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Learn How to Draw/Paint Step by Step Through Merrill's YouTube Videos
Drawing Tutorials: Athletes, Actors, Cartoon Characters, Entertainers, Musicians, Rappers, Politicians


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Merrill Kazanjian
Collection: Step By Step Drawing- Intermediate

Step by Step drawing videos- Intermediate level.

How to Draw John Lennon Step by Step. <table style=`width: 720px;` border=`1`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td> <object style=`margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; display: block;` width=`640` height=`360` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`><param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` /><param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` /><param name=`src` value=`` /><param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` /></object></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: medium;`>   <script type=`text/javascript`>// <![CDATA[  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // ]]></script>  <script type=`text/javascript` src=``>// <![CDATA[    // ]]></script>  </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: medium;`>The Long and Winding Road of YouTube searches has brought you here and today, YOU are going to draw an excellent portrait of John Lennon with a little help from your friend Merrill of course. Under ideal circumstances I would want to hold your hand to directly assist you with this portrait; but since im a real Nowhere Man; your high speed internet connection and this step by step tutorial will have to do. </span><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman;`>But rest assured,we can work it out since this video is available to you on YouTube eight days a week! </span><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman;`>All that You will need ......Is Love, a pencil and workable listening skills. Ill take care of the rest. I recommend that you pause the video at the end of each step and hit the link in the video description to go to my cheat sheet for this video. It will definitely help you. Lets get started</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 1: Draw the three shapes that you see. Notice that the three shapes resemble a childs drawing of a car.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 2: Make the two crescent moon shapes that I just added.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 3: Make the nose shape. Notice that the length of the nose is equal with the height of the forehead</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`717` height=`483` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Here is a close up.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>Step 4: Make the moustache and the mouth.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 5: Add the details that I just added to the eyes. Be sure to notice their placement within the frames of the glasses.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`725` height=`489` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Here is a close up.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>Step 6: Observe and add the outline of John Lennon`s face. Stop at the chin.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>Step 7: Add the other side of John Lennon`s face and then add the `P` shape.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>Step 8: Add John`s hair. But dont stress out if it`s not perfect. Just let it be!</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <script type=`text/javascript`>// <![CDATA[  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // ]]></script>  <script type=`text/javascript` src=``>// <![CDATA[    // ]]></script>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`> <span style=`font-size: large;`>Supplies I Used For This Drawing</span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <p> </p>  <form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`>`><img src=`` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`22206-0159` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`20443-2091` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`05824-1010` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`22866-4014` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`10209-1033` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`sid` value=`2858963` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></p>  <form action=`` method=`get` target=`_top`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to block in large areas such as hair. This product can be combined with drawing pencils.</span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`20072-1000` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /><form action=`` method=`get` target=`_top`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td valign=`top` width=`10%`><img src=`` alt=`General`s White Charcoal` border=`0` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>General`s White Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to add highlights at the end of a drawing. It mixes with both pencil and charcoal. Each stick measures 3` × ¼` × ¼` (76 mm × 6 mm × 6 mm).</span></p>  <hr /><input type=`hidden` name=`pid` value=`3724826` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`aid` value=`10495307` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`cjsku` value=`22921-1001` /> <input type=`hidden` name=`url` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` border=`0` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table> How to Draw Heath Ledger as the Joker: Batman Dark Knight. <table style=`width: 720px;` border=`1`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>   <object width=`640` height=`390` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`text-align: left; `><span style=`font-family: arial black,avant garde;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 1: Cut a piece of drawing paper to the measurements 11.0 inches by 6.5 inches.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`><span style=`font-family: arial black,avant garde;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 2: Draw the three shapes that you see. Be as precise as you can with the middle shape. The two outer shapes, which will be the hair are not as important. Use the borders of the page as a guide to help you with this step.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; FONT-FAMILY: `><span style=`font-family: arial black,avant garde;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 3: Do you want to know how I got these scars? Its from step three, which actually isnt that hard. Focus on the general placement of these shapes. Use the line that cuts through as a guide. Do not drive yourself crazy with all the details.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; FONT-FAMILY: `>  <p><span style=`font-family: arial black,avant garde;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 4: Add the shape for Heath Ledger (Joker`s) nose.</span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; FONT-FAMILY: `><span style=`font-family: arial black,avant garde;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 5: Add Joker`s face, but dont make it too long.</span></span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; FONT-FAMILY: `><span style=`font-family: arial black,avant garde;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 6: Add Jokers smile. Notice that it goes up to his eyes!!!!</span></span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`> <span style=`font-family: arial black,avant garde;`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 7: Add the shadow between his nose and his mouth. </span></span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`> <span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`font-family: arial black,avant garde;`>Step 8: Add the shoulders.</span></span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`font-family: arial black,avant garde;`>Step 9: Add the eyes. Focus more on the PLACEMENT of the eyes rather than the shape!</span></span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`font-family: arial black,avant garde;`> Step 10: Add some details to his clothing.</span></span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p> </p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to block in large areas such as hair. This product can be combined with drawing pencils.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20072-1000` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /> <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`General`s White Charcoal` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>General`s White Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to add highlights at the end of a drawing. It mixes with both pencil and charcoal. Each stick measures 3` × ¼` × ¼` (76 mm × 6 mm × 6 mm).</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22921-1001` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`643` height=`362` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`640` height=`360` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`515` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`723` height=`430` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table> Draw Katy Perry Step by Step. <table style=`background-color: #e0e0e0; width: 720px; border: #f7f707 3px solid;` border=`3` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`>  <h3><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>How to Draw Katy Perry: Step by Step</span></h3>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`>    <object width=`640` height=`390` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw katy perry 1` src=`` alt=`step 1` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Step 1: Draw a bowl shape.</span></span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`draw katy perry 2` src=`` alt=`draw katy perry 2` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Step 2: Observe and draw the nose shape at the top of the bowl shape. Notice its size and placement within the bowl shape. Also, add the lines which look like parentheses; notice their angle and their placement compared to the outside of the bowl shape. </span></span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`katy perry step 3` src=`` alt=`katy perry step 3` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Step 3: Add the three shapes to make the smile. Notice the placement of these shapes, compared to the nose and the smile lines. Be sure to notice that the upper lip is the smallest of the three shapes and the bottom lip is the biggest.</span></span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><!-- @import url(; -->  <div class=`cse-branding-right` style=`background-color:#000000;color:#FFFFFF`>  <div class=`cse-branding-form`><form id=`cse-search-box` action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <div><input name=`cx` type=`hidden` value=`partner-pub-6730899040960500:xnfspl1lg7u` /> <input name=`ie` type=`hidden` value=`ISO-8859-1` /> <input name=`q` size=`31` type=`text` /> <input name=`sa` type=`submit` value=`Search` /></div>  </form></div>  <div class=`cse-branding-logo`><img src=`` alt=`Google` /></div>  <div class=`cse-branding-text`>Custom Search</div>  </div>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */  google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;  google_ad_width = 336;  google_ad_height = 280;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><img title=`Draw Katy Perry 5` src=`` alt=`Draw Katy Perry Step 5` width=`720` height=`405` /></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Step 4: Draw in the teeth. Notice that each tooth appears to become smaller as they go further back in the mouth. This is not the case in real life, but it is when we draw a smile. Try not to darken the lines between the teeth too much.</span></span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Katy Perry 4` src=`` alt=`Draw Katy Perry 4` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Step 5: Merrill??? What the HECK is THAT????? ........Relax!......... Don`t worry!....Ill make this nice and simple. First, notice that the new shape is taller than the bowl shape. The triangular shape at the top center is slightly wider than the nose shape. Look closely and notice that the left side is squared and the right side is rounded. Also, be sure to see that the right side is lower than the left.</span></span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p> <span style=`font-size: medium;`><img title=`Draw Katy Perry` src=`` alt=`Draw Katy Perry` width=`720` height=`405` /></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Step 6: Listen, youre a firework!!!! Don`t freak out! This is EASY! Hair moves all the time. You do not need to get this shape perfectly. Use your observational skills to get the general shape of the hair. Again, don`t be intimidated by this step.... just generalize what you see. </span></span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Katy Perry 7` src=`` alt=`Draw Katy Perry 7` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Step 7: Draw in the eye shapes. Notice that there is one eye length between the eyes. Notice the difference in size between the top eyelashes and the bottom ones. Notice the size of the iris compared to the whites of the eye. </span></span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Katy Perry 8` src=`` alt=`Draw Katy Perry 8` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Step 8: Draw in the shapes for her body.</span></span></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p> </p>  <p>  <table border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <h2 style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Supplies I Used For Katy Perry Portrait</span></h2>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p> </p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p> </p>  <p>  <table style=`background-color: #e0e0e0; width: 720px; border: #f7f707 3px solid;` border=`3` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: large;`><strong>Shading</strong></span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`>  <p>  <object width=`640` height=`390` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>Notes From Extended Shading Tutorial Video</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>0:11- Notice that I am using a mechanical pencil. It has thinner graphite and it helps me create subtle tones for the features of the face.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>0:21 Notice the difference between the upper eyelashes and the lower ones. The upper eyelashes are much darker. Use a 4B to 6B pencil on the eyelashes right away.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>0:30 The pupil of the eye is darker in tone than the iris. You will see that I shade the `white` of the eye with the paintbrush. I pull some of the graphite over from the iris and the eyelashes. Do not go too dark though.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>0:35 Watch how I use the paper stump to do the eyelashes. I `cross hatch` some lines, and then I spread the lines (graphite) with the stump. If you do not have a paper stump, use a Q-Tip.........And if you dont have Q-Tips, how the hell do you clean your ears????</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>0:45-- Do not go too dark under her eyes. Our skin thins and becomes more transparent as we age. Let Katy Perry keep her `Teenage Dream` and don`t give her bags under her eyes......yet. It is OK to darken the area a bit because the eye protrudes from the eye socket (feel your eyeball NOW) and the area around the eyeball is almost always in shadow.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>1:05 The darkest part of the mouth is the two corners. </span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>1:26- `Float like a butterfly and shade like a bee`....In other words, move around. Do not get stuck in one place. Develop your drawing evenly.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>2:00- Learning shading is like learning another language. You are translating tones. Get in the habit of looking at my reference image once for every five seconds.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>2:10- At this point of the drawing and shading process, your goal should be to eliminate `lines` and notice the nuances of `edges`. In other words, some shapes have solid edges, while others have softer edges. There is often a tonal difference as well.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>2:34- Watch how I use the blending (paper) stump to soften an edge......Suggestion: Look in the mirror (right now) and notice the tonal and physical (hardness softness) differences of your face.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>3:18- Every drawing has an `awkward` stage. This is the awkward stage for this drawing.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>3:39- Notice that I am making points at the bottom of the teeth, between each tooth.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>3:39- Teeth are tricky. Try not to keep the dark lines between each tooth.<span style=`mso-spacerun: yes;`>  </span>Generally, the upper teeth are more defined at the bottom, when a person smiles because they overlap the tops of the bottom teeth. Katy Perry`s bottom teeth are not visible in this picture.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>4:10- Treat the eyebrow on the right and the hair as one solid shape. (for this portrait only)</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>4:59- Hair has a lot of tones. I am going to start out with a 5B pencil and press hard to create solid straight lines in areas where there are a variety of `tones`- aka- light and dark `values`. In generally darker areas such as the upper left, I am hatching in a neutral (half) tone, followed by darker values. Notice that this is the total opposite method of what I did for the skin of the face.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>5:46- Hot tip- Use the kneaded eraser and the pencils eraser to create highlights.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>5:46- Hot tip #2- Invest in graphite sticks (think really think pencils). You will see me use one in a moment.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>6:42- A paintbrush and a paper stump can be used to neutralize an area in the hair. Once its neutralized, you can sculpt darker areas with the pencil or highlights with an eraser. I think of the hair as a `sculpture`.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>7:27- Now, Watch me use all of my `tools` (brush, blending stump, graphite stick, eraser, finger) to get the effects that I want. Try not to use the fingers though because the oils in the hand will be absorbed in to the paper and the shading will be inconsistent.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>9:28- It is important to darken (neutralize) the background of a portrait on white paper if you want the highlights to fully develop.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>10:14- If the hair in your drawing looks like a `block` consider retouching the edges of the hair shape (as I am doing now).</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>10:31- I am making highlights with the eraser in the hair</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>11:21- I am starting to shade the body. Follow the same shading pattern as the face. The left is in highlight, the right is in slight shadow.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>11:58- There are several slight shadows in the upper chest area between the two shapes for the hair. Take note of that as you watch me develop them.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>12:33- The arm on the right (her left arm) will be about as dark as the shading on the neck.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>12:55- It is common in portraiture for the background of an image to be the opposite as the foreground. For instance, notice that the highlight is on her right cheek and the background is dark. It switches on the other side. This is an old artists trick which works because the variance in tones moves the viewers eye around.</span></span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`color: #000000;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`><span style=`color: #000000;`>13:58- The last thing to do is to `soften` everything. Notice that I use the brush and the eraser a lot.</span></span></p>  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Katy Perry 10` src=`` alt=`Katy Perry 10` width=`720` height=`405` /> </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Katy Perry 11` src=`` alt=`Draw Katy Perry 11` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`draw pencil portrait katy perry` src=`` alt=`draw pencil portrait katy perry` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`pencil portrait drawing katy perry` src=`` alt=`pencil portrait drawing katy perry` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`katy perry` src=`` alt=`katy perry` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`perry portrait` src=`` alt=`perry portrait` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`katy perry art` src=`` alt=`katy perry drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`17` src=`` alt=`17` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`katy perry drawing finished` src=`` alt=`katy perry drawing finished` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p> How to Draw Justin Bieber Step by Step. <p><iframe src=`` width=`640` height=`390` frameborder=`0` scrolling=`auto`></iframe></p>  <p> </p>  <table style=`width: 730px; height: 446px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`How to Draw Justin Bieber 1` src=`` alt=`How to Draw Justin Bieber 1` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 1: Study the two main shapes before you draw. The bottom shape looks like a perfectly symmetrical cup but the bottom is pointed rather than flat. The top shape flooks like melting ice cream on top of a ice cream cone. The distances from the chin to the middle of the hairline and from the hairline to the top of Biebers head are about the same.</p>  <p><img title=`How to Draw Justin Bieber 2` src=`` alt=`How to Draw Justin Bieber 2` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 2: Draw in the shape for Justin Bieber`s neck.</p>  <p><img title=`Draw Justin Bieber 3` src=`` alt=`Draw Justin Bieber 3` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 3: Add the beads. Notice that they make a V Shape.</p>  <p><img title=`How to Draw Justin Bieber 4` src=`` alt=`How to Draw Justin Bieber 4` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 4: Add his shirt line. Notice the placement of the lines in comparison to the edges of the paper.</p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`><!--  <table border=`0`><tbody><tr><td> </td></tr></tbody></table>  // --></script>  </p>  <p>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p>  <table style=`width: 732px; height: 22px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p> <img title=`How to Draw Justin Bieber 5` src=`` alt=`How to Draw Justin Bieber 5` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p> </p>  <p>Step 5: Add Bieber`s eyes directly below the hairline. His eyes are football shaped and the iris of the eye forms a U shape inside the football shape. Notice that there is only one eyebrow visible. Here is a close up</p>  <p><img title=`How to Draw Justin Bieber 6` src=`` alt=`How to Draw Justin Bieber 6` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 6: Add Bieber`s Nose. Notice the extra shape on the side.</p>  <p><img title=`How to Draw Justin Bieber Step by Step` src=`` alt=`How to draw Justin Bieber Step by Step` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 7: Add the shape for his top lip. The shape is like a flattened letter M and the corners of the mouth shape align with the pupils in the eye shape.</p>  <p><img title=`how to draw Justin Bieber Step by Step 8` src=`` alt=`how to draw Justin Bieber Step by Step 8` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p> Step 8: Add the bottom lip. It is shaped like a banana.</p>  <p><img title=`How to Draw Justin Bieber 8` src=`` alt=`How to Draw Justin Bieber 8` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 9: Add the teeth. Take some extra time to observe this step. Notice that I did not put in lines to separate the teeth yet, only points at the bottom and top.</p>  <p><img title=`draw justin bieber` src=`` alt=`draw justin bieber` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 10: Add the highlight shapes in the hair. This step is optional and do not stress if you do not perfectly draw this difficult shape.</p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>   </p>  <p> <span style=`font-size: large;`>Supplies I Used to Draw Justin Bieber</span></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p> </p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`> </p>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` />   <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p> </p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Shading</span></p>  <p><img title=`bieber hair drawing` src=`` alt=`bieber shading` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`bieber pencil drawing` src=`` alt=`bieber` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`justin bieber` src=`` alt=`bieber` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`h` src=`` alt=`h` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`jb` src=`` alt=`jb` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`youtube justin bieber` src=`` alt=`youtube justin bieber` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`jb usher` src=`` alt=`jb usher` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`justin bieber white shirt` src=`` alt=`justin bieber white shirt` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`justin bieber pencil drawing` src=`` alt=`justin bieber drawing finished` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p> How to Draw Carmelo Anthony Step by Step. <table style=`text-align: left; width: 733px; height: 554px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>      <iframe src=`` width=`640` height=`390` frameborder=`0` scrolling=`auto`></iframe>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* Across top */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p><img title=`Draw Carmelo Anthony Step by Step 1` src=`` alt=`Step 1 Draw Carmelo Anthony Knicks pencil drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 1: Draw the three shapes that you see and notice their relationship with one another. The headband shape is about 1 and 1/2 times the height of the top of the head. Melo`s hairline forms another shape between the other two and starts close to the half way point from left to right. <br /> </span></p>  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <table style=`text-align: left; width: 730px; height: 270px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p><a href=``><img title=`Jump Manual` src=`` alt=`Jump Manual` width=`212` height=`260` /></a></p>  <p>                   <a href=`` target=`_top`><span style=`font-size: small;`>Click Here!</span></a></p>  </td>  <td>    <object width=`425` height=`349` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`>  <table style=`width: 732px; height: 482px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`how to draw Carmelo Anthony Step 2` src=`` alt=`how to draw Carmelo Anthony Step 2` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 2: Observe, then draw in the ear and the two eye shapes. Notice that the ear fits perfectly in to the indentation of the headband. Notice that Melo`s right eye shape starts at the same point as the hairline shape above it. His left eye shape is heart shaped because of the angle of his head. Finally, notice the triangular shape in between the two eye shapes and the downward angle that the eyebrows point.</span></p>  <p><img title=`How to Draw Carmelo Anthony Step 3` src=`` alt=`Carmelo Anthony how to draw basketball player 3` width=`720` height=`405` /><br /><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 3: Add the nose shape and the shape for the cheek.</span></p>  <p><img title=`how to draw carmelo anthony basketball player 4` src=`` alt=`how to draw carmelo anthony basketball player` width=`720` height=`405` /><br /><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 4: Add the smile line. the moustache and the upper lip. Notice that the smile line goes slightly past the edge of the eye shape from step 2. The moustache and the lip are about the same width.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> <span style=`font-size: large;`><strong>Materials I Used to Make the Carmelo Anthony Portrait</strong></span></p>  <form style=`text-align: left;` action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form style=`text-align: left;` action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form style=`text-align: left;` action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form style=`text-align: left;` action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form style=`text-align: left;` action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` />   <table style=`width: 733px; height: 494px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`how to draw Melo 5` src=`` alt=`draw nba player carmelo anthony melo` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 5: Here is the trickiest step. I added 5 rows of shapes in this step. The top row is the gum line. Notice that there are seven points to the gum line. The next row is the teeth. There are eight teeth visible and due to the turn of his head, each tooth gets bigger from left to right until we reach the last tooth. The next row is a narrow dark space under the teeth. The row below the dark space is slightly thicker than the previous row, but not as dark. Leave the bottom row unshaded for now. <br /></span><img title=`hpw tp draw carmelp 6` src=`` alt=`melo blockbuster trade 2011 how to draw knicks nuggets carmelo pencil drawing anthony` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 6: Add Melos chin line and neck line.</span></p>  <p><img title=`carmelo step 7` src=`` alt=`carmelo step 7` width=`720` height=`405` /><br /><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 7: Add the shapes for his body.</span></p>  <p><img title=`carmelo anthony step by step drawing` src=`` alt=`carmelo anthony high school college` width=`720` height=`405` /><br /><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 8: Add the details to Melo`s eyes.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`>     <table style=`width: 728px; height: 260px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><a href=`` target=`_top`>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`268` height=`250` /></p>  </a></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`shading carmelo anthony drawing` src=`` alt=`shading a drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`carmelo anthony drawing shading cross hatching blending smudging` src=`` alt=`carmelo anthony artwork art drawing ` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`carmelo anthony drawing shading part` src=`` alt=`carmelo anthony drawing shading ` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`carmelo anthony drawing tutorial draw art` src=`` alt=`carmelo anthony drawing step by step tutorial free art instruction` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`>  <table style=`text-align: center; width: 729px; height: 262px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td> <a href=`` target=`_top`>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=` - Online Art Supplies` width=`300` height=`250` /></p>  </a></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`melo drawing` src=`` alt=`carmelo anthony shaded drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`carmelo anthony portrait 14` src=`` alt=`free art instruction merrill kazanjian kazanjianm` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`carmelo anthony portrait ` src=`` alt=`Melo pencils kneaded eraser tutorial demonstration professional artist` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`carmelo anthony drawing Merrill Kazanjian` src=`` alt=`merrill kazanjian art artist carmelo anthony portrait step by step pencil` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`Merrill Kazanjian Portrait of Carmelo Anthony` src=`` alt=`Carmelo Anthony Portrait final step` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><a href=`` target=`_top`></a> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p> How to Draw Amare Stoudemire Step by Step. <table style=`width: 728px; height: 446px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>       <iframe src=`` width=`640` height=`390` frameborder=`0` scrolling=`auto`></iframe>  <p><img title=`Amare Drawing 1` src=`` alt=`Amare Drawing 1` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 1: Draw the shape for the jersey. It is about three times as tall as it is wide. Leave enough room on the top for the head and the bottom for the legs.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare Knicks Drawing 2` src=`` alt=`Amare Drawing 2` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 2: Draw in the three shapes that you see. The first is similar to a banana and the second and third are circular. Notice their placement compared to the jersey shape.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare Knicks Drawing 3` src=`` alt=`Amare Knicks Drawing 3` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 3: Add in the arms.....Wait! Dont freak out! This step is easy if you see the 2 trapezoid shapes in between the arms and torso.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare Knicks Drawing Pants 5` src=`` alt=`Amare Knicks Drawing Pants 5` /></p>  <p>Step 4: Add Amar`e`s basketball shorts and his legs. Together they are similar in height to his basketball jersey.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare Knicks Drawing Neck` src=`` alt=`Amare Knicks Drawing Neck` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 5: Add the shape for the neck.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare Hands Knicks Drawing` src=`` alt=`Amare Hands Knicks Drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 6: Sculpt the hands out of the shapes from step 2. Use the original shape as your guide.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare Shorts All Star Uniform Drawing` src=`` alt=`Amare Shorts Drawing All Star` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 7: Add the folds and the star to his shorts. These do not have to be perfect.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare All Star Jersey` src=`` alt=`Amare All Star Jersey` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 8: Add the star and the upside down house shape to his jersey. Ignore the head for now. I will give you a close up and detailed instructions on that in a minute.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare All Star Starter Knicks` src=`` alt=`Amare All Star Starter Knicks` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 9: Use the nagative space to sculpt out the letters E.A.S.T. in the upside down house shape.</p>  <p><img title=`amare number 1` src=`` alt=`Amare number 1 eastern conference all star game` /></p>  <p>Step 10: Add the number one below the star and the word `the` above the word East. Also darken the collar and add the shapes for the folds on the shoulders of the jersey,</p>  <p><img title=`Amare Stoudemire Head 1` src=`` alt=`Amare Stoudemire Face mouth moustache smile` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 11: Add the four shapes for Amare`s mouth and facial hair. We will add more shapes to this in the next step. For this step, it is helpful to notice the diamond shape around the mouth.</p>  <p> <img title=`Amare Stoudemire Knicks Smile` src=`` alt=`Amare Stoudemire Knicks smile` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 12: Add the line that I just added to form the top lip, below the moustache.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare teeth` src=`` alt=`Amare teeth` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 13 is the trickiest step. There are 7 teeth visable. The two front teeth in the center. Three to your left and two to your right. One is blocked in shadow. Notice that there is more space below the teeth than above the teeth. Draw what you see.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare Stoudemire drawing nose` src=`` alt=`Amare Stoudemire Nose` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 14: Add the nose shape. Notice where it lines up to the smile lines from the previous step. It is ok to shade the nostrils very dark because they will be in shadow.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare Stoudemire Eyes` src=`` alt=`Amare Stoudemire Eye Eyes` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 16: Extend the head and draw in the shape for the eyes.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare Stoudemire Ears` src=`` alt=`Amare Stoudemire ears` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 17: Add the ears. Notice that the bottom of the ear shapes line up with the bottom of the nose.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare Stoudemire Hair` src=`` alt=`Amare Stoudemire Hair` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 18: Add the hair.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare Stoudemire Eyebrows` src=`` alt=`Amare Stoudemire Eyebrows` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 19: Add the eyebrows.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare Stoudemire eye sockets` src=`` alt=`Amare Stoudemire eye sockets` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 20: Add the shape for the eyes.</p>  <p><img title=`Amare Step by Step Drawing` src=`` alt=`Amare Step by Step Drawing Face Finished` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 21: Shade the eyes. Notice that the lines get thicker as they move towards the ears. Leave a small space in each eye for a highlight.</p>  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p> </p>  <p>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <iframe src=`` width=`640` height=`390` frameborder=`0` scrolling=`auto`></iframe>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`> </p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Pants and Legs</span></p>  <p><img title=`amare shading pants 1` src=`` alt=`amare shading pants 1` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`amare knicks shorts all star drawing` src=`` alt=`amare stoudemire knicks all star basketball shorts drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`pencil drawing basketball shorts` src=`` alt=`pencil drawing basketball shorts` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`cross hatching clothing` src=`` alt=`cross hatching clothing` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`using a paintbrush to blend drawing` src=`` alt=`using a paintbrush to blend drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`6B Pencil draw basketball shorts` src=`` alt=`6B Pencil draw basketball shorts` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`drawing fabric clothing pencil` src=`` alt=`drawing fabric clothing pencil` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Hands and Basketball</span></p>  <p><img title=`Basketball hands` src=`` alt=`Basketball Hands` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`shading hands drawing` src=`` alt=`shading hands drawing` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`slip sheet drawing` src=`` alt=`slip sheet` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`hand shading smudging cross hatching` src=`` alt=`hand shading smudging cross hatching` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Basketball Jersey and Arms</span></p>  <p><img title=`jersey and arms` src=`` alt=`jersey and arms` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`shading arms pencil` src=`` alt=`shading arms` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`cross hatching jersey clothing` src=`` alt=`cross hatching clothing basketball jersey` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`shading blending how to draw basketball player` src=`` alt=`shading blening how to draw basketball player` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`blending graphite with paint brush` src=`` alt=`blending graphite with paint brush` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`shading basketball player with pencil` src=`` alt=`shading basketball player with pencil` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`> </p>  <iframe src=`` width=`640` height=`390` frameborder=`0` scrolling=`auto`></iframe>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Amar`e Head</span></p>  <p><img title=`amare drawing head 1` src=`` alt=`amare drawing head 1` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`shading of hair and eyes` src=`` alt=`shading or hair and eyes` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`shading of upper face pencil` src=`` alt=`shading of upper face pencil` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`shading facial hair` src=`` alt=`shading facial hair` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`shading amare stoudemire pencil` src=`` alt=`shading amare stoudemire drawing pencil` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`drawing amare stoudemire face` src=`` alt=`drawing amare stoudemire face` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`amare stoudemire portrait` src=`` alt=`amare stoudemire portrait` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> How to Draw a Nerd Face Step by Step. <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* Across top */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`> Above: A Step by Step Video, demonstrating how to draw a REALLY NERDY dude!</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Below: The materials that I used to make this drawing.</span></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p> How to Draw a Skull Step by Step. <table style=`width: 644px; height: 608px;` border=`0` align=`left`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>   <p>  <object width=`716` height=`447` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p><span dir=`ltr`>Today, you are going to learn how to draw the human skull in front view. Just follow my step my step instructions and pause the video at the end of each step and I promise you that you will surprise yourself. </span></p>  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`402` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 1: Draw a half circle shape, with two tiny half circles on each end. </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`360` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 2: Draw the holes for the eyes and the nose. Notice that the top of the eye shape starts at the bottom of the half circle shape from step one. Also, notice that the nose shape is triangular and it starts 1/3 of the way up the eye shape. </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`365` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 3: is a tricky step. Add the line that I just added to complete the shape. Notice the perfect symmetry on each side. Notice that the bottom has a squiggly line. </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`371` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 4: Add the upper teeth. There are 12 upper teeth visible and the largest ones appear to be at the front of the mouth. The mouth curves back in a horseshoe shape and the back teeth are blocked. Be sure to make the teeth smaller as they go further back in the mouth. Also be sure to notice that the teeth in the front are somewhat trapezoidal in shape and widest away from the gum. </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`363` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 5: Add the bottom row of teeth. Notice that they are slightly smaller than the top teeth. Also, notice that the top row partially overlaps the bottom. Finally, be sure to see that their widest point is also away from the gum. Here is a close up. </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`366` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 6: Add the jawline. Be sure to notice the shapes that connect the jaw with the rest of the skull. </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`362` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 7: Add the details on the eye sockets and nose.</span></p>  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`> <span style=`font-size: x-large;`>Supplies I Use for my Pencil Drawings</span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* Across top */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`> </p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <p>Shading References</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`407` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`407` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`410` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`412` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`410` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`720` height=`460` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p> How to Draw the Facial Expression of Grief/Mourning. <p>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* Across top */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p> <span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Above:</strong> A Step by Step Video on how to Draw the facial expression of grief/mourning.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Below:</strong> The materials that I used to make this drawing.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>FAR Below:</strong> Step by Step Photo and Text Instructions</span></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` />   <table style=`width: 600px; height: 22px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>How to draw the expression of grief (extreme sadness) step by step. How to draw a sad face. how to draw a sad person. How to draw a sad man. How to draw somebody sneezing. How to draw a person sneezing. Draw a sneeze. Pencil Drawing tutorial. Shading with drawing pencils. How to shade with pencil. How to draw a face. How to draw step by step. How to draw miserable. Misery. Pencil drawing tips. How to use a Tortillion. How to use a blending stump. How to shade with a paint brush. How to cross hatch. How to smudge. How to build tones in a drawing. How to draw a mourning person. How to draw a person in mourning. Click on any of the pictures to go to my other facial expression videos, or hit the subscribe button. There will be lots more coming soon. This video will give you step by step instruction on how to draw the facial expression of grief...or maybe this dude is just sneezing. Be sure to pause the video at the end of each step. Lets begin.  <p><img title=`how to draw grief sadness sneeze sneezing 1` src=`` alt=`how to draw facial expressions grief sadness greif` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 1: Draw the 2 sets of symmetrical shapes. The eyebrow shapes resemble levers from pinball machines. The eyes are shut and the eyelids are folded tightly around the eyeball. The two sets of eyelashes have come together. Be sure to notice the lines around each eye and the two lines coming together in between the eyebrows.</p>  <p><img title=`sadness grief mourning` src=`` alt=`how to draw grief sadness expression man sad sneezing facial express` width=`720` height=`405` /><br />Step 2: Add the two nostrils and the wrinkle lines around the mouth. Notice that the nose is foreshortened because the head is tilted backwards. In other words the nostrils are closer to the eyes and more rounded than when you look at a face straight on. Do not be tempted to put a line at the bottom of the nose. In this pose, that line does not exist.</p>  <p><img title=`facial expressions anger agony pain ` src=`` alt=`anguish face facial expression expressive chenched fist shut eyes agony pain face` width=`720` height=`405` /><br />Step 3: Draw in the mouth. Notice that it is comprised of four distinct shapes- the upper lip, the upper teeth, the inner mouth and the tongue. When people show the most common facial expression for grieving........ or sneezing, their bottom lip wraps around their bottom teeth. So remember, draw what you see here, rather than what you know to be true in a calm facial expression.</p>  <p><img title=`how to draw grief mourning facial expression` src=`` alt=`faces of grief and mourning face of pain pained expression` width=`720` height=`405` /><br />Step 4: Draw in the hair. This shape can vary a lot, so either draw what you see or be creative.</p>  <p><img title=`facial expressions kazanjianm merrill kazanjian` src=`` alt=`facial expression paint anguish grief mourning sneeze` width=`720` height=`405` /><br />Step 5: Draw in the bottom half of the face and the ears. Notice that the ears are even with the mouth because the head is tilted back.</p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>    <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: large;`>SHADING</span></p>  <p><img title=`shading facial expression grief mourning sneeze` src=`` alt=`shading facial expression grief mourning sneeze` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`shading with blending stump tortillion` src=`` alt=`shading with blending stump tortillion` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`shading of facial expressions` src=`` alt=`shading of facial expressions` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=` facial faces expression grief distraught` src=`` alt=` facial faces expression grief distraught` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`devastated face` src=`` alt=`devastated face facial expression` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`really sad facial expression` src=`` alt=`distraught facial expression grief sadness` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`facial expression drawing blending with paintbrush` src=`` alt=`facial expression drawing blending with paintbrush` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p><img title=`facial expression grief sadness step by step` src=`` alt=`facial expression grief sadness finished` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p> How to Draw the WTF Expression Step by Step. <table style=`text-align: center; width: 722px; height: 382px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><a href=``></a></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  <div style=`text-align: center; width: 720px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;`><img id=`Image-Maps_5201012280045486` usemap=`#Image-Maps_5201012280045486` src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`720` height=`180` />   <map id=`_Image-Maps_5201012280045486` name=`Image-Maps_5201012280045486`>  <area title=`Video` shape=`rect` coords=`10,10,272,166` href=`` alt=`Video`></area>  <area title=`PDF` shape=`rect` coords=`291,99,548,167` href=`` alt=`PDF`></area>  <area title=`Like Me` shape=`rect` coords=`570,94,711,170` href=`` alt=`Like Me`></area>  <area title=`Subscribe` shape=`rect` coords=`571,3,712,88` href=`` alt=`Subscribe`></area>  <area title=`Image Map` shape=`rect` coords=`718,178,720,180` href=`` alt=`Image Map`></area>  </map>  <!-- Image map text links - Start - If you do not wish to have text links under your image map, you can move or delete this DIV -->  <div style=`text-align: center; width: 720px; font-family: verdana; margin-left: auto; font-size: 12px; margin-right: auto;`><a style=`text-decoration:none; color:black; font-size:12px; font-family:verdana;` title=`Video` href=``>Video</a> | <a style=`text-decoration:none; color:black; font-size:12px; font-family:verdana;` title=`PDF` href=``>PDF</a> | <a style=`text-decoration:none; color:black; font-size:12px; font-family:verdana;` title=`Like Me` href=``>Like Me</a> | <a style=`text-decoration:none; color:black; font-size:12px; font-family:verdana;` title=`Subscribe` href=``>Subscribe</a> | <a style=`text-decoration:none; color:black; font-size:12px; font-family:verdana;` title=`Image Map` href=``>Image Map</a></div>  <!-- Image map text links - End - --></div>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <object width=`711` height=`447` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 3/31/10 */  google_ad_slot = `0328825729`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <p><span style=`font-size: large;`>Directions: Watch the video (above) and draw along with me as I narrate. Each step will be documented with a reference image (below). You can also print out a PDF of this lesson by hitting the `Download PDF` button above the video. You are about to create a GREAT drawing. Take your time and use all of the resources on this page. Good luck!</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: large;`>- Merrill :)</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: large;`> </span><img title=`WTF 1` src=`` alt=`WTF 1` width=`700` height=`394` /><br /><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 1: Draw the two circular shapes and the rainbow shape for the forehead. Be sure to notice the size of the rainbow shape compared to the circular shapes.</span></p>  <p><img title=`WTF2` src=`` alt=`WTF2` width=`700` height=`394` /><br /><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 2: Draw in the nose shape. Notice that it is perfectly symmetrical. Also notice that it resembles a long winged bird in flight. <br /></span><img title=`WTF3A` src=`` alt=`WTF3A` width=`700` height=`394` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 3: Draw in the mouth. Notice that it is comprised of four distinct shapes- the upper lip, the upper teeth, the inner mouth and the bottom lip. Notice that the bottom teeth are not shown.</span></p>  <p><img title=`WTF4` src=`` alt=`WTF4` width=`700` height=`394` /><br /><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 4: Complete the outline of the face. Be sure to add the double chin.</span></p>  <p><a href=`` target=`_parent`><img title=`WTF5` src=`` alt=`WTF5` width=`700` height=`394` /></a><br /><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 5: Add the eyebrows and the ears. Be sure to notice that the eyebrow shapes are at the top of the circle shapes from step one. If you need more help with the ears, check out this ear tutorial.</span></p>  <p><a href=`` target=`_parent`><img title=`WTF6` src=`` alt=`WTF6` width=`700` height=`394` /></a><br /><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 6: Add the eyes. Notice that the eyes are almond shaped. For this facial expression, notice that the pupil and iris is separated from the eyelids. If you need more help with the eye, check out this eye tutorial. <br /></span><img title=`WTF8` src=`` alt=`WTF8` width=`700` height=`394` /></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Step 7: Draw in the hair. You are probably saying WTF. Just trust me and draw what you see.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <table style=`width: 728px; height: 469px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p><a href=``><img title=`Shading` src=`` alt=`Shading` width=`700` height=`317` /></a></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>Notes:</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>- Leave the whites of the eye VERY WHITE.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>- Darken the areas around the eye to make him look deranged.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>- Use a paintbrush to smudge the cross hatching. Give each part of the face a smooth, gradual transition in tone. This is the paint brush that I always use-</span><span style=`font-size: small;`><a href=`<form method=` target=`_top`> </a></span></p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><img title=`Merrill`s Paintbrush` src=`` alt=`Merrill`s Paintbrush` width=`135` height=`189` /><span style=`font-size: small;`>(Click on the image to learn more)</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>- I used a HB pencil and a 6B pencil to do most of the shading (cross hatching) in this image. These are the pencils that I use.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><a href=`<form method=` target=`_top`></a></span> </p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><img title=`Pencils used by Merrill` src=`` alt=`Pencils used by Merrill` width=`219` height=`175` /><span style=`font-size: small;`>(Click on the image to learn more)</span></p>  <p> </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`> - For the line under the chin and on the edges of the face, use tortillions (paper stumps). Click here to buy the <a title=`Dick Blick Paper Stumps` href=`<form method=` target=`_top`>` target=`_blank`>paper stumps </a> <a href=`<form method=` target=`_top`>` target=`_parent`>(CLICK HERE)</a> that I use.</span></p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: small;`><a href=`<form method=` target=`_top`>` target=`_parent`><img title=`Blick Paper Stump` src=`` alt=`Blick Paper Stump` width=`48` height=`197` /></a></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>- Use REAL drawing paper (it has `tooth` or texture that helps you shade). DO NOT use copy paper (very smooth- no `tooth`. This is a link to the <a href=`<form method=` target=`_top`>` target=`_parent`>BEST deal on drawing paper on the internet- CLICK HERE- 500 Sheets of 80LB paper for ????? </a></span></p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: small;`><img title=`Blick Paper Great Deal on Drawing Paper` src=`` alt=`Blick Paper Great Deal on Drawing Paper` width=`280` height=`135` /></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>- The hair on the sides of the head has greyed and it is very short (Do not put full pressure on the pencil). </span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>- The hair on the top has thinned. (Do not press hard- Leave sporadic individual lines)</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>- Notice the darker tones at his hairline.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>- Use the paint brush on the top of his head to give it the illusion of roundness</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>- The bottom half of the head seems slightly more in shadow than the top. This is because most lighting is above our heads, but also because of male facial hair (stubble). </span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>- Notice that the moustache is NOT one solid tone</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>-Notice that the lines on the forehead do not go past 1/2 the height of the forehead. </span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: large;`>Steps 8,9,10,11</span></p>  <p><img title=`WTF8` src=`` alt=`WTF8` width=`700` height=`394` /></p>  <p><img title=`WTF9` src=`` alt=`WTF9` width=`700` height=`394` /></p>  <p><img title=`WTF10` src=`` alt=`WTF10` width=`700` height=`394` /></p>  <p><img title=`WTF Finished` src=`` alt=`WTF Fin` width=`700` height=`394` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table> How to Draw Lady Gaga Step by Step. <p>  <table style=`background-color: #ffffff; width: 720px;` border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p>  <object width=`712` height=`429` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 3/31/10 */  google_ad_slot = `0328825729`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p>Youve asked for it! So here it is. This video will give you step by step instruction on how to draw Ms. Stefani Germanotta....also known as Lady Gaga. Grab your pencil and paper and pause the video at the end of each step and you will be able to draw her.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <p><img title=`How to Draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 1` src=`` alt=`How to Draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 1` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 1: Draw the shapes that you see. Notice that it is a slightly longer distance from the bottom of the sunglasses to the chin, than from the top of the sunglasses to the hairline.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 2` src=`` alt=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 2` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 2: This shape does not have to be perfect so dont stress out. The hair is obviously widest at the bottom... but also notice that it is a similar distance from top of the head to the chin and from the chin to the bottom of the hair.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady ga-ga step by step 3` src=`` alt=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady ga-ga step by step 3` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 3: In step three, we start to define Gaga`s clothes. Also, add in the nose and some details to the sunglasses. There will be a close up of the face very soon if you cant see the details in this slide.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 4` src=`` alt=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 4` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 4: Add the mouth and eyebrows.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <p><img title=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 5` src=`` alt=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 5` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 5: Add the details for the hair. Please note that the details do not have to be identical to mine.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <p><img title=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 6` src=`` alt=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 6` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Step 6: Add Lady Gaga`s jacket.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 7` src=`` alt=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 7` width=`720` height=`405` /></p>  <p>Here is a Close up of her face.</p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 3/31/10 */  google_ad_slot = `0328825729`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>   <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: large;`><strong>Supplies I Used to Draw Lady Gaga </strong></span></p>  <p> </p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to block in large areas such as hair. This product can be combined with drawing pencils.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20072-1000` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /> <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`General`s White Charcoal` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>General`s White Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to add highlights at the end of a drawing. It mixes with both pencil and charcoal. Each stick measures 3` × ¼` × ¼` (76 mm × 6 mm × 6 mm).</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22921-1001` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` />  <p> </p>  <p>Shading</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`how to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 8` src=`` alt=`how to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 8` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`how to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 9` src=`` alt=`how to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 9` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 10` src=`` alt=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 10` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 11` src=`` alt=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 11` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`how to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-Ga step by step 12` src=`` alt=`how to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-Ga step by step 12` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 13` src=`` alt=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 13` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-Ga step by step 14` src=`` alt=`How to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-Ga step by step 14` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`how to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 15` src=`` alt=`how to draw Lady Gaga Lady Ga-ga step by step 15` width=`720` height=`405` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p> How to Draw Leonidas from 300 Step by Step. <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* Across top */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Above:</strong> A Step by Step drawing video which will show you how to Draw Leonidas from 300...THIS IS SPARTA!!!!</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Below:</strong> The art supplies that I used to make this drawing.</span></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` />   <table style=`width: 616px; height: 238px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>Tonight we dine in Hell. If you are up for the challenge, I will teach you how to draw a very angry greek man who likes to kick people in to bottomless pits.<br />It doesnt matter if you are new to drawing the more you sweat here , the less you`ll bleed in battle. Just follow my step by step instructions... and remember...No retreat, no surrender. Our pencils will block out the sun...Then we shall draw in the shade.<br /><br /> this is Madness<br /><br /><br />Madness? THIS IS KAZANJIANM!!<br /><br />Be sure to pause the video at the end of each step.<br /><br />Step 1: Draw in the Beard Shape. Be sure to notice that it is slightly asymetrical.<br />Step 2: Draw in the shape for the hair. Notice that the shapes from steps 1 and 2 are equal in height.<br />Step 3: Draw in the ovals for the eye sockets and the ear shape<br />Step 4: Add the shape for his clothing. This shape does not have to be perfect but notice that it is slightly wider at the neck.<br />Step 5: is a difficult step. The sword shape is slightly taller than the head and it points away from the body and towards the left upper corner of the page. The fingers will be heavily shaded later so it is more important that you focus on the shape of the hand. Take extra time on this step.<br />Step 6: Add some light lines to define the chest and left arm. Do not press hard, just hint at their existence, they will be shaded heavily later. Add an arrow going through Leonidas` chest......<br />Step 7: Take your time and add the detail to Leonidas` face. Take extra time to observe the placement of the teeth and the eyes. In order to get a likeness this is an important step to conquer. Gerard Butler</td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p> How to Draw Kevin Durant Step by Step. <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Above:</strong> How to Draw Kevin Durant Step by Step Drawing Tutorial</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><strong>Below:</strong> The art supplies I used to create this artwork.  </span></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <p>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <table style=`width: 648px; height: 257px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p><span dir=`ltr`>This video will teach you how to draw NBA superstar, Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma City Thunder (formerly Seattle Supersonics). Narration: That was me before I became a serious artist ..... While my jumping skills have regressed, my video making skills have improved. You dont need to tilt your head to the left anymore. Now that you have seen my very mediocre Sportscenter highlight, I am going to teach you about highlighting and shading in a drawing video. This video will teach you how to draw the top player on team USA, Mr. Kevin Durant. All you have to do is follow the step by step instructions and pause the video at the end of each step while you draw. Im going to make it easy, so I hope that you give it a try. Lets get started. Step one- Observe, then draw the two shapes that you see. The top shape is similar to a crescent moon. The bottom shape is trapezoidal and the base of the bottom shape is similar to a childs drawing of a bird in flight. Step two- Add the four oval shapes for the eyes and ears. Be sure to notice that the left ear is much thinner because the head is turned. Step three- The double shape that I just added is the edge of the bottom of the nose and a parallel line for a shadow. Be sure to notice the symmetrical smile lines on both sides of the nose as well. Here is a close up. Step four is a tricky step. Start with completing the oval for the chin. Next, create the symmetrical lines for the moustache. Durant also has sparse facial hair below his bottom lip and at his chin. Step five is the most difficult step. I added the mouth and I will give you a close up in a second. Notice the shape of the teeth and the shadow below the teeth. Take some extra time to observe the teeth are slightly taller than the shadow below. Also, notice that the top lip gets darker as it turns towards the teeth. Step six- add the eyebrows to the top of the oval shapes from step one and the eyes towards the bottom. Also, observe and add the details to the ears. Step seven. add the jersey.</span></p>  <p>This is Part 2 of How to draw Kevin Durant Step by Step<br />The darkest parts will be the eye region, and the shadow under the nose......followed by the hair. This is usually not the case (The hair almost always has the darkest tones in a drawing, but there was a strong light from above in my reference images. I smudged the brow with the tortillion because I didnt want it to be one solid shape. I will cross hatch over the smudge. The brow is darker (thicker) towards the center of each eyebrow. His hair is both curly and cropped. I started with dark squiggles (Is that a word?)....Then I will cross hatch over the `squiggles`. Cross hatch light over the forehead.....then I pressed it down (smoothed it out) with a bristle brush. I found that stiff bristles work better than soft ones. The folds under the eye are important in order for you to capture his likeness.....Also, his eye region is in EXTREME shadow. Do not be scared to go DARK!!!!! I didnt `waste any time` with the shadow under the nose. I usually build things up slowly, but in this case, I just went for it, because it is a simple shape with hard edges....If it was a complex shadow (with several dark tones) I would have done it more slowly. .....NO LINES betwe<br /><br />All Music is by Kevin Macleod of Thank you Kevin for letting me use your wonderful mu</p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p> How to Draw Bruce Lee Step by Step. <table style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <object width=`560` height=`340` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  <td>  <p>This resource will teach you how to Draw Bruce Lee Step by Step!</p>  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: left;`>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><strong>Supplies Which I Use/Recommend for Drawing Projects:</strong></p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><strong></strong></p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><a href=`` target=`_top`><span style=`color: #33cccc;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></a><span style=`color: #33cccc;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></span> - The best deal on the internet!</p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`>500 sheets of  80lb. (Very Thick) drawing paper for $13.99. This</p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`>is, by far, the best deal for paper on the internet.</p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><a href=`` target=`_top`><span style=`color: #00ffff;`>Set of 10</span></a><span style=`color: #00ffff;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /> </span>Graphite Drawing Pencils - A great deal on a set of 10 drawing pencils ($7.10)</p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`><a href=`` target=`_top`><span style=`color: #00ffff;`>Design Kneaded Rubber Erasers</span></a><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` />- for 58 cents each (: I`m not trying to `break anyones bank` :)</p>  <p style=`text-align: left;`> </p>  <a href=`` target=`_top`><span style=`color: #00ffff;`>Pro Art Blending Paper Stumps</span></a><span style=`color: #00ffff;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></span>- Hard to find, tortillions (paper stumps for blending)</td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`> </p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Bruce Lee Step by Step 1` src=`` alt=`Draw Bruce Lee Step by Step1` width=`462` height=`520` /></p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>Step 1: Observe then draw the shape that you see. The bottom is a semi circle</p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>and the top is trapezoidal.</p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>Step 2.) Add the two shapes that you see. They will be the area around Bruce</p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>Lee`s eyes.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw Bruce lee Step by Step` src=`` alt=`Draw Bruce Lee Step by Step` width=`462` height=`520` /></p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>Step 3: Add the shapes which will make up Bruce Lee`s nose. Be sure to notice that</p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>the size of these shapes when together is slightly smaller than the eye shapes</p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>from the previous step.</p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>Step 4: Step four is the most complicated step. Be sure to observe it for a few</p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>seconds before you draw it. Notice that the trapezoidal mouth shape is as wide as</p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>the nose shape above. The shadow shape encircles the mouth and then forms a </p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>shape that slightly resembles the State of California to the right of the mouth.   </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`3` src=`` alt=`3` width=`462` height=`520` /></p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>Step 5: Put in the lines which will separate the eyebrows and the area above Bruce</p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>Lee`s eyes.</p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>Step 6: Is tricky. Be sure to give it extra time. Add the eyes and be sure to notice</p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>that they lie directly in the middle of the shapes added in step two. Bruce will have</p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>an angry expression in this picture so his eyes will be wide open and his eyebrows</p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>will be pushing downwards. </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`4` src=`` alt=`4` width=`462` height=`520` /></p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>Step 7: Add Bruce Lee`s vintage 70`s Emo haircut.</p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>Step 8: Add the two shapes for his neck.</p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`9` src=`` alt=`9` width=`462` height=`520` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`9` src=`` alt=`9` width=`462` height=`520` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`32` src=`` alt=`shading` width=`462` height=`520` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`fin bruce lee` src=`` alt=`fin` width=`462` height=`520` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><a href=``>DRAW BRUCE LEE STEP BY STEP (Download PDF)- CLICK HERE</a></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p> How to Draw George W. Bush Step by Step. <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p> This video and the resources below will teach you how to draw George W. Bush. E-Mail me your finished pictures</p>  <p>@ <a href=``></a> and I will post them. - Merrill</p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */  google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;  google_ad_width = 336;  google_ad_height = 280;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p> </p>  <p> </p>  <p>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw George W Bush Step by Step 1-2` src=`` alt=`Draw George W Bush Step by Step 1-2` width=`529` height=`620` /></p>  <p>Step 1.) Observe, then draw the shape that you see. This will be President Bush`s forehead.</p>  <p>Notice that the eyebrow region is similar to how a child draws a bird.</p>  <p>Step 2.) Observe, then put in the two shapes for Dubya`s hair. Take your time and compare</p>  <p>the size of each shape. </p>  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`Draw George W Bush Step by Step 3-4` src=`` alt=`Draw George W Bush Step by Step 3-4` width=`512` height=`620` /></p>  <p>Step 3.) Its time to put in Dubya`s peepers. Instead of just focusing on the eye, I put in</p>  <p>the entire eye region.</p>  <p>Step 4.) In  step four, I added the bottom of the nose. Take your time to notice the</p>  <p>spacing between the eye shapes and the line for the nose.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`How to Draw George W. Bush Step by Step 5-6` src=`` alt=`How to Draw George W. Bush Step by Step 5-6` width=`512` height=`620` /></p>  <p>Step 5.) Add the wrinkle lines to the side of the nose and President Bush`s mouth. Notice</p>  <p>that the region between the top lip and the bottom of the nose is trapezoidal. Also notice</p>  <p>that the former President`s top lip is extremely thin and that the bottom lip is only slightly</p>  <p>thicker than the center part, where his teeth are.</p>  <p>Step 6.) Add the chin to your drawing. Also, notice the extra shadow line that I added.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`How to Draw George W. Bush Step by Step 7-8` src=`` alt=`How to Draw George W. Bush Step by Step 7-8` width=`508` height=`620` /></p>  <p>Step 7.) Add the neck shape and the two ears. Don`t stress too much about the shape of</p>  <p>the neck, but know that most caricatures of the former President, portray him with big ears.</p>  <p>Democrats and Republicans can both agree that Dubya has some prominent cartelidge on</p>  <p>the side of his head.</p>  <p>Step 8.) Add the teeth. Be sure to notice the strong shadow on the sides of the mouth but</p>  <p>resist the urge to go too dark between each tooth.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`How to Draw George W. Bush Step by Step 9-10` src=`` alt=`How to Draw George W. Bush Step by Step 9-10` width=`512` height=`620` /></p>  <p>Step 9.) Spend some extra time on step 9. Add in President Bush`s eyes and eyebrows. His</p>  <p>eyes are extra small and there is slightly less space between them than most people. Notice</p>  <p>that there is only a small amount of space between the eyes and eyebrows. Finally, add more</p>  <p>detail than usual to the region under the eye.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>Steps 10-16- Please watch the shading portion of the video above and print out the PDF below</p>  <p>to assist you. </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`George W. Bush Drawing Step by Step 11-12` src=`` alt=`George W. Bush Drawing Step by Step 11-12` width=`512` height=`620` /></td>  <span style=`font-size: small;`><form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`></form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></span>  <td> </td>     <td> </td>     </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><span style=`font-size: small;`>Many of you have asked; This is a link to the drawing paper that I use for my pencil drawing work(the 80lb paper). This paper is both cheap (err...cost effective) and of high quality. I have used it since I began my teaching career in 2001, and I still use it for my own art projects. - Merrill Kazanjian  </span></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Compare Blick`s drawing paper — its weight, texture, and value — with any other student drawing paper you`ve used. Our premium brand of student art papers has been produced to meet the needs of the art teacher. It has a medium surface suitable for all pencil, charcoal, pastel, or pen and ink drawing. Available in 50 lb (74 gsm), 60 lb (98 gsm), and 80 lb (124 gsm) weights and a variety of packages.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1005` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>    <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`george w bush drawing step by step` src=`` alt=`george w bush drawing step by step` width=`486` height=`619` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`finished george w bush` src=`` alt=`finished george w bush` width=`486` height=`619` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><span style=`font-size: large;`><a href=``>CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE PDF</a></span></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p> How to Draw Michael Jackson Step by Step. <table style=`text-align: center; width: 600px;` border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`><span style=`font-size: large;`>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`><img src=`` alt=`How to Draw Michael Jackson Step by Step` width=`600` height=`191` /></p>  </span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>  <object width=`640` height=`385` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`>Hey, I got a question. Do you Remember the Time that you asked me to do a tutorial on how to draw Michael Jackson? Well, this Smooth Criminal listened to your requests because i`m not one of those youtubers who says Leave Me Alone. I like The Way You Make Me Feel when you leave comments and give me thank you! </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`>This video is going to break the process of drawing Michael Jackson down in to simple steps.... just like ABC.... which is as easy as 1,2,3. <span style=`mso-spacerun: yes`> </span>After the easy steps, you are going to learn how to build tones so that you can shade your drawing. But dont stress, <span style=`mso-spacerun: yes`> </span>because it don`t matter to me if your drawing is too black or white. If you mess up, just keep it `In the Closet` and hit the link in the video description so that I can really help you. The link will take you to a Michael Jackson drawing cheat sheet with step by step pictures. Its my way of saying `Ill be There, because I dont want your drawing to be Bad. </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`>Art Heals the World.... and I Wanna be Starting Somethin on my youtube channel. So please click on the little old man in the mirror to subscribe! I Want You Back, and not too many people can spell kazanjianm. So Come on.... youll get a free art education, and I wont stop til you get enough. You cant beat it.</span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`> </span></p>  <p class=`MsoNormal` style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt`><span style=`font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;`>Note: This drawing is of Michael from early to mid career when he was in his mid to late twenties. I used several reference images from the Thriller Era to make this drawing (although none are shown in this video). </span></p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`How to Draw Michael Jackson 1,2` src=`` alt=`How to Draw Michael Jackson 1,2` width=`542` height=`619` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>Step 1: Draw the two oval shapes for the area around the eye. Notice that the shape on the right</p>  <p>is slightly smaller than the one on the left.</p>  <p>Step 2: Make the shapes for the bottom of the nose and the top lip. Take some extra time to</p>  <p>observe and perfect the spacing.</p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */  google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;  google_ad_width = 336;  google_ad_height = 280;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>    <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`How to Draw Michael Jackson Step by Step 3,4` width=`541` height=`620` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>Step 3: Add the contour line to create the shape around Michael`s face. Be sure to notice that</p>  <p>Michael`s head is turned towards his left. Also be sure to notice that the orbit shape on the left</p>  <p>side of his face, added in step 1, is touching the contour line. Also add the bottom lip.</p>  <p>Step 4: Add the shape for Michaels ear and hair. His ear is partially blocked by his hair, but</p>  <p>notice that his ear goes from where his eyebrows to be, to almost the bottom of his nose.</p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p style=`TEXT-ALIGN: left`>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Draw Michael Jackson Step by Step 5-6` src=`` alt=`Draw Michael Jackson Step by Step 5-6` width=`539` height=`619` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>Step 5: Add the four shapes that make up the neck and the shirt.</p>  <p>Step 6: Observe the eye region and add the eyes and eyebrows. Notice that the eyebrows are</p>  <p>connected to the top of the eye orbit shape and the almond shaped eyes are towards the bottom.</p>  <p>Be sure to notice the spacing in between. </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */  google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;  google_ad_width = 336;  google_ad_height = 280;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`><!--  <p><table border=`0`><tbody><tr><td><img title=`Draw Michael Jackson Step by Step 5-6` src=`` mce_src=`` alt=`Draw Michael Jackson Step by Step 5-6` width=`539` height=`619` /></td></tr><tr><td><p>Step 5:</p><p>Step 6:</p></td></tr></tbody></table></p><p> </p>  // --></script>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */  google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */  google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;  google_ad_width = 336;  google_ad_height = 280;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Draw Michael Jackson 7` src=`` alt=`Draw Michael Jackson 7` width=`534` height=`420` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>Step 7: Add more curls to Michaels hair and details to his ear. Dont waste your time copying</p>  <p>from the reference image for this step. Make your own or else you will drive yourself crazy!</p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Draw Michael Jackson Steps 8-9` src=`` alt=`Draw Michael Jackson Steps 8-9` width=`533` height=`600` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Steps 10-11` src=`` alt=`Steps 10-11` width=`533` height=`600` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Draw Michael Jackson Step 12-13` src=`` alt=`Draw Michael Jackson Step 12-13` width=`533` height=`600` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`14-15 Michael Jackson drawing` src=`` alt=`14-15 Michael Jackson drawing` width=`533` height=`600` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`michael jackson 16-17 step by step drawing` src=`` alt=`michael jackson 16-17 step by step drawing` width=`533` height=`600` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <p> </p>  <p>                                         <a href=`` target=`_top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=` - Online Art Supplies` width=`200` height=`150` /></a></p>  <p>  <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`Michael Jackson Drawing Finished by Merrill Kazanjian` src=`` alt=`Michael Jackson Drawing Finished by Merrill Kazanjian` width=`530` height=`390` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`><a href=``>DOWNLOAD PDF- How to Draw Michael Jackson Step by Step- </a></span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: large;`><a href=``>CLICK HERE</a></span></p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <!--   <table border=`0`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td><img title=`how to draw michael jackson` src=`` mce_src=`` alt=`how to draw michael jackson` width=`541` height=`620` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>Step 3: Add the outline of Michael`s face. Notice that his face is turned to the left and that his left</p>  <p>eye socket touches the outline of his face.</p>  <p>Step 4: Add the hair shape and the ear shape.</p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  // -->  <p><a href=`` target=`_top`></a></p>  <p><a href=`` target=`_top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`468` height=`60` /></a></p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 336x280, created 2/2/10 */  google_ad_slot = `4181428218`;  google_ad_width = 336;  google_ad_height = 280;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p> How to draw Beyonce Step by Step. <table style=`width: 720px;` border=`1` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p>  <object width=`709` height=`464` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p>Its time for YOU to draw Beyonce. All that you will need is a pencil with an eraser, a blending stump or Q-Tip and a large index card. Be sure to stop the video at the end of each step and look at the reference picture on the computer screen. No drawing experience? Doesnt matter. You are gonna surprise yourself!</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`how to draw beyonce step by step 1` src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 1` width=`720` height=`476` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 1- Make a rainbow shape at the top of your large index card. Notice that the top of the rainbow is at the very top of the card. Then make the oval Notice that the bottom of the oval is more pointed than the top.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`how to draw beyonce step by step 2` src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 2` width=`720` height=`485` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 2- Continue the line at the end of the rainbow down to the mid point of the card and then curve it upwards to the bottom of the oval. Do this on both sides.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`how to draw beyonce step by step 3` src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 3` width=`720` height=`464` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 3- Try to match the two lines that I just added. Use the sides of the index card to gage their accuracy.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`how to draw beyonce step by step 4` src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 4` width=`719` height=`487` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 4- Use your observation skills to draw the two lines that I just added. This will eventually be the bottom of Beyonce`s left arm.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`how to draw beyonce step by step 5` src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 5` width=`719` height=`491` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 5- Do the same for the top of her left arm.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`how to draw beyonce step by step 6` src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 6` width=`720` height=`470` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 6- Now, create the top of her forearm. Hint, notice the shape that is formed in the background, think of this shape as a puzzle piece and use it to tweak the shapes around it.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`how to draw beyonce step by step 7` src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 7` width=`720` height=`473` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 7- Create the V shape on her dress. Notice that the bottom of the V ends at the mid point of the shape that was formed in the previous step.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`how to draw beyonce step by step 8` src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 8` width=`720` height=`475` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 8- I slightly changed the shape at the bottom of the hair on the left and created a neck. I also made another shape within the hair.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`how to draw beyonce step by step 9` src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 9` width=`720` height=`468` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 9- I created another shape within the hair.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img title=`how to draw beyonce step by step 10` src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 10` width=`720` height=`473` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 10- I changed the side of her hair. I made 7 wild curls at the bottom with a wave above it.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 11` width=`720` height=`472` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 11- Take a second to observe and draw the shapes that I just drew on the other side of her hair.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 12` width=`720` height=`478` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 12- I exposed the neck some more by curling up the bottom of the hair on the left side of her head.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 13` width=`720` height=`468` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 13- I put a line for the shadow under her breasts</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 14` width=`720` height=`467` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 14- I added an earring</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 15` width=`720` height=`472` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 15- I added a belt</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 16` width=`720` height=`465` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 16- I added two ovals on the face for the eye sockets. These will be broken down in to smaller shapes.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 17` width=`720` height=`474` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 17- I added a shape for the shadow on the right side of Beyonce`s nose. Put this in very lightly</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 18` width=`720` height=`468` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 18- I added Beyonces top lip. The shape is similar to a flattened McDonalds arch.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 19` width=`720` height=`469` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 19- I added Beyonce`s bottom lip. Notice that it is wider than the top lip and has a shadow at the bottom.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`how to draw beyonce step by step 20` width=`720` height=`470` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 20- I added the eyebrows at the top of the eye socket.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`draw beyonce knowles step by step pencil` width=`720` height=`469` /></p>  <p><img title=`beyonce drawing step by step` src=`` alt=`beyonce drawing step by step` width=`720` height=`467` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>Step 21- I added her eyes. In this picture she is wearing a lot of eye liner, so the lines at the top and bottom of the eye could be similar in width.</p>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>Supplies I Use to Draw</span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p> </p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to block in large areas such as hair. This product can be combined with drawing pencils.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20072-1000` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /> <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`General`s White Charcoal` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>General`s White Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to add highlights at the end of a drawing. It mixes with both pencil and charcoal. Each stick measures 3` × ¼` × ¼` (76 mm × 6 mm × 6 mm).</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22921-1001` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`beyonce pencil drawing` src=`` alt=`beyonce pencil drawing` width=`695` height=`347` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`beyonce pencil drawing` src=`` alt=`beyonce pencil drawing` width=`692` height=`343` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`draw beyonce chest` src=`` alt=`draw beyonce chest` width=`692` height=`391` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> <img title=`beyonce portrait` src=`` alt=`beyonce portrait` width=`701` height=`395` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table> How to Draw Kobe Bryant Step by Step (Video and Print Resource Page). <p style=`text-align: center;`>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;    /* 728x15, created 2/3/10 */    google_ad_slot = `1049141337`;    google_ad_width = 728;    google_ad_height = 15;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  You have three resources to work from. 1.) the video 2.) The step by step directions on this page 3.) A printable PDF (Link at bottom) with step by step directions. Take your time! I have noticed that the most successful students look at their reference image more often. Remind yourself to look at the reference image at least once for every five seconds (This is especially important during the shading). If you get stuck, refer to the video. Leave a comment at the bottom and let me know how you did! If you want to E-Mail me a picture of your work. I will post it on this page! Good Luck!</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>  <object width=`560` height=`340` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;                /* 468x60, created 1/26/10 */                google_ad_slot = `2338749477`;                google_ad_width = 468;                google_ad_height = 60;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`> </p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>How to Draw Kobe Bryant Step By Step: Video</span>   <object width=`560` height=`340` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: large;`>How to Draw Kobe: Extended Tutorial</span></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: large;`>BELOW: How to draw Kobe Bryant Print Resource and PDF<br /></span></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`1` src=`` alt=`Draw Kobe Step By Step 1` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 1: Draw an oval shape for Kobe`s head. Notice that the bottom of the oval looks like an upside down trapezoid while the top is rounded.</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`Kobe How to draw 2` src=`` alt=`how to draw kobe bryant` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 2: I made four horizontal lines. The top line starts at the midway point of the oval shape. The lowest line is at the bottom of the chin. There are two lines in between the top and bottom lines. Notice that they are EVENLY SPACED, creating THREE segments in between the top and bottom lines (refer to the picture).</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`2` src=`` alt=`Kobe Bryant Step by Step 2` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 2a: I placed four dots on the top line. These dots will be used to help you place the eyes. Notice that they are situated towards the left side of Kobe`s face (rather than in the middle). Also, notice that the three spaces in between these dots are EQUAL distances. This is due to one of the oldest rules of facial proportion. It is exactly one eye distance in between our two eyes.</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 2b: Place two more dots, just below the second line from the top (follow the picture for placement)</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`3` src=`` alt=`Draw Kobe Bryant Step by Step 3` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 3: Follow the photo reference and put in the shapes for the eyes. Kobe is smiling in the picture, so, the top of the eye is like a rainbow shape and the bottom is like a straight line. The top of the iris (colored part of the eye) is blocked by the upper eyelid.</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`5` src=`` alt=`Draw Kobe Bryant Step bt Step 5` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 4: In this step, add the bottom of the nose (to draw this make three connected, upside down arches....refer to the picture) and the upper lip. The upper lip looks like a squished McDonalds logo (picture the golden arches squished). Also, encapsulate the eye with two lines.</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`5` src=`` alt=`Draw Kobe Step by Step 5` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 5: Draw in the two banana shapes around the nose (they will be shaded later) and the bottom lip (another banana shape).</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`6` src=`` alt=`Draw Kobe Bryant Step by Step 6` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 6: Draw in the lines, stemming from the chin, as well as Kobe`s dimple lines.</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`7` src=`` alt=`Draw Kobe Bryant Step by Step 7` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 7: Draw in Kobe`s hairline.</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`8` src=`` alt=`Draw Kobe Bryant Step by step 8` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 8: Erase the four construction lines.</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><a href=``><img title=`Kobe drawing` src=`` alt=`Kobe` width=`604` height=`359` /><br /></a></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 10: Start to shade using cross hatching (watch the video for a demo (especially the extended tutorial). Do the the darkest areas first: The eyes and eyebrows, the hair.</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`kobe drawing shading step by step` src=`` alt=`Kobe drawing shading` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 10: Shade Kobe`s chin and facial hair (almost as dark as you shaded the eyes). Shade the bridge of his nose (a tortillion/blending stump is especially helpful for the nose area) Make sure that the shaded tones on the nose are not as dark as the eyes, the the eyebrows (eventually the hair- but I did not finish shading the hair in the picture for step 10). Shade in his dimples.</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`kobe shading 11` src=`` alt=`kobe shading` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 11: Begin to shade the forehead. Add a second layer of pencil on the hair (use a dark pencil such as a 4B) Make sure that the forehead is lighter in tone than the hair (remember that when this picture is finished, the eyes, eyebrows and hair will be the darkest parts). Notice the shadow under Kobe`s nose and shade it in fairly dark. (DO NOT PUT IN NOSTRILS....Kobe`s nose slopes downwards...If you don`t believe me, look at his puppet on the MVP`s)</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`kobe tutorial drawing step by step` src=`` alt=`kobe drawing tutorial step by step` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 12: Darken Kobe`s moustache and shade his upper lip. Notice that the moustache is darker than the upper lip. Add another layer of tone to Kobe`s eyes and eyebrows with a darker pencil (4B...even 6B if you have one)</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`kobe tones` src=`` alt=`kobe tones` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 13: Start working the tones of the Bottom half of Kobe`s face. Remember that light sources USUALLY come from above, meaning that the bottom half of a persons face is slightly more in shadow.</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`Kobe 14` src=`` alt=`Kobe 14` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 14: It LOOKS like I just jumped ahead a lot.....but I really didnt. I used the tortillion to smudge the rest of the bottom half of Kobes face....I also shaded Kobe`s bottom lip and his teeth. Kobe`s bottom lip is slightly lighter in tone than his top lip. For teeth, do not make solid, dark lines between the teeth. Use the reference image as a guide.</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`kobe shading tutorial` src=`` alt=`kobe shading tutorial` width=`604` height=`339` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 15: Now it is time for the finishing touches. Use both the eraser and the pencil. Smooth out anything that looks rough.</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img title=`Kobe Finished pencil drawing` src=`` alt=`kobe finished pencil drawing` width=`454` height=`604` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>Step 17: FINISHED</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>- DOWNLOAD A PDF version of this lesson at the BOTTOM of THIS page.</span></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>- Buy the supplies that I use: (Below)</span></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`> </p>  <form style=`text-align: center;` action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`General`s Sketchmate Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>General`s Sketchmate Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This complete sketching set is ideal for beginning and experienced artists alike. It offers a set of high-quality products at a low price. General`s Sketchmate Drawing Set contains the following materials: 3 graphite drawing pencils in varying degrees of hardness 2 charcoal pencils in varying degrees of hardness 1 layout Pencil Sandpaddle sharpener White eraser Blending tortillon Sharpener for fine charcoal and graphite pencils Pencils are pre-sharpened.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22926-1009` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form style=`text-align: center;` action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>This convenient set has everything you need to draw anywhere. It includes the following materials: 12 Faber-Castell 9000 pencils (8B, 7B, 6B, 5B, 4B, 3B, 2B, B, HB, F, H, and 2H) Stainless steel sharpener Dust-free vinyl eraser Black nylon pencil bag</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form style=`text-align: center;` action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`50-Sheet Pads` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>50-Sheet Pads</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Tape-bound on the short side.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10304-1013` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form style=`text-align: center;` action=`` method=`get`>   <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Paper Pads` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Paper Pads</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Strathmore 400 is one of the most versatile sheets Strathmore offers. This off-white drawing paper, with a uniform surface, is ideal for sketching and most finished work. It readily accepts pen and ink, pencil, crayon, charcoal, light washes, and markers. Acid-free. Pads contain 24 sheets of 80 lb (130 gsm) paper, spiral-bound on the short side.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10316-1017` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: xx-large;`>KOBE BRYANT PDF: <a href=``>CLICK HERE</a></span></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;        /* 468x60, created 1/26/10 */        google_ad_slot = `2338749477`;        google_ad_width = 468;        google_ad_height = 60;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p> How to Draw Lebron James Step by Step. <table style=`width: 720px;` border=`1`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p>  <object width=`709` height=`453` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: small;`>Today, you are going to draw Lebron James...No Art experience? Thats OK! I broke this process down in to simple steps for you. I recommend that you pause the video at the end of each step and get in the habit of looking at the reference image on the screen at least once every five seconds. To make this as easy as possible, I uploaded a print version of this lesson </span>directly below. <span style=`font-size: small;`>All that you will need is a pencil and some paper to draw and a q tip or a blending tool to do the shading in the second part of this video. Good luck! Here we go! This part has 24 steps and it will be followed by a Lebron shading tutorial.</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`701` height=`405` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 1- Make a rainbow shape</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`695` height=`427` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 2- Make another rainbow shape above the first, with a slightly higher arc. This will be LeBron`s headband. At the end of this step, it should resemble a banana shape.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`694` height=`348` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 3- Make one more rainbow shape slightly above the top of the headband this will be Lebrons hair.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`696` height=`349` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 4- Is a little tricky. Add the 2 shapes that you see. Notice that the one on (your) left is slightly larger than the one on (your) right.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`699` height=`355` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 5- Add the backward L shape that you see.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`696` height=`347` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 6- Add the shape that looks like the `little dipper` (pot shape).</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`696` height=`345` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 7- Add the next 2 lines. Notice that these two lines connect with the bottom of the shape from step 4.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`697` height=`351` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 8- Add the 2 small rainbow shapes for the tops of Lebrons Eyes, and take an extra second to notice how each end connects to form a new shape above the eye.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`699` height=`350` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 9- Add 2 U shapes under each eye lid. Dont make circles though, leave the top blocked by the upper eyelid.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`700` height=`358` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 10- Take a second to observe the gross outline of the nose. Notice that the shape is about the same height as the forehead.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`699` height=`354` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 11- The next lines that you see are the outline of Lebrons moustache. Notice that the 2 vertical lines go DIRECTLY below the mid part of Lebrons eyes.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`694` height=`348` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 12- Next, put in Lebrons upper lip. Notice that it looks like a flattened letter M.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`696` height=`347` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 13- Now put in his bottom lip. It is shaped like a boat. The shape in between the 2 lips looks like the roof of a Pizza Hut.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`703` height=`347` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 14- Now, do your best to put in the ear shapes. Notice that his head is turned slightly, so the ear on your right will be a little smaller.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`699` height=`345` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 15- Try to observe the line for his chin and jaw and then draw it.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`699` height=`350` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 16- Observe and add these lines for the neck.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`696` height=`350` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 17- Add the shoulders</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`697` height=`348` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 18- This v shape will be an important shadow on the neck.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`696` height=`347` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 19- Add the W shape between the chin and lower lip.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`696` height=`349` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 20- Connect the W shape with the bottom of each ear.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`700` height=`344` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 21- Add the nostrils</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`699` height=`359` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 22- Add the bottom line for the eye.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`701` height=`350` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 23- Add two V shapes under the eyes</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`font-size: small;`><img src=`` alt=`` width=`697` height=`346` /></p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>Step 24- For the final step before we shade, notice the three shapes that are being added on each ear.</p>  <p style=`font-size: small;`>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>The Drawing Supplies I Use When I Draw</span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p> </p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`>`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to block in large areas such as hair. This product can be combined with drawing pencils.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20072-1000` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /> <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`General`s White Charcoal` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>General`s White Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to add highlights at the end of a drawing. It mixes with both pencil and charcoal. Each stick measures 3` × ¼` × ¼` (76 mm × 6 mm × 6 mm).</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22921-1001` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>Extended Shading Tutorial</span></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <object width=`711` height=`469` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p> Barack Obama Drawn Step By Step 1. <p>  <table style=`width: 720px;` border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>  <object width=`640` height=`510` data=`` type=`application/x-shockwave-flash`>  <param name=`allowFullScreen` value=`true` />  <param name=`allowscriptaccess` value=`always` />  <param name=`src` value=`` />  <param name=`allowfullscreen` value=`true` />  </object>  </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><span style=`text-align: center;`>Today, YOU will be drawing President Barack Obama- So grab a pencil and some paper. This video will show you step by step how to draw President Obama. Each step will be shown in two second intervals. Pause each step, as you need to or download a print version of this lesson from my website, Feel free to save a copy to your computer and print it. Give it a try. I think that you are going to surprise yourself! Use your eraser if its TIME FOR A CHANGE. Good luck!- Merrill Kazanjian</span></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p><img src=`` alt=`draw obama step by step 1` width=`639` height=`363` /></p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>Step 1: Be sure that your paper is situated like mine (portrait style). Draw the two triangular shapes that you see. Notice the placement of these shapes, in relation to the four borders of the paper.</p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`641` height=`360` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 2: Make the U Shape</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`637` height=`362` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 3: Make the 2 lines to form the collar.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`640` height=`359` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 4: Make the tie shape. It resembles an hourglass.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`640` height=`360` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 5: Make another U shape for the chin. Notice that I extended the neck a bit.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`642` height=`359` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 6: Extend the U shape.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`642` height=`359` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 7: Add the shape which looks like a cross between the letters `U` and `V`.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`645` height=`362` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 8: Add the lines which look like parentheses ( ).</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`638` height=`359` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 9: Carefully place the dots which will mark the corners of the mouth.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`641` height=`364` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 10: Add the shape for the upper lip. Its triangular with an inverted triangle at the top.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`640` height=`360` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 11: Complete the mouth shape by adding a banana shape for the bottom lip. Notice that the space in between is bigger than either lip.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`639` height=`358` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 12: Add the nose shape. Notice its size and placement compared to the mouth shape. Make sure that there isn`t too much space between the upper lip and the nose.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`641` height=`357` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 13: Add the ear shapes. Notice that the bottom of the ears are set almost parallel to the bottom of the nose.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`639` height=`363` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 14: Carefully place the forehead shape in to your drawing. Notice that the straight line across the forehead is parallel with the top of the ear shapes.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`638` height=`364` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 15: Add the shape for the President`s hair.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`641` height=`363` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 16: Add the eyebrows and erase the construction line from step 14.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`642` height=`359` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 17: Add the eyes. One eye length should fit in between the two eyes. Generally speaking, eye shapes are rainbows on the top, over a circle.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`638` height=`361` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p>Step 18: Add a second rainbow over each eye. Then, close the eye shapes at the bottom with relatively straight lines. Then, draw the curves under the eyes. He has the most stressful job in the world, so bags under his eyes are appropriate!</p>  <p style=`text-align: center;`>  <script type=`text/javascript`><!--  google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`><!--  <script type=`text/javascript`><!   google_ad_client = `pub-6730899040960500`;  /* 728x90, created 5/25/10 */  google_ad_slot = `6501615489`;  google_ad_width = 728;  google_ad_height = 90;  // --></script>  <script src=`` type=`text/javascript`></script>  </p>  </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>  <p style=`text-align: center;`><span style=`font-size: x-large;`>Supplies I Use to Draw</span></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`15-Piece Drawing Set` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>15-Piece Drawing Set</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Faber-Castell makes the best drawing pencils. These pencils are mixed with graphite and clay and enhance an artists ability to create and layer dark tones. You will see me use this set in almost all of my videos.  </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22206-0159` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Lyra Graphite Crayons` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Lyra Graphite Crayons</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion:</strong> Do you ever get TIRED of shading with a fine `tip` pencil? Get my `point`? This tool will save you time and money.</span></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Click `MORE` to see me use this product in a video-</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20443-2091` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Robert Simmons White Sable Brushes</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Robert Simmons brushes get better with age. These synthetic brushes collect particles of graphite as they are rubbed on a piece of paper. This enables me to softly move and blend tones. Most often I use the `Flat Size 10` brush but it helps to have a variety of sizes and shapes. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`05824-1010` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` />  <p> </p>  </td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Loew-Cornell Blending Stumps</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>- INVALUBLE tools for blending! These will cost you LESS than a trip on the subway (Less than 2 dollars) and enhance your shading capacity substantially! I like Leow-Cornell because the stump is more compact and the tips do not wear as easily as other brands. I use these tools in almost every one of my videos.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22866-4014` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Blick White Sulphite Drawing Paper</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`><strong>Merrill`s Opinion</strong>: Really, I DARE YOU, try to find a better value than this one! 500 sheets of 80LB (thick) drawing paper for $11.50. AMAZING DEAL!......If you use computer paper to create your drawings, you are ROBBING yourself from seeing what you can really do! This paper has more `tooth` (texture on the surface) than computer paper and your ability to shade will be enhanced. </span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`10209-1033` /> <input name=`sid` type=`hidden` value=`2858963` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form>  <p><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></p>  <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>Coates Premium Artist`s Willow Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to block in large areas such as hair. This product can be combined with drawing pencils.</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`20072-1000` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /> <form action=`` enctype=`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` method=`get`>  <table style=`width: 600px;` border=`0` cellspacing=`0` cellpadding=`5`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td width=`10%` valign=`top`><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`General`s White Charcoal` /></td>  <td valign=`top`>  <p><strong><span style=`font-size: medium;`>General`s White Charcoal</span></strong></p>  <p><span style=`font-size: x-small;`>Merrill`s Opinion- I use this to add highlights at the end of a drawing. It mixes with both pencil and charcoal. Each stick measures 3` × ¼` × ¼` (76 mm × 6 mm × 6 mm).</span></p>  <hr />  <input name=`pid` type=`hidden` value=`3724826` /> <input name=`aid` type=`hidden` value=`10495307` /> <input name=`cjsku` type=`hidden` value=`22921-1001` /> <input name=`url` type=`hidden` value=`` /> <input type=`submit` value=`Buy` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </form><img src=`` border=`0` alt=`` width=`1` height=`1` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`639` height=`355` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 19: Start to darken the eyes, eyebrows and mouth.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`639` height=`358` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 20: Do some gradual shading on the left side of his face. Press lightly with your pencil and make line after line after line. This is called cross hatching. You can also smudge these lines with a blending stump (look above) or a Q-Tip.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`640` height=`363` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 21: Darken the Presidents hair. His hair is cropped and wavy. Try to mimic the texture of his hair with your pencil tip.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`638` height=`361` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 22: Add more detail to the Presidents face. Notice the difference in the tones between the hair and the the face. For the darker tones, use a high number B pencil (look above). For neutral tones a HB pencil is appropriate.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`639` height=`363` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 23: Don`t forget, your eraser is a drawing tool too. Use it to soften your shading and to create highlights.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`640` height=`358` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 23: Notice the slight dark tone between the Presidents upper lip and nose.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`639` height=`361` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 24: Add some soft darker tones to the President`s chin. Also, start to shade the jacket.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`639` height=`359` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 25: Do a soft layer of cross hatching to prepare your drawing for some highlights with the eraser.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`643` height=`360` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 25: Use the eraser to `white out` highlights.</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img src=`` alt=`` width=`639` height=`363` /></td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td>Step 25: Soften everything with the blending stump and the eraser.</td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>  </p>  <table style=`width: 900px;` border=`0` align=`center`>  <tbody>  <tr>  <td style=`TEXT-ALIGN: center`>The Inauguration of Barack Obama by Merrill Kazanjian</td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td><img title=`The Inauguration of Barack Obama by Merrill Kazanjian` src=`` alt=`The Inauguration of Barack Obama by Merrill Kazanjian` width=`900` height=`560` /></td>  </tr>  </tbody>  </table>
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All work on this website is created by Merrill Kazanjian. Strict copyright rules apply.
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