial video` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`drawing and painting video tutorials by merrill kazanjian` src=`` alt=`drawing and painting video tutorials by merrill kazanjian` width=`721` height=`433` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`> </td>  <p>  </p> How to Draw Rapper Lil Wayne Step by Step. <table style=`width: 720px; background-color: #ffffff;` border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`>  <object width=`640` height=`390` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` /><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` /><param name=`src` value=`` /><param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` /></object></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <script type=`text/javascript`>// <![CDATA[  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */  google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;  google_ad_width = 336;  google_ad_height = 280;  // ]]></script>  <script type=`text/javascript` src=``></script>  <script type=`text/javascript`>// <![CDATA[  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // ]]></script>  <script type=`text/javascript` src=``></script>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`>  <p><img title=`Draw Lil Wayne 1` src=`` alt=`Draw Lil Wayne 1` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 1: Draw the three shapes that you see. Notice their size and placement in relation to the edges of this piece of paper.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw lil wayne 2` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne 2` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 2: Add in the hair shape. Hair moves constantly so the placement of these shapes do not have to be perfect. Try to focus more on the trapezoidal shape in between the two hair shapes.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw lil wayne 3` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne 3` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 3: Is one of the more difficult steos. Try to take your time and observe its placement and its subtleties. Notice that the fist is like a square shape tilted to the side on top of a triangle shape.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw lil wayne 4` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne 4` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 4: Add the two shapes for the shoulders.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw lil wayne 5` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne 5` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 5: Add the shapes for the eyes and the tear drops. </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw lil wayne 6` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne 6` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 6: Add the two shapes for the nose and the shadow below the nose. </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw lil wayne 7` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne 7` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 7: Add the three shapes for the mouth. The third shape on the top is a highlight above the lip.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw lil wayne 8` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne 8` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 8: Add the shapes to the hair. The most important of these shapes is the ear and earring on your right side. Also, be sure to add the double line for his chain.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw lil wayne 9` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne 9` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 9: Take extra time on this step. It is very important for the likeness. Lil Wayne has very complex eyes. Try to see each shape and where it fits in to the bigger shape. </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw lil wayne 10` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne 10` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 10: Now its time to make his 4,335 tattoos. Lil Wayne has more ink than a pen factory. Dont stress out while doing these. Not even I drew each one correctly.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw lil wayne 11` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne 11` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 11: More tattoos coming your way. Draw in the letters B and Y and improvise around the armpit. </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw lil wayne 12` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne 12` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 12:Thats a glowing bird to the left. If you dont like glowing birds, improvise. </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw lil wayne 13` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne 13` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 13: I think thats the word concrete written across his hand. If its not, I apologize Lil Wayne.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw lil wayne 14` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne 14` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 14: Make some squiggley thingeys on his neck. Every rapper needs at least one squiggley thingey tattoo.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw lil wayne 15` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne 15` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 15: I think those are dominoes on his left arm. His bodyguards would not let me shoot him with a tranquilizer dart, so I am not sure. Unless if you are a Lil Wayne historian, draw what you see or write your own subliminal message. </span></p>  <p> </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>  <script type=`text/javascript`>// <![CDATA[  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 3/31/10 */  google_ad_slot = `0328825729`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // ]]></script>  <script type=`text/javascript` src=``></script>  </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <p> </p>  <form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`>`><img src=`` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`22206-0159` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`20443-2091` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`05824-1010` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`22866-4014` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`10209-1033` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to block in large areas such as hair. This product can be combined with drawing pencils.</span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`20072-1000` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /><form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`General`s White Charcoal` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>General`s White Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to add highlights at the end of a drawing. It mixes with both pencil and charcoal. Each stick measures 3` × ¼` × ¼` (76 mm × 6 mm × 6 mm).</span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`22921-1001` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <object width=`640` height=`390` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` /><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` /><param name=`src` value=`` /><param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` /></object></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <div id=`watch-description-text`>         <p id=`eow-description`><a onclick=`*60+39);return false;` href=``>0:39</a> It is vine medium charcoal. I broke a stick and used the side to block in the masses for the hair. <a onclick=`*60+55);return false;` href=``>0:55</a> There is a shadow that stretches across his neck. You can slightly see both sides of the neck. Under the lips is very dark. <a onclick=`*60+24);return false;` href=``>1:24</a> Notice that I used a dry paper towel to blend the background (as well as the brush). <a onclick=`*60+40);return false;` href=``>1:40</a>- I am now adding pencil hatching directly above the charcoal. <a onclick=`*60+01);return false;` href=``>2:01</a> To me, it is important to hatch over the charcoal, to UNIFY the surface of the drawing..... HUH? What do you mean?- Charcoal is MATTE (Not shiny) and pencil is SHINY. -Charcoal MOVES and pencil is STABLE (doesn`t move) <a onclick=`*60+26);return false;` href=``>2:26</a> I am now using a graphite stick. Graphite sticks are really just BIG PENCILS!!!!! They come in different tones like drawing pencils (HB, 2B, 4B, 8B, etc.) <a onclick=`*60+51);return false;` href=``>2:51</a>- Notice that I am holding my drawing in place with a paper towel in my hand. Try not to let your hands touch the surface of the paper (I always struggle with that. <a onclick=`*60+51);return false;` href=``>2:51</a> I don`t like to fasten my drawing with tape because I usually shade my background and the tape leaves white triangles in the corners where the tape was.....Maybe someone could give ME a tip on that!!!! <a onclick=`*60+38);return false;` href=``>3:38</a> Eventually, the hair, the eyes, the area under the mouth and the area under the hands will be the darkest in tone. <a onclick=`*60+03);return false;` href=``>4:03</a> The paper under my hand prevents my hand from touching the paper surface of the drawing. <a onclick=`*60+52);return false;` href=``>3:52</a> Look at the C shape around the eye. <a onclick=`*60+03);return false;` href=``>4:03</a> Also, notice once again, I laid the initial tones down in charcoal, and followed it with pencil hatching. I am using a CHEAP mechanical pencil now because it has thinner graphite, which helps me do detail work. <a onclick=`*60+23);return false;` href=``>4:23</a> I am using the blending stump now.......and getting PISSED OFF!!!!!! The reason I am mad is because I made the mistake to put a piece of cardboard under the surface of my drawing (look at the dots in the background and on his face).....I gave Weezy Chicken Pocks!!!!! Argh! You`ll see me remove the cardboard soon. <a onclick=`*60+00);return false;` href=``>5:00</a> The top lip will be darker than the bottom one. Don`t forget to leave the highlight over the top lip. <a onclick=`*60+13);return false;` href=``>5:13</a> The shape under the nose (the nostrils) is not one tone. It is a complex shadow. The shadow under the neck is even more complex! <a onclick=`*60+58);return false;` href=``>5:58</a> Our ultimate goal when we shade a drawing is to eliminate lines and maintain the likeness. <a onclick=`*60+28);return false;` href=``>6:28</a>- Eyebrows are never one solid tone, they are always darker towards the center of the face. The one exception is when a girl wears make up and darkens her eyebrows in to one tone. <a onclick=`*60+00);return false;` href=``>7:00</a> Notice that I erased most of the original lines from the step by step. <a onclick=`*60+50);return false;` href=``>7:50</a> I am breaking the rules a bit and using a prismacolor black colored pencil for super dark tones. <a onclick=`*60+11);return false;` href=``>8:11</a> At this point, I only used the Prisma Black on one eye. Look at the difference. <a onclick=`*60+33);return false;` href=``>8:33</a> The hat will be lighter than the background and darker than the highlights on the face <a onclick=`*60+53);return false;` href=``>9:53</a> Have some fun with the tattoos! Know that I did not get them perfectly. Just mess around and practice your tones. <a onclick=`*60+13);return false;` href=``>11:13</a> Don`t get too complex with the shading of the hand. Focus on rounding the edges ar first. The spaces between the fingers are going to be dark. <a onclick=`*60+32);return false;` href=``>11:32</a> The edges of the arm are going to be dark. DO NOT outline though!!!! Hatch (Cross hatching is adding line next to line next to line) and blend. <a onclick=`*60+02);return false;` href=``>12:02</a> Highlight at the top of each shoulder. Use your kneaded eraser. <a onclick=`*60+25);return false;` href=``>12:25</a> His chain can be carved out with an eraser. <a onclick=`*60+09);return false;` href=``>13:09</a>- Create a highlight on the upper tip of the hand. <a onclick=`*60+01);return false;` href=``>14:01</a> To finish, I enhanced a few of the highlights with a white Conti Crayon.</p>       </div>           <div id=`watch-description-extras`>     <h4>Category:</h4>  </div>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`draw rapper lil wayne step by step ` src=`` alt=`draw rapper lil wayne step by step ` width=`640` height=`360` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`draw rapper lil wayne step by step ` src=`` alt=`draw rapper lil wayne step by step ` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`draw rapper lil wayne step by step ` src=`` alt=`draw rapper lil wayne step by step ` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`draw rapper lil wayne step by step ` src=`` alt=`draw rapper lil wayne step by step ` width=`640` height=`360` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`draw rapper lil wayne step by step ` src=`` alt=`draw rapper lil wayne step by step ` width=`640` height=`360` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`draw rapper weezy step by step` src=`` alt=`draw rapper weezy step by step` width=`640` height=`360` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`draw hip hop star lil wayne step by step pencil drawing` src=`` alt=`draw hip hop star lil wayne step by step pencil drawing` width=`640` height=`360` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`draw lil wayne in pencil step by step` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne in pencil step by step` width=`640` height=`360` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`draw lil wayne step by step merrill kazanjian kazanjianm` src=`` alt=`draw lil wayne step by step merrill kazanjian kazanjianm` width=`640` height=`360` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`draw weezy lil wayne` src=`` alt=`draw weezy` width=`640` height=`360` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`lil wayne rapper` src=`` alt=`lil wayne rapper` width=`640` height=`360` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`pencil drawing of lil wayne` src=`` alt=`pencil drawing of lil wayne` width=`640` height=`360` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table> Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step. <table style=`background-color: #c9c4c7; width: 720px; border: #820901 3px solid;` border=`3` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`>  <h1><span style=`font-size: large;`><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>How to Draw Bruno Mars: Step by Step</span></span></span></h1>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`>    <object width=`640` height=`390` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Today, if you feel like doing something, I am going to teach you how to draw Bruno Mars. Don`t just lay in your bed, kick up your feet and stare at a fan. Thats just silly talk. Artists have to remain occupied or else we wind up moving to the South of France to chop off our ears. So I recommend that you get out of your snuggie and grab a pencil and some paper.</span></span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw bruno mars 1` src=`` alt=`draw bruno mars 1` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Step 1: Draw the two shapes that you see. I recommend that you start out in the lower right corner.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw bruno mars 2` src=`` alt=`draw bruno mars 2` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Step 2: Draw in the neck shape. Try to match the width and the height of this shape as closely as you can.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw bruno mars 3` src=`` alt=`Bruno Mars 3` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Step 3: Draw in the other shoulder.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Bruno Mars 4` src=`` alt=`Draw Bruno Mars 4` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Step 4: Draw in a bowl shape for the bottom of his head.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw bruno mars step by step 5` src=`` alt=`draw bruno mars step by step 5` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Step 5: Add the top of the head. Notice that it is significantly larger than the bowl shape at the bottom of the head. Do your best to observe and draw the contour line as accurately as possible.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */  google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;  google_ad_width = 336;  google_ad_height = 280;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p> <img title=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 6` src=`` alt=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 6` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Step 6: Add the triangular shape to the side of the head.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 7` src=`` alt=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Stpe 7` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Step 7: Add the ear shape. Notice that its origin is at the line which runs accross the bowl shape.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 8` src=`` alt=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 8` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Step 8: This is the trickiest step. Draw the shapes that I just added. This tip will help. It is a similar distance from the eyebrow to the bottom of the nose, as it is from the eyebrow to the hairline.  </span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Step 9 Draw Bruno Mars` src=`` alt=`Step 9 Draw Bruno Mars` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Step 9: Draw in the shape for Bruno`s left eye socket.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 10` src=`` alt=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 10` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Step 10 Draw in the shape for Bruno`s left eye and eyebrow. Notice the placement of both of these shapes within the eye socket shape.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 11` src=`` alt=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 11` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Step 11: Complete the nose shape</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 12` src=`` alt=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 12` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Step 12: Add Bruno`s hat. Look closely and see that his hat is basically a banana shape and a trapezoid.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 13` src=`` alt=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 13` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Step 13: Add Bruno Mars upper lip.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 14` src=`` alt=`Draw Bruno Mars Step by Step 14` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Step 14: Add Bruno Mars bottom lip.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p> </p>  <p>  <table style=`BORDER-BOTTOM: #820901 3px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #820901 3px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c9c4c7; BORDER-TOP: #820901 3px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: #820901 3px solid` border=`3` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`><strong>Supplies I Used to Draw Bruno Mars</strong></span></span></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <table style=`BORDER-BOTTOM: #820901 3px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #820901 3px solid; BORDER-TOP: #820901 3px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: #820901 3px solid` border=`3` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p> </p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px; border: #820901 3px solid;` border=`3` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px; border: #820901 3px solid;` border=`3` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px; border: #820901 3px solid;` border=`3` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px; border: #820901 3px solid;` border=`3` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <table style=`background-color: #c9c4c7; width: 720px; border: #820901 3px solid;` border=`3` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Extended Shading Tutorial</span></span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`>  <object width=`640` height=`390` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>0:27- Notice that I am using a mechanical pencil. It has thinner graphite and it helps me create subtle tones for the features of the face. </span></span>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>0:27 Bruno Mars has dark brown eyes. BUT, do not be tempted to go too dark right away, try to build slowly.</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>0:30 The pupil of the eye is darker in tone than the iris. Notice that I left a small white space for a reflection in each eye. this is key to creating a realistic looking eye</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>0:35 If you havent done so already, erase the line from the top of the bowl shape that goes across the bottom of the nose.</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>1:00- Notice that the C shaped shadow going from the eyebrow to the bottom of the nose has a WIDE VARIETY in tones. Press harder and use high number B pencils (4B, 6B, 8B) to create darker tones.</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>1:18 Watch how I use the paper stump to start the shadow to your left. I `cross hatch` some lines, and then I spread the lines (graphite) with the stump. If you do not have a paper stump, use a Q-Tip.</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>1:44- A singnificant marker on Bruno`s face is the deep fold between the mouth and nose. To truly get his likeness, you will need to get that.</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>2:03 - `Float like a butterfly and shade like a bee`....In other words, move around. Do not get stuck in one place. Develop your drawing evenly.</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>2:24 The background on the right side of his face (your left) will eventually be as dark as the shirt tone that I just added.</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>2:55- The paper below my hand is called a slip sheet. It allows me to rest my hand on the drawing without smudging it.</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>3:18- Do NOT make the same MISTAKE I made. I RUSHED the background instead of hatching it in SLOWLY.</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>3:50- At this point of the drawing and shading process, your goal should be to eliminate `lines` and notice the nuances of `edges`. In other words, some shapes have solid edges, while others have softer edges. There is often a tonal difference as well.</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>3:50- Watch how I use the blending (paper) stump to soften an edge......Suggestion: Look in the mirror (right now) and notice the tonal and physical (hardness softness) differences of your face.</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>4:27- The highlights and shadows on the right side of his face (your left) are very complex but important. Notice the darkness that goes down his cheek and the four highlights. </span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>5:09 Watch me shade the left side of his face (your right side). It is very tricky. the dark values are very hidden.....but they are still there.</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>5:48- The nose is tricky. The darkest part is the nostril. The entire shape of the bottom of the nose stays pretty light because the light source seems to be shining up from his left.</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>6:28- The darkest part of the mouth is the two corners.</span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>6:52- My biggest mistake was going TOO FAST with shading the backgound. When you press hard it causes a crease/indentation in the page. When the paper gets damaged, your shading will be uneven. Youll see what I mean. </span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>7:29- Rewind to 7:24 to see how I use the pencil and brush to blend two DIFFERENT TONED shadows together. </span></span></p>  <p><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>8:14- At this point of the drawing, I am going to use the high number B pencils to get the dark values in. I am also going to use the kneaded eraser to create highlights. </span></span></p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>9:18- If you have any lines left (such as the one on the hat) get them out of your drawing. Look around at the world. It is expressed in shapes or masses, not lines. The most difficult part of pencil drawing ls realizing that you are working with a fine tip, capable of making only lines. </span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Pencil Drawing Bruno Mars` src=`` alt=`Pencil Drawing Bruno Mars` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`shading blending stump tortillion` src=`` alt=`shading blending stump tortillion` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`bruno mars 15` src=`` alt=`bruno mars 15` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`mars` src=`` alt=`mars` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`almost finished bruno mars portrait` src=`` alt=`almost finished bruno mars portrait` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`finished bruno mars pencil portrait` src=`` alt=`finished bruno mars portrait` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table> How to Draw Dr. Martin Luther King Step by Step (MLK). <p>  <object width=`480` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <!-- v:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} --><!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal 	{mso-style-parent:``; 	margin:0in; 	margin-bottom:.0001pt; 	mso-pagination:widow-orphan; 	font-size:12.0pt; 	font-family:`Times New Roman`; 	mso-fareast-font-family:`Times New Roman`;} span.SpellE 	{mso-style-name:``; 	mso-spl-e:yes;} span.GramE 	{mso-style-name:``; 	mso-gram-e:yes;} @page Section1 	{size:8.5in 11.0in; 	margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; 	mso-header-margin:.5in; 	mso-footer-margin:.5in; 	mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 	{page:Section1;} -->  <div class=`Section1`>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><a href=``></a></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`> </p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`>  <table style=`width: 767px; height: 985px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 3/31/10 */  google_ad_slot = `0328825729`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p><img title=`mlk1` src=`` alt=`mlk1` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 1: In step <span class=`GramE`>one we</span> are going to make shapes which will eventually become the eye. Both shapes look like a skinny <span class=`SpellE`>pac</span> man eating an almond. Be sure to notice that there is a slight difference between the two shapes. Use your observation skills because each shape is not symmetrical. Here is a close up.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><img title=`mlk2` src=`` alt=`mlk2` width=`720` height=`405` /></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><a href=``></a></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 2: Draw in the pupil and iris. Notice that you can see the bottom of the circle for the pupil and iris but not the top.</span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><img title=`mlk3` src=`` alt=`mlk3` width=`720` height=`405` /></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 3: Draw in the nose shape and the extra shapes for the shadows around it. The height of this shape should be about one third the height of the <span class=`SpellE`>pac</span> man shapes from step one. The width should be exactly as wide as the <span class=`SpellE`>pac</span> man/eye shape on your left. Notice that the nose shape does not attach to the eye shape.</span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><img title=`mlk4` src=`` alt=`mlk4` width=`720` height=`405` /></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 4: Add the quadruple shape that you see. The top shape will be Dr. King`s moustache which looks like a flattened M shape. The second shape from the top will be a highlight between the moustache and the top lip. The third shape resembles a lightning bolt and will be the top lip. The fourth shape is the bottom lip. Notice that it is bowl shaped and slightly thicker than the top lip. <span style=`mso-spacerun: yes;`> </span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`mso-spacerun: yes;`><img title=`mlk5` src=`` alt=`mlk5` width=`720` height=`405` /></span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 5: Add the shape of the forehead. This shape is about twice as tall as the <span class=`SpellE`>pac</span> man shape for the eye to the left.</span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><img title=`mlk 6` src=`` alt=`mlk 6` width=`720` height=`405` /></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 6: <span class=`SpellE`>Dont</span> freak out! Calm down! Add the shape for the outline of the head and hair. Focus on the edge of the head. The lines for the shadow on the face DO NOT have to be perfect but the outside has to be close. I repeat, focus your efforts on the outline of the head.</span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><img title=`MLK7` src=`` alt=`MLK7` width=`720` height=`405` /></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 7: Add the ear shape and the outline for the rest of the face.</span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><img title=`MLK8` src=`` alt=`MLK8` width=`720` height=`405` /></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 8: Add the shape for the clothing. It is going to be in heavy shadow so just go for the general shape and <span class=`SpellE`>dont</span> stress out if <span class=`GramE`>its</span> not perfect.</span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><img title=`mlk9` src=`` alt=`mlk9` width=`720` height=`405` /></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 9: Complete the clothing. Again, it will be in heavy shadow so <span class=`SpellE`>dont</span> become a perfectionist for this step. <span style=`mso-spacerun: yes;`> </span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`mso-spacerun: yes;`><img title=`MLK 10` src=`` alt=`MLK 10` width=`720` height=`405` /></span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 10: Fix the ear and the hairline.</span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`> </p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 3/31/10 */  google_ad_slot = `0328825729`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p class=`MsoNormal`>  <table style=`width: 770px; height: 22px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`supplies` src=`` alt=`supplies` width=`720` height=`284` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  </div>  <p> </p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p> </p>  <p>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`mlk11` src=`` alt=`mlk11` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`mlk12` src=`` alt=`mlk12` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`mlk13` src=`` alt=`lk13` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`mlk` src=`` alt=`mlk` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`mlk15` src=`` alt=`mlk15` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`mlk16` src=`` alt=`mlk16` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`mlk17` src=`` alt=`mlk17` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`mlk18` src=`` alt=`mlk18` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`mlk19` src=`` alt=`mlk19` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`mlk20` src=`` alt=`mlk20` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`mlk21` src=`` alt=`mlk21` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`mlk23` src=`` alt=`mlk23` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`mlk24` src=`` alt=`mlk24` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> How to Draw the Annoying Orange Step by Step. <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* Across top */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Above:</strong> A Tutorial on how to draw The Annoying Orange (Step by Step) with Colored Pencils and Illustration Markers.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Below:</strong> Deals on the supplies that I used.</span></p>  <p> </p>  <p>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Set of 96` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Set of 96</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> This is Blick`s version of Illustration Markers. They are identical to Prismacolor Illustration Markers but a LOT less expensive. </span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Includes one marker in each color and a Colorless Blender.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22148-1096` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Special Offer!` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Special Offer!</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> I am NOT picky about markers, but I am about colored pencils. There is no substitute for Prismacolor colored pencils. They are more opaque and blendable than any other brand of color pencils. You will need the ARTSTIX (spelled like that) colorless blender as well (also made by Prismacolor).</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Get a FREE 12-color set of NuPastels with the purchase of a Prismacolor Premier Pencil 120-Color Tin Box Set! For a limited time only. No limit on purchases.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20508-1219` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <p>  <table style=`width: 652px; height: 70px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><span dir=`ltr`>Wanna see a really annoying tutorial? Hey ....Yeah me too.....This video is going to give you step by step instruction on how to draw The Annoying Orange. As soon as the helium wears off, lets begin. Ah much better.... Step 1: Make a circular shape because oranges are circular.....even annoying ones. Step 2: When you make the eyes, remember that there is one eye length between each eye. The top of the eye shape is rainbow like. The bottom of the eye shape is almost flat, and slightly curves up at each end. Notice that the top of the pupil and iris is hidden behind the upper lid. Unlike human proportions, oranges eyes are closer to the top of his head....I mean whatever. Step 3: Add the mouth. This is the toughest step but it will be easier if you put it in as a big half circle, then break it up in to six smaller shapes. Here are the smaller shapes from top to bottom- the upper lip, the upper teeth, the mouth, the tongue, the lower teeth and the bottom lip. Pause the video at the end of this step and observe before you go on to the coloring part.</span></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p> </p> How to Draw Megan Fox Step by Step. <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Above:</strong> A step by step drawing tutorial on how to draw Megan Fox</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Below:</strong> The Materials that I used to draw her.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>FAR BELOW:</strong> The extended shading tutorial for this video. </span></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` />   <table style=`width: 599px; height: 22px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p>This video is going to show you how to draw Megan Fox. It doesn`t matter what your experience level is at drawing. All you have to do is follow the step by step instructions in this video. If you give it a try, you might transform your artistic skills.</p>  <p><img title=`1 megan fox step by step drawing` src=`` alt=`megan fox step by step drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /><br />Step 1.) Draw the rainbow shape and the wavy line below it.</p>  <p><img title=`how to draw megan fox step by step` src=`` alt=`2 how to draw megan fox step by step` width=`720` height=`405` /><br />Step 2.) Turn the rainbow shape in to an egg shape. Notice that the bottom part of the egg shape is bigger than the top. Add the two ellipses below the wavy line. Notice that the two elipses are slightly different from each other. The one on your right is more circular and the one on the left is more oval like.</p>  <p><img title=`megan fox drawing` src=`` alt=`megan fox drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /><br />Step 3.) Step 3 is the tricky step. Take some extra time to observe before you draw. Notice the placement and shape of the squiggly line for the nose. It is slightly lower than the half way point of the egg shape for the head. It is not as wide as the flattened M shape for the top lip. When you draw the top lip, be sure to observe that it is closer to the nose, than the chin.</p>  <p><img title=`megan fox ` src=`` alt=`megan fox` width=`720` height=`405` /><br />Step 4.) Add the bottom lip and the space between the lips. Notice that I put a darker line below where the teeth will go. The bottom lip is similar to the width of the two shapes above it.</p>  <p><img title=`megan fox drawing tutorial` src=`` alt=`megan fox drawing tutorial` width=`720` height=`405` /><br />Step 5.) Just breathe! While this step looks difficult it is not urgent to perfectly get the shape of the hair. Remember,,,,,With the exception of the MTV show, Jersey Shore, hair is moving and never in a constant shape. Observe the hair in this image and draw it on your paper.</p>  <p><img title=`megan fox eyes` src=`` alt=`megan fox eyes` width=`720` height=`405` /><br />Step 6.) Add the eyes and eye brows. Notice that the eyebrows are at the top of the ellipses and the eyes fall in the center of the shapes. Notice that there is a double line over each eye. Also notice where the pupil and iris fall within the eye shape. Dont go too dark (yet) on the pupil and iris. She has green eyes.</p>  <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>Extended shading tutorial of my drawing of Megan Fox<br />Tips:<br />Dont go too dark (yet) on the pupil and iris. She has green eyes. Dont go too dark (yet) on the pupil and iris. She has green eyes. is applied, the lashes stick together in a triangular shape. Her lashes are SUPER long. You can add that as a dark value right away. Dont go too dark (yet) on the pupil and iris. She has green eyes. When make up is applied, the lashes stick together in a triangular shape. The eyebrows can be shaded in as one tone (usually there is variation). The tone should be dark. Make sure that the bottom lashes are NOT as long as the top. With the mascara, her bottom lashes seem to be half the length of the top ones. This will seem wierd!.....But, the way that her head was turned, I only put in one nostril (with a hint of the second one......SOMEONE CALL STAR MAGAZINE! Megan Fox only has one nostril! Just kidding! :) Looks kind of scary now!....All drawings go through their arkward least mine do! Try to develop all parts of your drawing at the same pace The nose is tricky in this picture. There is a strong shadow on the right side of her face, but it is very complex. It is darkest 1.) in the nostril, 2.) followed by the bottom of the nose. 3.) The top of the nose by the right eye......It will take time to develop these tones. Notice how far back I hold my pencil.....I recommend that you try it! It works well for drawing and shading. When I need more control, I hold it closer to the tip. That brush is VERY soft tipped! I will use a bristle brush later.....and a blending stump. The bristle brush and the blending stump move the graphite more effectively, the soft tip brush gives a smoother blend. I use a HB pencil for most of the skin shading. I used a 4B for the lashes, eyes, nose, brows and the corner of the mouth. That is the 4B drawing pencil. That is the shadow created by her hair (overlapping her face), It is a very important shadow for this drawing to be believable. Corners of the mouth 4B..... lips HB. Shadow at the bottom of the bottom lip.....dont go too dark! Go light on the lines between the teeth. Hint at their existence....especially at the gum line. That is a 9B Graphite stick. It is extra wide to cover large areas. A graphite stick is the SAME THING as a pencil. The hair is very variable. I just recommend that you take the shape from this picture...but dont feel pressure to get it perfectly. Notice what I did on (her) right side....I drew in strong lines with the 9B graphite stick and then hatched (cross hatching) over it with a few lighter pencils (lighter as in 7B, 4B, HB). After I finish the hair, notice how much I use the HB pencil for the skin tones- (the yellow and the blue pencils are the HB`s)</p>  <p><img title=`megan fox shading` src=`` alt=`megan fox shading` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`megan fox pencil drawing` src=`` alt=`megan fox pencil drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`megan fox artwork` src=`` alt=`megan fox artwork` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`megan fox hair shading` src=`` alt=`megan fox hair shading` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`megan fox pretty` src=`` alt=`megan fox pretty beautiful` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`megan fox portrait drawing step by step` src=`` alt=`megan fox portrait drawing step by step` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`megan fox step by step video` src=`` alt=`megan fox step by step video` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`megan fox portrait finished` src=`` alt=`megan fox portrait finished` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p> </p> How to Draw a Lamborghini Step by Step. <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Above:</strong> How to Draw Lamborghini Step by Step</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Below:</strong> The supplies I used to make this drawing + Step by Step Instruction.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p> <span style=`font-size: medium;`>How to Render Cars in Photoshop: Fast and Easy- </span><a href=`` target=`_top`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #3366ff;`>Click Here!</span></span></a></p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`><span style=`color: #3366ff;`> </span><a href=``></a></p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><a href=``><img title=`How to Render Cars in Photoshop Fast and Easy` src=`` alt=`How to Render Cars in Photoshop Fast and Easy` width=`183` height=`250` /></a></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </span></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` />   <table style=`width: 600px; height: 118px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: large;`>How to Draw a Lamborghini: Step by Step</span></p>  <p>Today, you are going to learn how to draw a 250,000 dollar sports car that goes 0-60 faster than Fred Flintstone on Red Bull.......Wait a has power windows....make that 260,000 dollars. All you have to do is follow my step my step instructions and watch the shading tutorial and youll be able to draw the Lamborghini Gallardo. Lets get started/</p>  <p><img title=`how to draw lamborghini step by step` src=`` alt=`how to draw lamborghini step by step` width=`720` height=`405` /><br /><br />Step 1: Draw the three trapezoids that you see. Take extra time to observe their placement. Due to the rules of perspective the large trapezoid at the top is rounded at its top.</p>  <p><img title=`lamborghini drawing headlights roof and hood` src=`` alt=`lamborghini drawing headlights hood and roof` width=`720` height=`405` /><br />Step 2: Dont Freak out! Look closely, all I added was a half circle with other shapes inside. Notice that the half circle is slightly smaller than the large trapezoid shape from step 1.</p>  <p><img title=`lamborghini pencil drawing step by step wheels` src=`` alt=`lamborghini pencil drawing step by step wheels` width=`720` height=`405` /><br />Step 3: Now here is the hard one! First, notice that I closed the shape on the right side. Second, notice that I added a rectangular shape directly below the smaller trapezoids from step one. Take time to notice the placement of the shapes within the rectangle. Finally, notice the horseshoe shape in between and below the shapes added from steps 1 and 2.</p>  <p><img title=`lamborghini step by step 4` src=`` alt=`lamborghini spoiler engine drawing step by step` width=`720` height=`405` /><br />Step 4: Add the front tires and the fancy thingey on the door. If you made it through step 3, step 4 will be a breeze.</p>  <p><img title=`lamborghini gallardo countache` src=`` alt=`lamborghini step by step drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /><br />Step 5: Complete the back end of the car from observation. Take some extra time to notice the details of the rims and wheels.</p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Shading</span></p>  <p><img title=`pencil shading lamborghini step by step` src=`` alt=`pencil shading lamborghini` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`lamborghini drawing step by step shading pencil` src=`` alt=`lamborghini drawing step by step shading pencil` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`drawing of lamborghini easy` src=`` alt=`lamborghini gallardo drawing step by step` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`lamborghini red drawing` src=`` alt=`lamborghini white drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img src=`` alt=`finished complete lamborghini drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p> How to Draw Michael Jordan Step by Step Part 2. <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p> </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Above:</strong> How to draw Michael Jordan Step by Step</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Below:</strong> The supplies I used to make this drawing.</span></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Paintshop Pro Photo X3` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Paintshop Pro Photo X3</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Back to School and Save $40 on PaintShop Photo Pro X3. PaintShop Photo Pro X3. Available by instant download or box - Paint Shop Pro Photo X3. Powerful photo software that?s loaded with extras like: Media recovery software, Creative content pack, Corel Painter Photo Essentials 4 and a 2 GB USB flash drive?over $200 in value. View and edit photos quickly using the Express Lab. Retouch like a pro with unique Makeover Tools. Over 600 artistic special effects give photos a unique look. Professional tools like HDR Photo Merge Curves & Levels. Rely on the integrated Learning Center for step-by-step instruction.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`trkid` type=`hidden` value=`CJ` /> <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10707330` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`PK_TS13ESD` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=` ?` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p> </p>  <p>  <table style=`width: 605px; height: 274px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>This is part 2 of my tutorial on how to draw Michael Jordan. Part 1 showed you how to draw MJ`s head and this part will teach you how to draw his body. I recommend that you hit the link in the video description to go to a printable step by step guide. Lets get started. <br /><br />Step 1- For Step one, try to draw the shapes that I just added. Notice that his body goes out to your right a little bit less than a head length, from ear to ear. The bottom of his collar is also less than a head length down<br /><br />Step 2- Complete the shape for the shirt. Notice that the entire length of the shirt is almost 2 head lengths.<br /><br />Step 3- Observe and add the shapes for the upper arms.<br /><br />Step 4- Add the shape for the basketball and the right arm. notice that it is similar to a vase shape.<br /><br />Step 5- Add the forearm and the shape for the hand.<br /><br />Step 6- Add the shape for MJ`s shorts. notice that his legs are moving in a different direction than his upper body.<br /><br />Step 7- Draw in the shape for the lower legs. notice that they are angled in the same direction as the upper body.<br /><br />Step 8- Draw in MJ`s shoes<br /><br />Step 9- Fix MJ`s hand.</td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> How to Draw Michael Jordan Step By Step Part 1. <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Above:</strong> How to draw Michael Jordan Step by Step</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Below:</strong> The supplies I used to make this drawing.</span></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Paintshop Pro Photo X3` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Paintshop Pro Photo X3</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Back to School and Save $40 on PaintShop Photo Pro X3. PaintShop Photo Pro X3. Available by instant download or box - Paint Shop Pro Photo X3. Powerful photo software that?s loaded with extras like: Media recovery software, Creative content pack, Corel Painter Photo Essentials 4 and a 2 GB USB flash drive?over $200 in value. View and edit photos quickly using the Express Lab. Retouch like a pro with unique Makeover Tools. Over 600 artistic special effects give photos a unique look. Professional tools like HDR Photo Merge Curves & Levels. Rely on the integrated Learning Center for step-by-step instruction.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`trkid` type=`hidden` value=`CJ` /> <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10707330` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`PK_TS13ESD` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=` ?` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p> </p>  <p>  <table style=`width: 605px; height: 274px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>Do you fake the funk on a nasty dunk? Little Old Man`s `got game`, but his skills are nothing compared to Michael Jordan of the Chicago Bulls (NBA- National Basketball Association), the man most responsible for keeping my Knicks without a title in the 1990`s. It took me a long time to forgive MJ for that... but I think I have I made a two video tutorial on how to draw him......Video 1 will give you step by step instruction on how to draw his head and video 2 will give you step by step instruction on how to draw his body. As always, hit the link in the video description to go to a printable step by step guide to help you draw and shade. Pause the video at the end of each step. Lets get started<br /><br />Step 1: Draw an egg shape<br />Step 2: Put ears on the egg shape.... notice that the ear to your right is smaller than the ear to the left because his head is turned. Notice that their placement is on either side of the center of the egg.<br />Step 3: Add the two polygons that you see. Start each polygon at the top of the ear shape. Take some extra time to notice their shape and size. Then, just below the bottom of each ear, add a flat line, which we will later turn in to Michael Jordans nose. Finally, add a line for the mouth, one third of the way down, between the nose line and the chin line, at the bottom of the egg.<br />Step 4: Take a second to observe what happened to the nose line- I turned it in to three connected arcs. Notice the size and placement of the nostrils. Also add the sloping lines on either side of the nose<br />Step 5: Add the lines around the mouth. Notice that the top lip is M shaped and smaller than the bottom lip, which is shaped like an upside down rainbow. Also, observe and add Michael Jordan`s moustache. <br />Step 6: Add the eyes and eyebrows. Take a second to notice their size and placement. The eyebrows are somewhat triangular, and lie on the inside corners of the polygons. The eyes are almond shaped and lie closer to the top, than the bottom of the polygon.<br />Step 7: Take some time to observe and add the lines for the shadows at the top of his head.<br />Step 8: Now observe and add the shadow lines on the bottom of the face.....He kind of looks like Darth Maul from Star Wars<br />Step 9: Add the lines for the ear on the left. If you wish, do the same for the ear on the right. <br /><br />To shade I used a paint brush, graphite sticks, 3B, 6B and HB pencils, a blending stump (tortillion)....a q-tip can be substituted. I made this drawing on charcoal paper. <br /><br />Michael Jordan played most of his career with the Chicago Bulls, but also played for the Washington Wizards. He took a year off to play in the White Sox organization (MLB- Major League Baseball) for the <br />Birmingham Barons after the death of his father James Jordan, He hit 203 and managed to hit 3 home runs and drive in over 50 runs. While jordan was with the bulls, he teamed with Scottie Pippen and Phil Jackson to win five championships. Michael Jordan finished his career with the highest PPG average.</td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> How to Draw Kurt Cobain Step by Step. <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Above:</strong> Video tutorial demonstrating how to draw Kurt Cobain step by step</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Below:</strong> The art supplies that I used to make this drawing.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Far Below:</strong> Extended Shading Tutorial</span></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <table style=`width: 654px; height: 389px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p>`Come as You Are`, but bring a pencil......because you are going to learn how to draw Kurt Cobain step by step, `On a Plain` piece of paper. `All Apologies` if this intro gives you an `Aneurysm`, I just want to state that if you think that your drawing skills have `Plateaued` you should try my step by step videos to get them `In Bloom`. My videos wont `Drain you` and you wont think they`re `Dumb`....unless if you`re a `Negative Creep`......and I have over 100 on my channel so be sure to `milk it`........... So, unless if you have `Something in the Way`, please commit a `Sliver` of time to learning how to draw Kurt Cobain. Please don`t forget to Subscribe. Just click on my `Scentless Apprentice` who `Smells Like Teen Spirit`..................SUBSCRIBE......­..................Sorry, I have `Tourettes`.........Err `Nevermind.<br /><br />Step 1: Draw the arch and the two shapes. Notice that the shape on the left is egg shaped and the shape on the right is shaped like home plate in the game of baseball.<br />Step 2: Add the hair shape on the left side of the page. Dont stress, this shape doesnt have to be perfect but it should be proportionately larger than the shape from step one. <br />Step 3: Add the hair shape on the right side. Dont stress out on the hair shape, but take extra time on the shape of the face. <br />Step 4: Add the nose shape. Draw what you see rather than what you know. The nose looks like this because of a strong shadow shape. Just trust me and draw it. <br />Step 5: Add the mouth shape. The top lip is like a flattened M and the bottom lip is like a cereal bowl. Be sure to notice its placement compared to the other features of the face. <br />Step 6: Fill in the eye shapes. Take extra time on this step. The eyes are the key to the likeness.<br />Step 7: Add the shapes to the hair. These do not have to be placed perfectly since hair is a `Radio Friendly Unit Shifter`.<br />Step 8: Add the shapes for the facial hair.<br />I am combining two methods called 1.) cross hatching and 2.) smudging.....right now. Pause the video at different points and use the image on the screen as your reference image. It doesnt get very dark under the eyes.......however, above the eyes (between the eye and the eyebrow) it gets very dark. Kurt has dark and full eyebrows. Use a #2 (HB) pencil to start. Dont be scared to press hard in the eye region. The nose is tricky. The darkest part is the nostril (not part of the step by step video). But the entire shape of the bottom of the nose gets pretty dark. After, I fill it in, observe it, then draw it. I am using a #7 Bristle Flat brush for the shading. The top lip is dark and solid in shape. The LEFT side of his face (the side on YOUR right) is lighter in tone than the right side. The bottom left corner of the page will get very dark. I `went right in` with a 6B pencil. REMEMBER, shading is all about RELATIVITY, so compare the tones of the different areas of the image, The shape at the bottom of the face will eventually be blended in with other dark tones. In order to make the hair `pop out` you need to darken the background. (Its all about relativity!!!) The hair is a LOT of Adding....then erasing.....adding...then erasing ....Be sure to make your strokes in the same direction at the hair in this reference image.....Notice that I am using the eraser to `draw`. Now the `PORTRAIT` begins....Now it looks like a human being......but I have to `wrestle` with it to make it look like Kurt Cobain. Use a slip sheet (look under my hand) when you get this far. The darkest areas have several layers of hatching. (8B pencil).</p>  <p>This is the extended shading tutorial on how to draw Kurt Cobain of Nirvana. Pause the video at different points and use the image on the screen as your reference image. I am combining two methods called 1.) cross hatching and 2.) smudging.....right now. Pause the video at different points and use the image on the screen as your reference image. It doesnt get very dark under the eyes.......however, above the eyes (between the eye and the eyebrow) it gets very dark. Kurt has dark and full eyebrows. Use a #2 (HB) pencil to start. Dont be scared to press hard in the eye region. The nose is tricky. The darkest part is the nostril (not part of the step by step video). But the entire shape of the bottom of the nose gets pretty dark. After, I fill it in, observe it, then draw it. I am using a #7 Bristle Flat brush for the shading. The top lip is dark and solid in shape. The LEFT side of his face (the side on YOUR right) is lighter in tone than the right side. The bottom left corner of the page will get very dark. I `went right in` with a 6B pencil. REMEMBER, shading is all about RELATIVITY, so compare the tones of the different areas of the image, The shape at the bottom of the face will eventually be blended in with other dark tones. In order to make the hair `pop out` you need to darken the background. (Its all about relativity!!!) The hair is a LOT of Adding....then erasing.....adding...then erasing ....Be sure to make your strokes in the same direction at the hair in this reference image.....Notice that I am using the eraser to `draw`. Now the `PORTRAIT` begins....Now it looks like a human being......but I have to `wrestle` with it to make it look like Kurt Cobain. Use a slip sheet (look under my hand) when you get this far. The darkest areas have several layers of hatching. (8B pencil).</p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p> How to Draw Eminem Step by Step. <p>  <table style=`background-color: #e0e2fe; width: 720px; border: #000000 3px solid;` border=`3` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`>  <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `ca-pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 3/31/10 */  google_ad_slot = `0328825729`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <br /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><span style=`font-size: medium;`>This video will give you explicit instructions on how to draw the rapper Eminem, step by step. Just follow the instructions on the eight steps that I give you and shade along with me during the shading tutorial at the end of this video. Use the pictures and text below to supplement the instruction in the video. Good luck! Leave me a comment at the bottom. - Merrill<br /></span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`How to Draw Eminem Step by Step` src=`` alt=`How to Draw Eminem Step by Step` width=`720` height=`405` />  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 1:Make a bowl shape. Notice that the left side of the bowl is more vertical than the right side of the bowl, which is more curved. Also, make the other two parallel lines that you see. One is slightly left of the middle of the bowl shape and the other is to the right of the bowl shape.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p> <img title=`Draw Eminem Step by Step 2` src=`` alt=`Draw Eminem Step by Step 2` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 2:Make Eminem`s ear. Notice how it fits perfectly with the lines from step 1. If you need more explanation on how to draw an ear at this angle, click on the image to go to one of my ear tutorials, and then come back.</span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p> <img title=`draw Eminem step by Step 3` src=`` alt=`draw Eminem step by Step 3` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 3: Draw in the mouth shape. The two lips together look like a flattened heart shape. Notice that the bottom lip is slightly thicker than the top lip. Also notice that the top lip slightly resembles a lightning bolt.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p> <img title=`How to draw Marshall Mathers Eminem emin3m step by step` src=`` alt=`How to draw Marshall Mathers Eminem emin3m step by step` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 4: This is by far the trickiest step. Complete the outline of the face. The only way that you will get this is by observing this reference picture. Notice that the face goes up about three times the height of the original bowl shape. Use the ear and the mouth as reference points or comparison points to where the line goes. If there`s vomit on your sweater already, i`m worried......but if you get this step, you will get the entire image, so push it.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw eminem` src=`` alt=`draw eminem` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 5: Make the small line above the mouth.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`how to draw rapper eminem step by step 4` src=`` alt=`How to draw rapper eminem step by step 4` width=`720` height=`405` /> </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `ca-pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 3/31/10 */  google_ad_slot = `0328825729`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`><!--  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;` mce_style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 6: Make the nose shape. It should stem from the line that you made from step five. Eminems head is turned and only one nostril is clearly visible. Notice that there is only a line on the left side of the nose and it leads up to the eyebrow shape on the left. The inner part of the eyebrow on the right lines up perfectly with the right edge of the nostril.</span></p>  // --></script>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p> <img title=`How to make a pencil drawing of eminem step by step` src=`` alt=`How to make a pencil drawing of eminem step by step` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 7: Draw in the hair shape. Notice that it gets wider towards your right hand side at the top. Also, notice that the line for the top of the hair meets with Eminem`s ear and then continues to his neck.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Eminem Step by Step with pencil` src=`` alt=`Draw Eminem Step by Step with pencil` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 8: Add the eyes. Notice that there is about one eye length between each eye. Overall, the eye shapes are almond shaped but have other lines around the almond shape on the top and on the bottom.</span></p>  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`background-color: #a6fba8;` valign=`top`>  <p> </p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><strong><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>The Supplies I used to draw Eminem</span></strong></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <br /></form></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`><strong> Shading</strong></span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Cold Wind Blows, Talkin 2 Myself (ft. Kobe), On Fire , Won`t Back Down (ft. Pink) W.T.P. (White Trash Party) ` src=`` alt=`Draw Eminem Step by Step Cold Wind Blows, Talkin 2 Myself (ft. Kobe), On Fire , Won`t Back Down (ft. Pink) W.T.P. (White Trash Party) ` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Not Afraid Seduction No Love (ft. Lil Wayne) Space Bound Cinderella Man 25 to Life So Bad Almost Famous Love ` src=`` alt=`Not Afraid Seduction No Love (ft. Lil Wayne) Space Bound Cinderella Man 25 to Life So Bad Almost Famous Love ` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`the Way You Lie (ft. Rihanna)You`re Never Over Without Me Sing For The MomentLose Yourself Mocking Bird` src=`` alt=`the Way You Lie (ft. Rihanna)You`re Never Over Without Me Sing For The MomentLose Yourself Mocking Bird` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`eminem art pencil drawing merrill kazanjian kazanjianm` src=`` alt=`eminem art pencil drawing merrill kazanjian kazanjianm` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`step by step drawing tutorial eminem` src=`` alt=`step by step drawing tutorial eminem` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`eminem drawing tutorial` src=`` alt=`eminem drawing tutorial` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Draw Eminem` src=`` alt=`Draw Eminem` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`amazing fantastic dope eminem drawing` src=`` alt=`amazing fantastic dope eminem drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> How to Draw Jay-Z Step by Step. <p>  <table style=`background-color: #e2e0fe; width: 720px; border: #03003c 3px solid;` border=`3` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p>  <object width=`710` height=`427` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 3/31/10 */  google_ad_slot = `0328825729`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`How to Draw Jay Z jayz step 1` src=`` alt=`How to Draw Jay Z jayz step 1` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>Step 1: I recommend that you cut your paper in to a square shape to begin. While this recommendation is not necessary, the edges of the square will help you judge the placement of the lines in your drawing.<br /> <img title=`How to draw Jay z JayZ jay-z step by step 2` src=`` alt=`How to draw Jay z JayZ jay-z step by step 2` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 2: Draw the big U shape and the small P shape. Notice their relative size to each other and to the rest of the square shape. Notice where the lines of each letter end, compared to the edges of the paper. Finally, notice that the U and the P tilt to the right.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`how to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 3` src=`` alt=`how to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 3` width=`720` height=`405` />  <p>Step 3: Put in the triangle shape at the top....close to the middle of the page. Also put in the line in the upper left corner.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`how to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 4` src=`` alt=`how to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 4` width=`720` height=`405` />  <p>Step 4: This is a tough step.....Do not expect to get this perfectly. These are shadow shapes around the eye and they are not as important as getting the position of the eye correct. Notice the general placement of this shape. It lies above the tail of the P shape and more than 1/2 the way up the U shape. Sketch it in quickly. Do not agonize over it.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 5` src=`` alt=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 5` width=`720` height=`405` />  <p>Step 5: Draw in the eyes. Overall, they are almond shaped and notice that there is one eye length between each eye. Also, be sure to add the double line around the eyes.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 7` src=`` alt=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 7` width=`720` height=`405` />  <p>Step 6: Add the nose. There is a strong shadow on both sides of the bridge of the nose. There is even a stronger shadow at the bottom and the nostrils will be merged in to a shape that looks like a flattened M.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 8` src=`` alt=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 8` width=`720` height=`405` />  <p>Step 7: Add the rainbow shape that you see. Notice its origin from the shape in step 6.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 9` src=`` alt=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 9` width=`720` height=`405` />  <p>Step 8: Add Jay-Z`s lips. The two lips together form a heart shape. The two lips are about equal in size to each other.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`How to Draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 10` src=`` alt=`How to Draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 10` width=`720` height=`405` />  <p>Step 9: Add the shirt and tie. Dont stress the placement of these shapes, they are irrelevant to the likeness.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 11` src=`` alt=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 11` width=`720` height=`405` />  <p>Step 10: Finish the shirt and add his earring.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`how to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 12` src=`` alt=`how to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 12` width=`720` height=`405` />Step 11: Add the line below his chin.  <p style=`text-align: center;`>   <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 3/31/10 */  google_ad_slot = `0328825729`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td align=`center`>  <p> </p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;` width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong>15-Piece Drawing Set</strong></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos. </span> </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong>Lyra Graphite Crayons</strong></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</strong></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</strong></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</strong></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal</span></strong></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to block in large areas such as hair. This product can be combined with drawing pencils.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20072-1000` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /> <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`General`s White Charcoal` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>General`s White Charcoal</span></strong></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to add highlights at the end of a drawing (I didnt use this for the Jay-Z Drawing though. It mixes with both pencil and charcoal. Each stick measures 3` × ¼` × ¼` (76 mm × 6 mm × 6 mm).</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22921-1001` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`how to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 13` src=`` alt=`how to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 13` width=`720` height=`408` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 14` src=`` alt=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 14` width=`720` height=`414` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`how to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 15` src=`` alt=`how to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 15` width=`720` height=`412` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 16` src=`` alt=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 16` width=`720` height=`413` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`how to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 17` src=`` alt=`how to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 17` width=`720` height=`439` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 18` src=`` alt=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 18` width=`720` height=`412` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 19` src=`` alt=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 19` width=`720` height=`409` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 20` src=`` alt=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 20` width=`720` height=`409` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 21` src=`` alt=`How to draw Jay Z JayZ Jay-Z step by step 21` width=`599` height=`381` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p> How to draw 2Pac Tupac Shakur Step by Step. <table style=`text-align: left; width: 1000px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <h1 style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>How to Draw Tupac Shakur Step by Step </span></h1>  <h1 style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>    <object width=`627` height=`374` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </span> </h1>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: small;`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Today I am going to give you step by step instructions on how to draw and shade Tupac Shakur. You should be able to get a strong likeness of Tupac even if you are new to drawing. Just, listen to the instructions and pause the video at the end of each step. I am going to do something slightly different, but very helpful, for the shading portion of the video so be sure to stay tuned after the step by step. Lets get started.</span></span></span></strong></p>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: small;`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 1: Lets start off with a difficult but somewhat unimportant step. Draw in two crescent moon shapes to make the hat. Notice all of the smaller shapes within the hat shape, and their placements. Dont panic if your hat drawing from this step is not perfect, it is not a part of the likeness. </span></span></span></strong></p>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: small;`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 2: Take extra time on this step. The eyes are the key to a likeness. First, notice 2Pac`s eyebrows, they are very thick. Then notice their placement compared to the bottom of the hat. After the eyebrows are set, notice that the eyes are one eyelength apart from each other. Observe how closed the eye shape is as well as the placement of the pupil and iris. Finally, notice the upper eyelid fold, which is close to the eye and the lower eyelid fold, which is slightly further away.</span></span></span></strong></p>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: small;`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 3: Add the line for the bottom of the nose and the ears. Be sure to notice the placement of the nose, compared to the eyes, and be sure to see that the ears go from the eyebrows to the bottom of the nose. </span></span></span></strong></p>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: small;`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 4: Out of everything that I just added, the most important feature is the chin line. Take some extra time to observe its placement. As for the sweatshirt......add it but dont sweat it. </span></span></span></strong></p>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: small;`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 5: Add Tupac`s mouth and facial hair. Notice that the bottom lip is crescent moon shaped and much thicker than the top lip. Also notice that the corners of the mouth line up with the mid points of the eye. Here is a close up so that you can get the teeth.  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 468x60, created 1/26/10 */  google_ad_slot = `2338749477`;  google_ad_width = 468;  google_ad_height = 60;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </span></span></span></strong></p>  <h2 style=`text-align: left;`><span style=`font-size: small;`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman;`><span style=`color: #ffffff;`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>Materials I Use-</span> <span style=`font-size: medium;`>I normally shade with Drawing Pencils ($7.95)- </span></span><a href=`` target=`_top`><span style=`background-color: #0000ff;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`background-color: #000000;`><span style=`color: #0000ff;`>Set of 12</span></span></span></span></a><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`background-color: #000000;`><span style=`color: #0000ff;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /> </span></span><span style=`color: #ffffff;`>and ($19.20)</span> </span><a href=`` target=`_top`><span style=`color: #0000ff;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Graphite sticks</span></span></a><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #ffffff;`>. I normally smudge with a Q-Tip, Tortillion</span></span><a href=`` target=`_top`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #ffffff;`> </span><span style=`color: #0000ff;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></span></a><span style=`font-size: medium;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /> <span style=`color: #ffffff;`>or Bristle Paint Brushes- ($7.95) </span><span style=`color: #0000ff;`>Blick Masterstroke Pure Interlocking Bristle Brushes</span><span style=`color: #0000ff;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` />.</span></span></span></span></h2>  <h2 style=`text-align: left;`><span style=`font-size: small;`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #0000ff;`><span style=`color: #ffffff;`>For the Tupac portrait, I used Ad Chartpak Cool Grey Illustration Markers- </span><a href=`` target=`_top`><span style=`color: #0000ff;`>Chartpak Ad Marker Sets</span></a><span style=`color: #ffffff;`><span style=`color: #0000ff;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /> </span>and Prismacolor Cool Grey Illustration Markers-</span><a href=`` target=`_top`> <span style=`color: #0000ff;`>Cool Grays, Set of 12</span></a><span style=`color: #0000ff;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></span> <span style=`color: #ffffff;`>. For more details scroll down.</span></span></span></span></span></h2>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Cool Grays, Set of 12` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Cool Grays, Set of 12</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Each set contains 12 markers, including 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 3 Blacks.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21342-1219` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps are perfect tools when you want to smudge and blend drawings made from pencils, charcoals, and pastels and don’t want to get your fingers dirty. Available in 2 piece packages of either 1/4` or 3/8` blending stumps or in an assorted 5 piece package that includes 1/8`, 3/16`, 1/4`, 7/16`, and 5/8` blending stumps.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-1059` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Set of 12` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Set of 12</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This set contains 12 pencils, one each of 6B, 5B, 4B, 3B, 2B, B, HB, F, H, 2H, 4H, and 6H.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22220-2009` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Chartpak Ad Marker Sets` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Chartpak Ad Marker Sets</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>A single nib with three distinct line weights. These waterproof, permanent, solvent-based markers deliver brilliant, sparkling color in fine point, medium weight, or broad strokes, with just a shift of the wrist. From crisply articulated tight comps to broadly expressive illustrations, one marker gives you all the lines you need.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`21303-2519` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`General`s Kimberly Graphite Sticks` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>General`s Kimberly Graphite Sticks</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>These soft, smooth graphite sticks are made for sketching and shading. Box of 12.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20414-2092` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> Draw Scarface (Tony Montana) Step by Step. <p>  <table style=`background-image: url(; width: 900px; height: 122px; border: #857a7a 0px solid;` border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <table style=`width: 66px; height: 144px;` border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw scarface step 1` src=`` alt=`draw scarface step 1` width=`400` height=`297` /></p>  <p>Step 1.) Draw a half circle. Be sure to include the triangular shape, pointing downwards on the bottom right corner.</p>  </td>  <td align=`center` valign=`top`>  <p><img title=`Draw scarface step 2` src=`` alt=`Draw scarface step 2` width=`400` height=`298` /></p>  <p>Step 2.) Step two is the most difficult step. Take some extra time to observe the shape that I just added. Notice that the indentation looks like a pointing finger. Also notice that, minus the indentation, this new shape is close tp being triangular.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw scarface step 3` src=`` alt=`draw scarface step 3` width=`400` height=`311` /></p>  <p>Step 3.) Add the two shapes for the eye socket. Notice that the negative space between them is triangular. Also notice that the shape for Scarface`s left eye socket is a heart shape turned to the side. </p>  </td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><img title=`draw scarface step 4` src=`` alt=`draw scarface step 4` width=`400` height=`320` /></p>  <p>Step 4.) Add the nose. Be sure to notice the placement of the nostril.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw scarface step 5` src=`` alt=`draw scarface step 5` width=`400` height=`304` /></p>  <p>Step 5.) Add the lines on either side of the nose and the line between the lips. The new shape is a trapezoid under the nose.</p>  </td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><img title=`draw scarface step 6` src=`` alt=`draw scarface step 6` width=`400` height=`291` /></p>  <p>Step 6.) Add a flattened M shape for the top lip and an upside down rainbow for the bottom lip.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw scarface step 7` src=`` alt=`draw scarface step 7` width=`400` height=`314` /></p>  <p>Step 7.) Form the left side of Scarface`s face and his chin. Notice that its shape is similar to the letter J.</p>  </td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><img title=`draw scarface step 8` src=`` alt=`draw scarface step 8` width=`400` height=`291` /></p>  <p>Step 8.) Fill in the shapes on the inside of the ear.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw scarface step 9` src=`` alt=`draw scarface step 9` width=`400` height=`318` /></p>  <p>Step 9.) Add the two lines for the neck. Also, add the shadow shape under the ear.</p>  </td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><img title=`draw scarface step 10` src=`` alt=`draw scarface step 10` width=`400` height=`312` /></p>  <p>Step 10.) Add the shapes for the eyes. Each eye is similar to an almond shape with a circle in the middle (the Iris). Notice that the upper eyelid blocks the top of each circle.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw scarface step 11` src=`` alt=`draw scarface step 11` width=`400` height=`310` /></p>  <p>Step 11.) Put in the eyebrows and lightly ouline the contour of te eye with a slightly wider line.</p>  </td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><img title=`draw scarface step 12` src=`` alt=`draw scarface step 12` width=`400` height=`294` /></p>  <p>Step 12.) This step has more detail than difficulty..... So take some extra time to observe the shapes added under each eye. Notive that the central shape is an upside down rainbow under each eye.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p> <img title=`draw scarface step 13` src=`` alt=`draw scarface step 13` width=`400` height=`305` /></p>  <p>Step 13.) Add the two lines to the forehead, above and between the eyes. Also take some time to fix the hairline.</p>  </td>  <td align=`center` valign=`middle`> <a href=`` target=`_top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`349` height=`286` /></a></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p> </p>  <p><a href=`` target=`_top`></a></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><a href=`` target=`_top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Adobe` width=`612` height=`81` /></a></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>  <table style=`width: 187px; height: 34px;` border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><span style=`font-size: large;`><strong>Right Eye</strong></span></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>  <table border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`scarface rt eye 1` src=`` alt=`scarface rt eye 1` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  <td><img title=`scarface rt eye 2` src=`` alt=`scarface rt eye 2` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`scarface rt eye 3` src=`` alt=`scarface rt eye 3` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  <td align=`center` valign=`middle`>  <p> <a href=`` target=`_top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=` - Online Art Supplies` width=`221` height=`164` /></a></p>  <p><a href=`` target=`_top`>FREE SHIPPING on orders totaling $200 or more</a><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>     </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p> </p>  <p>    <table style=`width: 300px; height: 100px;` border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: large;`><strong>Left Eye</strong></span></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <table border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td align=`center` valign=`top`><img title=`left eye 1` src=`` alt=`left eye 1` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  <td align=`center` valign=`top`>  <p> <img title=`left eye 2` src=`` alt=`left eye 2` width=`400` height=`225` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td align=`center` valign=`top`><img title=`left eye 3` src=`` alt=`left eye 3` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  <td align=`center` valign=`top`>  <p> </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: large;`><span style=`color: #ff0000;`>Special for users:</span></span></p>  <span style=`font-size: large;`>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #ff0000;`><strong>New Version!</strong> </span></span><a href=`` target=`_top`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #0000ff;`>Corel PaintShop Photo Pro <strong>X3</strong></span></span></a><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #0000ff;`>. </span></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #ff0000;`>For Photos to be Proud of! From only $69.99. </span></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #ff0000;`>Limited time<img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></span></span></p>  </span>  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  <img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` />  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>    <table id=`Forehead` style=`width: 303px; height: 62px;` border=`0` align=`center`>  <caption><span style=`font-size: large;`><strong></strong></span></caption>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`> <strong><span style=`font-size: large;`>Forehead</span></strong></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <table style=`width: 0px;` border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`forehead 1` src=`` alt=`forehead 1` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  <td><img title=`forehead 2` src=`` alt=`forehead 2` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`forehead 3` src=`` alt=`forehead 3` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  <td align=`center` valign=`middle`>   <p><strong></strong></p>  <p> <a href=`` target=`_top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`237` height=`196` /></a></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`></form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`></form>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form style=`text-align: center;` action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Set of 36 Colors` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Set of 36 Colors</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Includes the basic colors, with an emphasis on gray and blue values.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22110-0369` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p>  <table style=`width: 300px; height: 100px;` border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: large;`><strong>Mid Face</strong></span></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <table border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`scarface 1` src=`` alt=`scarface 1` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  <td><img title=`scarface 2` src=`` alt=`scarface 2` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`scarface 3` src=`` alt=`scarface 3` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  <td align=`center` valign=`middle`>   <p><a href=`` target=`_top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Save up to 60% off MSRP` width=`255` height=`194` /></a></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  </form>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <p>  <table style=`width: 300px; height: 100px;` border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: large;`><strong>Lower Face</strong></span></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <table border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Scarace lower face 1` src=`` alt=`Scarace lower face 1` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  <td><img title=`scarface lower face 2` src=`` alt=`scarface lower face 2` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Scarface lower face 3` src=`` alt=`Scarface lower face 3` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  <td align=`center` valign=`middle`>   <p><a href=`` target=`_top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Save on Painter 11 + Wacom Pen Tablet Bundle!` width=`212` height=`189` /></a> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <a href=`` target=`_top`></a></p>  <p>  <table style=`width: 300px; height: 100px;` border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><strong><span style=`font-size: large;`>Hair</span></strong></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <table border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`hair 1` src=`` alt=`hair 1` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  <td><img title=`hair 2` src=`` alt=`hair 2` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`hair 3` src=`` alt=`hair 3` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  <td>    <table style=`width: 398px; height: 219px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Creator 2010 -Download` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Creator 2010 -Download</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>`I use this software to create my videos`          - Merrill Kazanjian</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10373745` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`152426800` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <a href=`` target=`_top`></a></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`> </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` />   <table border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><span style=`font-size: large;`><strong>Finishing Touches</strong></span></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <table border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Scarface Finish 1` src=`` alt=`Scarface Finish 1` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  <td><img title=`Scarface Finish 2` src=`` alt=`Scarface Finish 2` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Finished` src=`` alt=`Finished` width=`400` height=`225` /></td>  <td>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>- You can leave comments at the bottom. If you wish for </span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>me to post your (Scarface) art work, e-mail me a </span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>picture at </span><a href=``><span style=`font-size: x-small;`></span></a><span style=`font-size: x-small;`> . </span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>- I update my website frequently. If you wish to be </span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>notified of new resources / artwork at, </span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>sign up for my newsletter on the HOME page.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>- Merrill Kazanjian</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p> </p>  <p>  <table border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><span style=`font-size: large;`><strong>Download the PDF</strong></span></td>  <td><span style=`font-size: large;`><span style=`color: #3366ff;`><a href=``>CLICK HERE</a></span></span></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>
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All work on this website is created by Merrill Kazanjian. Strict copyright rules apply.
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